All personal photographs are private and copyrighted.
This is how blatant Secular Jewish-Christian tyranny (under the guise of their respective religions, ideologies, and so-called values) actually is in Europe (and elsewhere) where only Israel’s Jewish and Communist squatters, their mercenary assassins of the Tsahal and Christian renegades (under different names) are allowed the freedom of expression, ownership and movement. The Illuminati (Judeo-Christian Freemasonry, Jewish-Zionist Mafia, Bilderberg Group, CFR, or whatever name they call themselves) control money, industry, business, medicine, government, judiciary, academia, police and almost everything vital. There is no escape. We are doomed if we dare disagree with them or criticise their god-stolen (Zionist-stolen) land of Palestine (Judea or Philistia) that they have renamed Eretz Israel and converted into a legal Apartheid state will real Apartheid Walls financed and supported by the Western imperialists and hegemonists, and mainly the USSA (United States of Soviet America), as we both say, Ghyslaine ROC and I.
Like Sylvia Stolz, millions of highly educated people are prevented from expressing themselves freely. In Mauritius, I am not even allowed to criticise the Apartheid and illegal entity known as Israel or the Fascist State of India where more than 100 million Muslims have gone missing, or to address my countrymen and countrywomen, not even my former science students, because my experience and knowledge are deemed unimportant, unacceptable or too dangerous. To the exception of a very few countries known as “rogue states” (those who refuse the Jewish Central Bank Mafia), the “Third World” client-states have opted for the Zionist version of history and politics. Corruption is everywhere where the Jewish usury banking system, law, drug, gambling, prostitution and pornography networks have been introduced. Mauritius is such a Jewish-Zionist haven. In fact, we never had any real democracy anywhere in the world, but only evil old Jughashvilian Bolshevism in the making (demoncracy). Literally, this is evil Judeocracy and mediacracy. Europe has been completely sovietised and now they are fast in sovietising the whole world. The latest real news on the matter came from the mouth of “Lord” Monckton when he was interviewed by Alan Jones (Tuesday, 03 November 2009). Mr Monckton reveals the scientifically proven continuous lies about global warming (climate change) and the imminent creation of a World Government (with no democracy, no election, no ballot…!), a “COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP” sealed in a Treaty about to be signed almost in secret in Copenhagen this coming December 2009.
Interview between Alan Jones And Lord Monckton
1/3 Alan Jones / Christopher Monckton interview, Monday, 25.01.10
Everyday lies or unproven allegations are pushed down our throats as facts, and ideas and a certain way of life are imposed upon us via brainwashing. The Myth or historical still unproven fact of the “Jewish Holocaust of Six Million” by the Nazis is being imposed upon us as unique and more ‘deserving’ than the USSR Sixty-Six Million Christian (and Muslim) Holocaust including the Ukrainian Holocaust of Ten Million by the Jewish Bolsheviks.
“For the 6,000,000 cult -- The 1898 best-selling novel, War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells, mentioned that "six-million" "human beings" were "gassed to death" by the evil Martians.”
Jews Must Live, by Samuel Roth, 1934. Jews Must Live is
“an account of the persecution of the world by Israel on all the frontiers of civilization”
of which 5 whole chapters + other features were expurgated in its 1964 edition
Afghanistan - Muslim Survivor of Soviet-US-UK Holocausts 2 and 3 !
(Back in 1857, the British conquistadors butchered many or most of my ancestors and Muslim scholars and Freedom Fighters in Bihar, Hindustan. I am also a Survivor of repeated Holocausts, but only because I did not live in the Jewish-Christian and Communist Killing fields of Chechnya, Lebanon, Sudan, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Latin America, Rwanda, Kashmir and so on! I even survived the vicious attacks in 1988, in Paris, of four Zionist Christian Phalangist murderers hiding there and protected by the French Zionist Police! As for my son Alyosha (Olyeg), I still do not know what has become of him after his alleged kidnapping at birth in 1968 by the Jewish-Zionist controlled KGB! In Mauritius, I survived a tear gas attack, one murder attempt, Police persecution, and here in Europe several threats of arrest from Freemasonic District magistrates if I do not shut up (as well as in Paris and Colchester, including a Circuit Judge!
But, in actual fact, Bolshevism (Rothschildism/Bauerism) has completely engulfed Western Europe, and all Western regimes have been Zionised, Sovietised, Bolshevised and work against their own public interest, for war and terror and never for peace and security, for the continuation of poverty and serfdom, for the death of hundreds of millions of people, and for the benefit of the Jewish-Zionist Elite and their Banking gangsters that control them and their deadly corporations and monopolies. Ever since the Zionists took over the entire West, they censor everything we write, read, watch and listen to. We are no more what we are, but only what they want us to be. Censorship is one way of mind and population control, and biochemical manipulation is another weapon the Zionists use freely. In order to destroy the family and all morality, they promote pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, and there is much more to come. All Western States protect them as a Supremacist “race” or group. I have personally witnessed Sharon’s “Jewish people” running, for example, the affairs of the State in France as well as in the United Kingdom, literally owning both France and Britain, and exercising total control on both the French and the English people and their media. Wherever I turn, I find Jewish (and homosexual) control and Jewish supremacy, and for saying so, I am sometimes followed by Intelligence Service agents or receive death threats!
Institutionally racist at the start, the French and British have embraced Jewish Talmudist genocidal racism as well and today direct their energy against religion, God, Islam and Muslims all over the world. The racist and misogynist Charles Darwin is commemorated with Elizabeth II on the Jewish £10 bank note! Did you know that the British had already carried out the Afghan Holocaust when they illegally occupied Hindustan (ruled in peace by Muslims for nearly one thousand years) before the Soviets carried out theirs? Then the British came back for a third Holocaust, this time with American, French, Israeli, Canadian, Indian and NATO mass murderers? The criminal Jews are not the only mass murderers in the world. China and India have had their share as well. The leaders of the White Christian world started with the wrong religion by making God into a White racist Supremacist while Israelites of the Talmudic religion (Rabbinic Judaism) made God into a genocidal King, a military thief and plunderer, and themselves into its Chosen people. In the past, they formed a supremacist nation that was to live and thrive as parasites within wealthy nations, a Jewish State (Israel) within a State that they always managed ultimately to betray and (or attempt to) destroy. But, today, standing victorious on the corpses of Christianity and Christendom, they succeeded in joining their racist and imperialist hosts (the Godless West, polytheist India, Communist China and Russia), not as parasites with the intention to destroy them, but in a symbiotic way, although only temporarily. (Now, they are bombing Swat Valley people in Pakistan!)
Criminal Jews feed their hosts’ own madness with more genocidal wars and policies of global plunder, by inciting and financing them, although their aim remains the ultimate destruction of the Goyim (all non Jews). They now completely own their hosts and managed thus to be paid in return with their own first ever real (illegal) State, Apartheid Israel, a murderous foreign military base built on stolen lands within a peaceful Muslim State (Palestine) in the Holy Land. The help, military and financial support of their western hosts and their allies brought about an acceptable Apartheid military “State" that became the worse totalitarian fascist and murderous entity of all times, for ever unaccountable to nobody, so they think, because they have planned it this way. But, sooner or later Apartheid Israel will have to account for its horrendous crimes and incitation to genocidal wars. (The Law of Karma!) Muslims ruled over Lebanon for four hundred years, but after France was given a mandate over the region and Jews were armed by the Satanic West, they invaded and bombed the country (with French support) and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent and unarmed civilians. Retaliation is what they are scared of, and tend to willingly ignore because their crystal ball told them this will never happen. Maybe, the Jews know best as their strategy is working wonderfully well. We have seen how they demonised Islam, Arabs and Muslims, destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq, humiliated Saddam Hussain, hired an army of Iraqi traitors to join them in their criminal activities. Here, in the UK, the Secret Services have been hiring Muslim traitors (and patsies) since before 2001. Today, the whole world is filled with such treacherous young and older Muslims and groups.
Dr Shaaz Mahboob is the campaign partner of a former close acquaintance, Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui of the actual bogus “Muslim Parliament”. I congratulated Dr Mahboob for promoting “Muslim” acceptance of homosexuality! Dr Spitzer, a Jewish psychiatrist (and homosexual psychiatrists and Atheists) made the psychiatric disease of homosexuality a “sexual orientation”, although, recently, Spitzer reviewed his position, making the Globalist perverts go berserk!) As a former Biology teacher, I taught about leaf orientation (tropisms), but I never heard of such a thing as “sex orientation”! To me, this is not science, but the Zionist Protocols in action! Some time ago, Dr Shaaz Mahboob and I exchanged some quite hot emails, but Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui never responded to my emails when I found out that he had betrayed (and was still betraying) the Muslim cause. Dr Mahboob requested me never to write to him again, but he has lately himself been sending me emails again. (Dr Shaaz Mahboob on or 07961365751 or Tehmina Kazi on 0207 631 4175

In the US, the only Black men and women that the New Bolshevik America loves, protects and idolises are the ones who join them in their murderous adventure: for example, Collin Powell, Codoleeza Rice, Barack Hussein Obama, and others (like the Satanist Sammy Davis Jr or paedophile lover Whoopie Goldberg), and whoever else supports the Apartheid illegal entity known as Apartheid Israel in occupied Palestine and its corrosive Jewish supremacist mafia around the world. The Global Bolshevik Super State is at hand and the Bolshevisation (Sovietisation) of the planet is nearly complete except for some groups of religious and non religious people, and individuals who still love freedom and justice above their own comfort and lives, and US patriots who still will lay their lives defending their Constitution, their Bill of Rights and their Constitutional Right to own and bear arms to defend themselves against state corruption, oppression, and injustice. To mention just a few names: Daryl Bradford Smith, Mark Glenn, Michael Collins Piper, Reverend Mark Dankof, Jonathon Azaziah, and Kenneth O’Keefe. Alex Jones has made many video documentaries about Gulag America and US dictatorial regime. The US today is a Jewish-Zionist dictatorship just like Britain, France and Germany. Zionists and criminal Jews have set up thousands of mini worse than Siberian Gulags for imminent use! They already control America, but they want TOTAL control, now! Muslims form the greatest part of those resisting people (although the non Muslim freedom and justice fighters are not negligible) who can stand up against the Global Bolshevik Fascist State, for which reason an all out war is actually being waged by the Jewish-Freemasonic forces in order to eradicate all Islamic influence and power anywhere in the world, with Britain, the USA and the EU in the lead using Israel as their hound dog.
“The enemies are not the
terrorists, but Muslims…”,
said one of the leaders of the International Jewish Mafia that runs the US government
and all western regimes.
Missing Links - The Definitive
Truth About 9/11
The Rothschilds created and financed the Apartheid ‘State’ of Israel in and in the place of Palestine.
On February 13, 2008, Nicolas Sarkozy, the Jewish French President, a puppet of the Rothschilds, who pretends to be Christian (Daryl Bradford Smith), declared to CRIF, the “Jewish State” within the State of France,
“I solemnly promise never to shake hands with anyone who doesn’t recognize the State of Israel.”
It is strictly haraam (Islamically forbidden) for the at least Six Million Muslims of France (and the 1,5 billion (?) Muslims worldwide) to recognize the “State of Israel”! What Sarkozy is saying in fact is that to be or become a French citizen, the sine qua non condition is the recognition of Apartheid Israel! Strange kind of democracy, isn’t it? But, what a candid statement! Like all the Western leaders, including US Presidents, nobody can rule unless he or she first pledges allegiance to Apartheid Israel before the interest of his or her own country. Whether it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy or William Jefferson Clinton, or any other western leader, they are all the same Zionist puppets. In other words, all western governments (the real Great Israel!) are in real fact Jewish-Zionist governments controlled from Tel Aviv and the Knesset! This was the very ambition and purpose of the Rothschilds-Bauers when they created Apartheid Israel with US, British, Russian and French complicity, finance and support. They already had their Swiss Mafia in the heart of Europe; now they have their Israeli mafia in the heart of the Arab lands and of Islam.
The “Third World” centres of Jewish mafia, finances and vice in South-East Asia, Brazil, Mexico, Hong-Kong, Bosnia and Lebanon have brought about only misery and wretchedness in these areas. Sarajevo and Beirut (the “Paris” of the Arab world and of the Balkans!) have already known the wrath of European, American and Israeli military might and their ethnic cleansing policies which they are now implementing in conquered Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan (and Libya more recently). No wonder Jewish Lobbies, that is, Jewish states within the Host States, are having Jewish laws (proposed first in or approved by Apartheid Israel) passed by their Christian-turned-apostates minions in order to prevent any criticism of Jewish criminality, the Jewish and Armenian Holocausts, Jewish racism and anti-Semitism. Soon after they had stolen Palestine, racist and criminal Jews have been reported to have murdered by irradiation more than 100,000 Jewish “Arabs” or mostly Sephardic (see Ring Worm Children). Criticism of both Zionism and the Apartheid Entity known as Israel in occupied Palestine is getting more and more difficult, sometimes even impossible as the tyranny grows more vicious. However, Crypto-Jew Nicolas Sarkozy did not invent tyranny; he learned it from his old Christian masters, and is now actively preparing a Civil War in France while the Six Million Muslims are waiting peacefully and indolently for it to happen…and then they would scream Allahu Akbar! He has lately treacherously joined NATO and the genociders.
They stole every land they set foot upon, but, authentic “Jews” do not steal or murder, and are not deceitful, although they have inherited a similar law of theft and spoliation of other peoples’ lands and wealth, obviously a Babylonian corruption of their texts. But, anyway, this proves that Christians have rejected the Mosaic Law (abolished by the Pharisee Rabbi Saul) that forbids stealing, murder and deceit, and even the Message of the so-called Son of God that they should love their neighbour like themselves. Even those who call themselves Jews or reformed Jews today do not follow the Mosaic Decalogue. Jewish criminals follow the Talmud and not the Torah. In real fact, what racist Christians have achieved in the end is the total destruction of White Christian Supremacy. They have embraced Talmudism instead, and surrendered their new Godless nations of apostates to the International Jewish Mafia, the scalawags, carpetbaggers, bootleggers, perverts, and the forces of supreme evil itself. Instead of giving the freed Black man equal rights, 40 acres of land and a mule as they had promised, they kept the Black man in perpetual bondage, imprisoned for ever in a culture of false promises, lies, deception, drug, and immorality. Jewish Christian inherited tyranny takes various forms. Only a few Black people are brave enough to oppose them. One of them was Malcom X. He was murdered by the CIA. Another one is Minister Louis Farrakhan. He was recently poisoned, but survived. All indications show that both Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat were murdered. Prophet Muhammad too was poisoned by some Jewish person, so it seems, but died only many years. He forgave the Jewess who poisoned him.
However, I have not lost hope in a better future for our grandchildren, although there seems to be realistically NO HOPE AT ALL, unless the balance of military power is re-established in the world. Our only realistic hope lies with the Muslims (in particular the Iranian men and women fighters) and the American freedom-lovers and freedom-fighters. But, they too do not seem to be sufficient enough in number to scare those devils and dismantle the Apartheid illegal entity known as Israel (as a priority) because all our problems come from the Illuminati hegemonic West that is using criminal and fanatical Jews, Christian Evangelists, Communists and Israelis as tools to dominate the world! A powerless human being often resorts to anger. A powerless religious person often resorts to curses. A lazy believer wants God to do all the work (Jihaad) in his or her place. But, none of these ever worked! Once we have the necessary weapons, we will not need to be angry anymore! Why do you think Jews want to nuke Iran? But, in the mean time, while we refuse to arm ourselves, which can be achieved only by standing up for our rights to self-defence upon terms laid down by ourselves and not the enemy, or resort to TOTAL ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL BOYCOTT we may perhaps feel content with the Armenian curse on Israel!
“THE CURSE If it is anything but a small consolation, everyone I have spoken to in recent days has been highly critical of Israel. It is understandable that the US administration has done nothing to prevent or stop this outrage, but the indifference of the Europeans is harder to fathom. In any case, the damage is done. A wonderful country has been wilfully destroyed. It might recover, one day. There is a spot just north of Beirut, a gorge through which flows the Nahr el Kalb (the River of the Dog). From Antiquity, it became a tradition for conquerors passing through Lebanon to carve their names on the stony walls of the river bank. Assyrian kings, Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek and Roman generals and the more modern armies (such as the nostalgic Régiment de Marche du Tonkin of the French Army). Tourist guides loved to show them to visitors and say: "they all came, they all went, but we are still here"). Maybe, Insh'allah, they will still be there again. In the meantime, I am putting an old Armenian curse on the State of Israel and all those who sail in her, adding that if God
elected that as the country of his chosen people, I do not know who is the schmuck who gave Him the voting bulletin. The Armenian Curse is very effective but secret, though I can tell you that compared to its consequences, the Seven Plagues of Egypt appear as harmless as an old ladies' bridge afternoon.”
“… when Armenian survivors of the 1915 Genocide arrived in the Lebanon, itself in the midst of a famine and other difficulties, the local authorities built an entire village (Anjar) to house as many as they could. The Armenians owe the Lebanese, and in fact Arabs in general, a debt which can never be repaid enough.”
“Above all this (Lebanon) was the most hospitable country and people to have ever
roamed the earth.”
By B.A. Frémaux-Soormally (At the request of Ghyslaine ROC)
Tuesday 10th of November 2009, my second grand daughter Aïshah’s third birthday. How many like these little angels the criminal Jews, Communists and Christians are killing everyday, including pregnant mothers? But, as for me, I will never get involved in “peace processes”, UN Resolutions, “Human Rights”, public demonstrations, or the Court of Shaytaan. Also, I do not believe in curses, so better nobody touches a hair on the head of my loved ones … “from my cold dead hands”!)
Posted on “Palestinian Mothers” by Ghyslaine ROC

* From "The Ugly Truth" (Mark Glenn)
(Many thanks for the correction. BAFS)
Kevin Barrett was tagged in this.
Armenian "Genocide" Facts

Le mythe des Judéo-Arméniens
(2) V. Turkey.
Armenia and related articles. Encyclopaedia Judaica.
Brook, Kevin Alan. "The Unexpected Discovery of Vestiges of the Medieval Armenian Jews" Los Muestros, The Sephardic Voice, 45 (December 2001), pp. 15-16.
Lewy, Daphna. "The Lost Jews of Armenia", Ha'aretz, (February 4, 2001). Editors. "Ancient Jewish Cemetery Discovered in Armenia", Jerusalem Post (February 14, 2001), p. 9.
Stone, Frank. "Stones from the River", The Jerusalem Report (September 24, 2001), pp. 44-45.
Rabinovich, Abraham. "Jewish Evidence in 'Jewless' Armenia", Jerusalem Post (April 5, 2002).
Amit, David and Stone, Michael E.. "Report of the survey of a medieval Jewish cemetery in Eghegis, Vayots Dzor region, Armenia", Journal of Jewish Studies, 53 (2002).
Lissner, Jonah Gabriel. Adiabene, Jewish Kingdom of Mesopotamia -
The dynasty of the Bagratides and the Jewish connection -
Nosonovsky, Michael. Medieval Jewish Community in Eghegiz, Armenia -
- 2004: Moïse Rahmani
- Source :
- Texte reproduit avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur
The Armenian Allegation of Genocide: The issue and the facts
THE ISSUE: Whether within the events leading to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire genocide was perpetrated against Armenian Ottoman citizens in Eastern Anatolia.The Ottoman Empire ruled over all of Anatolia and significant parts of Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus and Middle East for over seven hundred years. Lands once Ottoman dominions today comprise more than 30 independent nations.
A century of ever-increasing conflict, beginning roughly in 1820 and culminating with the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, characterized the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire participated in no fewer than a dozen named wars, nearly all to the detriment of the empire and its citizens. The empire contracted against an onslaught of external invaders and internal nationalist independence movements. In this context -- an imperiled empire waging and losing battles on remote and disparate fronts, grasping to continue a reign of over seven years -- must the tragic experience of the Ottoman Armenians of Eastern Anatolia be understood. For during these waning days of the Ottoman Empire did millions die, Muslim, Jew, and Christian alike.
Yet Armenian have attempted to extricate and isolate their history from the complex circumstances in which their ancestors were embroiled. In so doing, they describe a world populated only by white-hatted heroes and black-hatted villains. The heroes are always Christian and the villains are always Muslim. Infusing history with myth, Armenian Americans vilify the Republic of Turkey, Turkish Americans, and ethnic Turks worldwide. Armenian bent on this prosecution choose their evidence carefully, omitting all evidence that tends to exonerate those whom they presume guilty, ignoring important events and verifiable accounts, and sometimes relying on dubious or prejudiced sources and even falsified documents. Though this portrayal is necessarily one-sided and steeped in bias, the Armenian community presents it as a complete history and unassailable fact.
RELEVANCE: The truth demands that every side of a story be told. Fundamental freedoms enshrined in the U.S. Constitution protect those who choose to challenge the Armenian view.
To oppose Armenian orthodoxy on this issue has become risky. Any attempt to challenge the credibility of witnesses, or the authenticity of documents, or to present evidence that some of the claimed victims were responsible for their own fate is either wholly squelched or met with accusations of genocide denial. Moreover, any attempt to demonstrate the suffering and needless death of millions of innocent non-Christians enmeshed in the same events as the Anatolian Armenians is greeted with sneers, as if to say that some lives are inherently more valuable than others and that one faith is more deserving than another. The lack of real debate, enforced with a heavy hand by Armenian, ensures that any consideration of what genuinely occurred nearly a century ago in Eastern Anatolia will utterly fail as a search for the truth.
Ultimately, whether to blindly accept the Armenian portrayal is an issue of fundamental fairness and the most cherished of American rights -- free speech. Simply put, in America every person has the opportunity to tell his or her story. Armenian possess the right to promote and celebrate their heritage and even to discuss ancient grievances. However, Armenian seek to deny these very rights to others. This is proven by the punitive nature and sheer volume of legislation proposed in the state and federal legislatures, the one-sided curricula proposed to state boards of education, and by the vast sums of money and energy devoted to this cause. Together, these efforts only increase acrimony and antagonism.
The complete story of the vast suffering of this period has not yet been written. When that story is told, the following facts must not be forgotten.
FACT 1: Demographic studies prove that prior to World War I, fewer than 1.5 million Armenians lived in the entire Ottoman Empire. Thus, allegations that more than 1.5 million Armenians from eastern Anatolia died must be false.
Figures reporting the total pre-World War I Armenian population vary widely, with Armenian sources claiming far more than others. British, French and Ottoman sources give figures of 1.05-1.50 million. Only certain Armenian sources claim a pre-war population larger than 1.5 million. Comparing these to post-war figures yields a rough estimate of losses. Historian and demographer, Dr. Justin McCarthy of the University of Louisville, calculates the actual losses as slightly less than 600,000. This figure agrees with those provided by British historian Arnold Toynbee, by most early editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and approximates the number given by Monseigneur Touchet, a French missionary, who informed the Oeuvre d'Orient in February 1916 that the number of dead is thought to be 500,000. Boghos Nubar, head of the Armenian delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1920, noted the large numbers who survived the war. He declared that after the war 280,000 Armenians remained in the Anatolian portion of the occupied Ottoman Empire while 700,000 Armenians had emigrated to other countries.
Clearly then, a great portion of the Ottoman Armenians were not killed as claimed and the 1.5 million figure should be viewed as grossly erroneous. Each needless death is a tragedy. Equally tragic are lies meant to inflame hatred.
FACT 2: Armenian losses were few in comparison to the over 2.5 million Muslim dead from the same period.
Reliable statistics demonstrate that slightly less than 600,000 Anatolian Armenians died during the war period of 1912-22. Armenians indeed suffered a terrible mortality. But one must likewise consider the number of dead Muslims and Jews. The statistics tell us that more than 2.5 million Anatolian Muslims also perished. Thus, the years 1912-1922 constitute a horrible period for humanity, not just for Armenians.
The numbers do not tell us the exact manner of death of the citizens of Anatolia, regardless of ethnicity, who were caught up in both an international war and an intercommunal struggle. Documents of the time list intercommunal violence, forced migration of all ethnic groups, disease, and, starvation as causes of death. Others died as a result of the same war-induced causes that ravaged all peoples during the period.
FACT 3: Certain oft-cited Armenian evidence is of diminished value, having been derived from dubious and prejudicial sources.
Armenian purport that the wartime propaganda of the enemies of the Ottoman Empire constitutes objective evidence. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, who is frequently quoted by Armenian, visited the Ottoman Empire with political, not humanitarian aims. His correspondence with President Wilson reveals his intent was to uncover or manufacture news that would goad the U.S. into joining the war. Given that motive, Morgenthau sought to malign the Ottoman Empire, an enemy of the Triple Entente. Morgenthau’s research and reporting relied in large part on politically motivated
Armenians; his primary aid, translator and confidant was Arshag Schmavonian, his secretary was Hagop Andonian. Morgenthau openly professed that the Turks were an inferior race and possessed "inferior blood." Thus, his accounts can hardly be considered objective.
One ought to compare the wartime writings of Morgenthau and the oft-cited Gen. J.G. Harbord to the post-war writings of Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey 1920 - 1926. In a March 28, 1921 letter he writes,
"[R]eports are being freely circulated in the United States that the Turks massacred thousands of Armenians in the Caucasus. Such reports are repeated so many times it makes my blood boil. The Near East Relief have the reports from Yarrow and our own American people which show absolutely that such Armenian reports are absolutely false. The circulation of such false reports in the United States, without refutation, is an outrage and is certainly doing the Armenians more harm than good. … Why not tell the truth about the Armenians in every way?"
FACT 4: The Armenian deaths do not constitute genocide.
The totality of evidence thus far uncovered by historians tells a grim story of serious inter-communal conflict, perpetrated by both Christian and Muslim irregular forces, complicated by disease, famine, and many other of war’s privations. The evidence does not, however, describe genocide.
A. The Armenians took arms against their own government. Their violent political aims, not their race, ethnicity or religion, rendered them subject to relocation.
Armenian ignore the dire circumstances that precipitated the enactment of a measure as drastic as mass relocation. Armenians cooperated with Russian invaders of Eastern Anatolia in wars in 1828, 1854, and 1877. Between 1893 and 1915 Ottoman Armenians in eastern Anatolia rebelled against their government -- the Ottoman government -- and joined Armenian revolutionary groups, such as the notorious Dashnaks and Hunchaks. They armed themselves and spearheaded a massive Russian invasion of eastern Anatolia. On November 5, 1914, the President of the Armenian National Bureau in Tblisi declared to Czar Nicholas II, "From all countries Armenians are hurrying to enter the ranks for the glorious Russian Army, with their blood to serve the victory of Russian arms. … Let the Russian flag wave freely over the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus." Armenian treason is also plainly documented in the November 1914 issue of the Hunchak Armenian [Revolutionary] Gazette, published in Paris. In a call to arms it exhorted,
"The entire Armenian Nation will join forces -- moral and material, and waving the sword of Revolution, will enter this World conflict ... as comrades in arms of the Triple Entente, and particularly Russia. They will cooperate with the Allies, making full use of all political and revolutionary means for the final victory...."
Boghos Nubar addressed a letter to the Times of London on January 30, 1919 confirming that the Armenians were indeed belligerents in World War I. He stated with pride,
"In the Caucasus, without mentioning the 150,000 Armenians in the Russian armies, about 50,000 Armenian volunteers under Andranik, Nazarbekoff, and others not only fought for four years for the cause of the Entente, but after the breakdown of Russia they were the only forces in the Caucasus to resist the advance of the Turks...."
One of those who answered the Armenian call to arms was Gourgen Yanikian who, as a teenager, joined the Russians to fight the Ottoman government, and who as an elderly man, on January 27, 1973, assassinated two Turkish diplomats in Santa Barbara, California.
B. Logic and evidence controvert the allegation of genocide.
1. No logic can reconcile the two positions that Armenian promote. Eminent historian Bernard Lewis, speaking to the Israeli daily Ha’aretz on January 23, 1998, expanded on this notion,
"The Armenians want to benefit from both worlds. On the one hand, they speak with pride of their struggle against Ottoman despotism, while on the other hand, they compare their tragedy to the Jewish Holocaust. I do not accept this. I do not say that the Armenians did not suffer terribly. But I find enough cause for me to contain their attempts to use the Armenian massacres to diminish the worth of the Jewish Holocaust and to relate to it instead as an ethnic dispute." (translation)
2. None of the Ottoman orders commanding the relocation of Armenians, which have been reviewed by historians to date, orders killings. To the contrary, they order Ottoman officials to protect relocated Armenians.
3. Where Ottoman control was weakest Armenian relocatees suffered most. The stories of the time give many examples of columns of hundreds of Armenians guarded by as few as two Ottoman gendarmes. When local Muslims attacked the columns, Armenians were robbed and killed. It must be remembered that these Muslims had themselves suffered greatly at the hands of Armenians and Russians. In the words of U.S. Ambassador Mark Bristol, "While the Dashnaks [Armenian revolutionaries] were in power they did everything in the world to keep the pot boiling by attacking Kurds, Turks and Tartars; [and] by committing outrages against the Moslems …."
Where Ottoman control was strong, Armenians went unharmed. In Istanbul and other major western Anatolian cities, large populations of Armenians remained throughout the war. In these areas Ottoman power was greatest and genocide would have been easiest to carry out. By contrast, during World War II, the Jews of Berlin were killed, their synagogues defiled. The Armenians of Istanbul lived through World War I, their churches open.
C. The Armenian Allegation of Genocide Fails the Minimum Standards of Proof Required by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
The term "genocide" did not exist prior to 1944. The term was subsequently defined quite specifically by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide. This high crime is now recognized by most nations, including the Republic of Turkey.
The standard of proof in establishing the crime of genocide is formidable given the severity of the crime, the opportunity for overlap with other crimes, and the stigma of being charged with or found guilty of the crime. While presenting the Convention for ratification, the Secretary General of the U.N. emphasized that genocide is a crime of "specific intent," requiring conclusive proof that members of a group were targeted simply because they were members of that group. The Secretary General further cautioned that those merely sharing political aims are not protected by the convention.
Under this standard of proof, the Armenian claim of genocide fails. First, no direct evidence has been discovered demonstrating that any Ottoman official sought the destruction of the Ottoman Armenians as such. Second, Ottoman Armenian Dashnak and Hunchak guerrillas and their civilian accomplices admittedly organized political revolutionary groups and waged war against their own government. Under these circumstances, it was the Ottoman Armenians’ violent political alliance with the Russian forces, not their ethnic or religious identity, which rendered them subject to the relocation.
A recent comment on the U.N. position was rendered by, U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq on October 5, 2000 when he confirmed that the U.N. has not approved or endorsed a report labeling the Armenian experience as genocide.
FACT 5: The British convened the Malta Tribunals to try Ottoman officials for crimes against Armenians. All of the accused were acquitted.
The Peace Treaty of Sevres, which was imposed upon the defeated Ottoman Empire, required the Ottoman government to hand over to the Allied Powers people accused of "massacres." Subsequently, 144 high Ottoman officials were arrested and deported for trial by the British to the island of Malta. The principal informants to the British High Commission in Istanbul leading to the arrests were local Armenians and the Armenian Patriarchate. While the deportees were interned on Malta, the British appointed an Armenian scholar, Mr. Haig Khazarian, to conduct a thorough examination of documentary evidence in the Ottoman, British, and U.S. Archives to substantiate the charges. Access to Ottoman records was unfettered as the British and French occupied and controlled Istanbul at the time. Khazarian’s corps of investigators revealed an utter lack of evidence demonstrating that Ottoman officials either sanctioned or encouraged killings of Armenians.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the British Procurator General determined that it was "improbable that the charges would be capable of proof in a court of law," exonerated and released all 144 detainees -- after two years and four months of detention without trial. No compensation was ever paid to the detainees.
FACT 6: Despite the verdicts of the Malta Tribunals, Armenian terrorists have engaged in a vigilante war that continues today.
In 1921, a secret Armenian network based in Boston, named Nemesis, took the law into its own hands and hunted down and assassinated former Ottoman Ministers Talaat Pasha and Jemal Pasha as well as other Ottoman officials. Following in Nemesis’ footsteps, during the 1970’s and 1980’s, the Armenian terrorist groups, Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) and Justice Commandos for the Armenian Genocide (JCAG), committed over 230 armed attacks, killing 71 innocent people, including 31 Turkish diplomats, and seriously wounding over 520 people in a campaign of blood revenge.
Most recently, Mourad Topalian, former Chairman of the Armenian National Committee of America, was tried and convicted in federal court in Ohio of terrorist crimes associated with bombings in New York and Los Angles and with the attempted assassination of the Turkish Honorary Consul General in Philadelphia. The Armenian youths whom Topalian directed and who conducted these attacks were recruited from the Armenian Youth Federation and Armenian Revolution Federation in Boston.
FACT 7: The archives of many nations ought to be carefully and thoughtfully examined before concluding whether genocide occurred.
Armenian make frequent reference to the archives of many nations while carefully avoiding calls for the examination of those archives. They know that no evidence of genocide has been found to date, as was the case in the Malta Tribunals. They also know that the national archives of several nations, including the U.S., speak primarily of the deaths of Armenians because the recorders were only interested in the Armenians, while intentionally omitting reports of Muslim deaths. Take, for example, the 1915 Armenian revolt in Van where at least 60,000 Muslims perished. Though the evidence for this is overwhelming, the official archives of several countries mention only Christian deaths.
Still, Armenian carefully avoid calls for the collection and examination of all records regarding the events in question. Such would include Ottoman records describing the activities of Armenian rebels and the Russian invaders whom they supported, as well as the archives of Germany, Russia, France, Britain, Iran, Syria and the United States. Most importantly, the unedited records of the Armenian Republic in Yerevan, Armenian Revolutionary Federation in Boston, and ASALA in Yerevan, ought to be examined but remain closed. Only those who fear the truth would limit the scope of an investigation.
FACT 8: The Holocaust bears no meaningful relation to the Ottoman Armenian experience.
1. Jews did not demand the dismemberment of the nations in which they had lived. By contrast, the Ottoman Armenians openly agitated for a separate state in lands in which they were numerically inferior. The Hunchak and Dashnak revolutionary organizations, which survive to this day, were formed expressly to agitate against the Ottoman government.
2. Jews did not kill their fellow citizens in the nations in which they had lived. By contrast, the Ottoman Armenians committed massacres against local Muslims.
3. Jews did not openly join the ranks of their countries’ enemies during World War II. By contrast, during World War I, Ottoman Armenians openly and with pride committed mass treason, took up arms, traveled to Russia for training, and sported Russian uniforms. Others, non-uniformed irregulars, operated against the Ottoman government from behind the lines.
4. Solemn tribunal at Nuremberg proved the guilt of the perpetrators of the Holocaust and sentences were carried out in accordance with agreed-upon procedures. By contrast, the Malta Tribunals, which were convened by the World War I victors, exonerated those alleged to have been responsible for the maladministration of the relocation policies.
5. Open Armenian-Nazi collaboration is evident in the activities of the 812th Armenian Battalion of the [Nazi] Wehrmacht, commanded by Drastamat Kanayan (a.k.a. "Dro"), and its successor, the Armenian Legion. Anti-Jewish, pro-Nazi propaganda was published widely in the Armenian-language Hairenik daily and the weekly journal, Armenian.
6. Hitler did not refer to the Armenians in plotting the Final Solution; the infamous quote is fraudulent. All sources attribute the alleged quote, "Who remembers the Armenians?" to a November 24, 1945 Times of London article, "Nazi Germany’s Road to War." The article’s unnamed author says Hitler uttered the phrase in an address on August 22, 1939 at Obersalzburg. The Times of London author claims the speech was introduced as evidence during the November 23, 1945 session of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Yet the Nuremberg transcripts do not contain the alleged quote.
In fact, the quote first appeared in a 1942 book by Louis Lochner, the AP’s Berlin bureau chief during World War II. Lochner, like the Times of London author, never disclosed his source. The Nuremberg Tribunal examined and then rejected Lochner’s third-hand version of Hitler’s address and rejected it. Instead, it entered into evidence two official versions of the August 22, 1939 address found in captured German military records. Neither document contains any reference to Armenians, nor in fact do they refer to the Jews. Hitler’s address was an anti-Polish invective, delivered years before he conceived the Final Solution.
7. The depth, breadth, and volume of scholarship on the Holocaust are tremendous. The physical and documentary evidence is vast and proves indisputably the aims, methods, and results of the racist Nazi policies. By contrast, scholarship on the late Ottoman Empire is comparatively scarce. Much research has yet to be completed and many conclusions have yet to be drawn. Non-biased research from that period has thus far revealed tragedies afflicting all sides in a conflict with numerous belligerents. Nothing has yet been uncovered which establishes genocide. In light of the ongoing research and the other distinctions raised above, it would be improper, if not malicious, to equate a desire to challenge Armenian assertions with Holocaust denial.
- Armenian Atrocities and Terrorism ed. by the Assembly of Turkish American
Associations (Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Washington, DC 1997); - Death and Exile: the Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922 by Justin
McCarthy (Darwin Press, Princeton, NJ 1995); - Muslims and Minorities, The Population of the Ottoman Anatolia and the End of
the Empire by Justin McCarthy (New York University Press, New York, 1983). - Pursuing the Just Cause of Their People by Michael Gunter (Greenwood Press,
New York 1986); - The Armenian File: The Myth of Innocence Exposed by Kamuran Gürün (K. Rustem
& Bro. and Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., London 1985); - The Armenian Question 1914-1923 by Mim Kemal Öke (K. Rustem & Bro. London
1988); - The Story Behind Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story by Heath W. Lowry (Isis Press, Istanbul 1990);
- The Talât Pasha Telegrams: Historical Fact or Armenian Fiction by Sinasi
Orel and Süreyya Yuca (K. Rustem & Bro., London 1986); - The U.S. Congress and Adolf Hitler on the Armenians, by Heath W. Lowry (Vol. 3, no. 2, Political Communication and Persuasion, 1985);
- Proceedings of Symposium on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey (1912-1926), (Bogazici University Publications, Istanbul, 1984).

հայեր (hayer)
Հայաստան (Hayastan), Հայք (Hayk’) |
When I first met an Armenian man in 1965-66 in the Caucasus (USSR), his native language sounded somewhat like Arabic although Armenian was classified by Europeans as an Indo-European language (spoken in Armenia by 1718 just because they claim it has an "Indo-European root *ar- meaning "to assemble".), and therefore not "Semitic" or Arabian. But, we spoke in Russian. When I did further research, I found out that their native land was HAYER and HAYASTAN in the Persian Empire. "Armenia" is an exonym from Arabic or Greek. "Armenians" themselves do not use it while speaking their native language called "Armenian". Arabic ARMAN means an Army Man. Also "meaning wish, ultimate goal, greatest desire, ultimate purpose, greatest longing" and is also a girl's name. So, I could not go beyond their Persian origins. This would explain their Arabian influences as Persians used also to speak an Arabian dialect well before Arabian Islam. Some say they also spoke Aramaic, the lingua franca used from Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Babylonia, and other lands to Persia.
When Hollywood depicted Ancient Armenians, they were always in Arabian attire with Arabian manners. But, it was the English who introduced that name Armenia from Latin, that in turn was borrowed from Ancient Greek Ἀρμενία.
The "Armenians" themselves cannot tell us the exact etymology of the name Armenia.
In their native language, they never used the word ARMENIA or ARMENIAN, but hayer and Hayastan, respectively. The name Armenia was traced back to 521 C.E., of uncertain origin! Armina is an Old Persian name. "Armenian tradition has an eponymous ancestor, Aram, a lineal descendant of Hayk (Հայկ)". Armenian connections with Syria and Lebanon are very well known in modern times.
"A much older Aram, the son of Shem, is also mentioned from the Book of Genesis, Historian Flavius Josephus[18], and the Dead Sea Scrolls, as being the sovereign over "all the land of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates to the north of the Chaldees to the border of the mountains of Asshur and the land of 'Arara."
"The names Armen and Arman, feminine Arminé, are common given names by Armenians. Armin is also a Persian given name."
"Hay (singular) and Hayer (plural) is used to refer to the Armenian people. Hayastan (Hay + -a- + -stan) is used to refer to their country, while Hayk was used historically and is still used today romantically."
The very bad habit among Armenians, Jews, Hindus, and White Europeans is that many of them regard themselves as superior to all other biological types or "races" and religions! There is no such thing as a RACE anyway, but original Armenians and Jews are more or less a mixture of all biological types with a deeply Arabian or oriental culture. Hindus are not a race, but peoples of Hindustan practicing a variety of religions, including Christianity and Islam. As the White Europeans had adopted a purely racist and supremacist religion and culture, they tended to mix less frequently, but by invading and conquering the world, mass murdering hundreds of millions of people of a variety of biological types, they ended up having in their own homelands a few millions of them they used to regard as inferior people. And, today they are using some of them as scapegoats for their own capitalist sicknesses and calamities calling them migrants, or more specifically Islamists, Muslim Terrorists, Racists, Anti-Semites, etc.
Modern names
Language |
Armenians |
Armenia |
հայեր (hayer) |
أرمن (Arman) |
أرمينيا (Armīniyā) |
ܐܪܡܐܢܥ (Armānī) |
ܐܪܡܝܢܝܐ (Armīniyā) |
Цӏамухъ (C̣amuq̄) |
ЦIамгIалал (C̣amghalal) |
Ermənilər |
Ermənistan |
亞美尼亞人 (yàměiníyàrén) |
亞美尼亞 (yàměiníyà) |
arméniens |
Arménie |
სომხები (Somkhebi) |
სომხეთი (Somkhet'i) |
Αρμένιοι (Arménios) |
Αρμενία (Armenía) |
ארמנים (Armenim) |
ארמניה (Armeniya) |
Ermeni |
Ermenistan |
ارمنی (Armani) |
ارمنستان (Armanestan) |
армяне (armyane) |
Армения (Armeniya) |
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI have just today discovered your blog. I have previously made the suggestion to you in a comment at 'The Ugly Truth', being ignorant of your existing blog that you get your own blog.
Such a suggestion seems embarrassingly foolish in the light of having discovered that you already had your own blog.
Please accept my sincerest apologies.
weeteanscone said...
Your apologies are accepted.
I thank you for your kind comment. I have checked your Blog as well and it looks like we are both on the same side. I'll find time to read more about it as my main interest is communicating with humans who have not yet lost their humanity and sense of freedom and justice.
GOD bless you and your loved ones.
P.S. I am sure you will find the post JESUS THE MESSENGER OF LIGHT quite interesting and original.
Dear Sir, Mr. B.A.Frémaux-Soormally,
ReplyDeleteI thank you. I had opportunity last night to spend some time reading your personal blog.
Again, I find it somewhat embarrassing, not only that I had not known of it; but also in the quality of it's content and presentation.
Perhaps you and I are alike in another aspect. I care little for the blog statistics, my hope is that those who would understand the meaning behind my fledgling efforts, will by the grace of God find it.
I find it interesting and informative that you have, with obvious talent, been able to introduce so much material into an 'Autobiographical' effort.
It's a unique, and very interesting idea.
I found, "SYLVIA STOLZ AND THE ARMENIAN CURSE ON ISRAEL", to be absolutely captivating.
With your permission, I would like to display excerpts from your work with a link back to them in their original and complete context, from time to time, both at 'weeteanscone' and my other effort, 'timu tele'.
It truly is a shame that more people have not discovered your work.
Respectfully yours, 'weeteanscone' (that's a small cup of tea with a slice of Irish bread)
weeteanscone said...
ReplyDelete"Dear Sir, Mr. B.A.Frémaux-Soormally,
I found, "SYLVIA STOLZ AND THE ARMENIAN CURSE ON ISRAEL", to be absolutely captivating."
I evolve among family, friends and foes on a daily basis. None did recognise the efforts I put in writing this autobiographical essay that is relevant to what is happening in our world today.
They are pressed by more important matters than the truth and reality.
Sad world.
ReplyDeleteDear Las Freyja de Midtskogen
I give you 24 hours to remove the photograph of my wife from your ‘Jewish’ Pornographic blog.
If you do not comply within that time limit, I will file a complaint to your Blog Service provider followed by a claim in the Spanish and if necessary to the European Court.
Yours sincerely
Friday 27 January 2007 at 19 hours
1. Someone is posting my private information
2. Defamation/Libel/Slander
Thanks for reporting this possible Terms of Service violation. We will examine it soon and take action as necessary.
Alex James - Dec 1 2010, 5:26 pm
ReplyDeleteSylvia Stolz Appealing Disbarment before Bavarian Disciplinary Court for Attorneys
Berufungsverfahren Sylvia Stolz vor dem Bayerischen Anwaltsgerichtshof München
Sylvia Stolz’s Appeal Trial before the Bavarian
Disciplinary Court for Attorneys
Written by Markus Haverkamp
Translated by J M Damon
The original German follows this translation
Today (16 November 2010) was the first day of Sylvia Stolz’s trial to appeal the five-year provisional disbarment that was imposed on her in 2008.
The trial began at 10:40am in closed session.
Sylvia [affectionately known to political dissidents as “The German Joan of Arc”] was defended by Ludwig Bock, who also defended Horst Mahler.
The Appeal Senate consisted of three attorneys plus two judges of the OBERLANDESGERICHT (Higher Regional Court), with Attorney Franz Lutz presiding.
The GENERALSTAATSANWALTSCHAFT (Chief Prosecutor's Office) was represented by one man and one woman, each around fifty years old.
After Bock submitted a motion to conduct the trial in public, eight spectators (including Sylvia’s mother) were allowed to observe the proceedings.
To begin, Bock submitted a motion to postpone proceedings until Sylvia’s release from prison in April 2011.
Sylvia explained that as long as she remains in prison, she is unable to prepare for trial, since she does not have the necessary access to documents.
Then Lutz questioned her very rudely as to what attempts she had made in the past year to obtain access to these documents.
At first she seemed taken aback by his bullying and unable to give a clear answer.
However, she soon recovered and was able to engage in a lengthy tug-of-war with him.
In the end, it appeared that she was somewhat intimidated by Lutz’s harsh manner; that she was not entirely sure that she had had adequate access; and that she had not made a determined enough effort to obtain it.
Then came the prosecutor’s comments, which were even more hostile and acrimonious than Attorney Lutz’s.
He announced that Sylvia had no need of documents pertaining to the Zündel trial and that she was attempting to unnecessarily prolong the proceedings.
Then the Senate retired for over half an hour to consider Bock’s motion, which they denied.
The next item was a statement of Sylvia’s personal data.
This proceeded briskly as they did not pry unnecessarily into her life history [which seems rather uneventful except for her patriotic dedication to Germany.]
After that, the Senate read the verdict imposing disbarment.
The verdict stated that Sylvia had misused her defense of Ernst Zündel to promote her own political views.
Furthermore, according to the verdict, she had committed the crime of HOLOCAUSTLEUGNUNG (Denying “Holocaust”), had attempted to intimidate lay judges, had depicted the Court as the “forward command post of enemies of the Reich,” etc., etc.
Markus Haverkamp
Munich, 16th November 2010
ReplyDeleteAfter the rather awkward reading of the verdict Sylvia was allowed to begin her EINLASSUNG (opening presentation.)
For over an hour she read from her brief, which primarily made the point that the “Holocaust” is not in face “manifestly obvious.”
She was careful to do this without placing herself in further jeopardy, by quoting extensively from the works of historians Fritjof Meyer and Ernst Nolte.
After some time, members of the Senate began asking whether this was relevant to her disbarment, and the presiding attorney asked how much more time she needed for her statement.
When Sylvia replied that she still had a great deal to present, he announced a short lunch break and proceedings resumed at 3:00 pm.
During the next two hours she described in detail the course of the Zündel trial and the nature of her defense of Ernst Zündel.
This was undoubtedly relevant, and the presiding attorney as well as his female assistant listened attentively.
The other members of the court paid attention for the most part but apparently could not help nodding off occasionally.
Unfortunately, Stolz’s presentation as dry as well as it was lengthy.
When she announced that she had reached the halfway point in her presentation, court was adjourned until 10 O’clock Thursday, 2 December.
In conclusion, I should mention that Sylvia appears quite healthy.
[There was concern for her health after her first few weeks of incarceration, when she lost considerable weight and appeared stressed and haggard.]
Judging by her present appearance, she seems to be holding up well.
We spectators are not allowed to take notes during this trial, I am recounting this brief protocol is recounted from memory and it might contain some minor errors.
Markus Haverkamp
Munich, 16th November 2010
I will not say that I have wasted my knowledge, time, energy and skills trying to inform, wake up and motivate humans having still an ounce of humanity in them to STOP the Satanisation of our vegetal, animal amd human life on earth, but it came out that there were not many non zombified, non-haarped and non mkultraifed humans left in the world to achieve anything worthwhile. Ever since I started writing publicly I will give the amateur readers a 0 over 10 for their useless intelligence and a 10 over 10 for their criminal stupidity.
ReplyDeleteIt has nothing to do with ME as I am just the MESSENGER, like thousands others, but when we tell readers that Western two-legged animals are commiting all kinds of abominations on planet earth, murdering millions of babies by abortion, sanctions, embargoes, bombings, murdering pregnant women, defenceless men, women and children, torturing them and using them as guinea pigs, polluting our habitat, destroying all traces of past Islamic civilisation, the only civilisation that is still valid today, mass murdering Indo-Chinese, Latinos, Arabs, Africans and Muslims alike, mixing plant, animal and human DNA non stop in their secret laboratories and underground cities and research centres producing abominable creatures, and all this with ou tax money and in the name of democracy and western civilisation, THEY DO ALMOST NOTHING TO STOP THE SUPER MONSTERS!
They cannot even see they are living in slavery and soon to be interned in massive Labour Concentration Camps, and exterminated by the billions!
GOOGLE is part of the US-ISRAEL Project!
B.A.FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY27 January 2012 11:30
Las Freyja de Midtskogen
N.B. To this day, Monday the 18th of June 2012, I have not received any response at all to my complaint!
ReplyDelete« Me encontré a Małgorzata leyendo un blog antisemita de mala muerte. No es ella la antisemita; lo es el autor del blog, quien la cita en uno de sus artículos y pone una foto suya. Esta es la foto; a buen seguro, lo único decente que figura en ese blog. »
un blog antisemita de mala muerte ???
An antisemitic blog ??? All our latest Prophets and Messengers of the One and Only God are said by Westerners to be « SEMITES ».
Muslims brought civilisation to the West through Spain, Sicily, etc. So, learn a bit about your own history, Hombre!
Monday 1st of April 2013
View 33 more comments
ReplyDeleteAsdghig Ajamian Devils!
22 April 2014
Mayr Anahit In Lebanon the Armenian political parties adapted the "Tragan Chezokutyun" which was the right thing tg do since it was a civil war. Christians against palestinians, christians against muslims, Christians against christians, Shias against Palestinians, Leftists against rightists, different alliances at different times. At certain times We had to self defend against christians as well as against Palestinians. ARMENIANS WERE NOT DIRECTLY TARGETED though. The situation in Syria is not the same. In Syria it is NOT a civil war. ARMENIANS ARE DIRECTLY TARGETED so talking about "Tragan Chezokutyun" means hiding the head in the sand. Somewhat it is acceptable what RA "president" says (no one expects him to do any good for Armenia, let alone for the diaspora) but it is not acceptable what Tashnag leaders say as the Artsakh MP Vahan said if Tro or Njdeh were still alive Hrant would have been executed.
2 hrs · Like · 1
Bedros Hajian Mayr Anahit when we say Armenians in Syria are directly targeted some Rambos in USA tell is it is not so, but when we talk with Armenians in Syria on Skype that live in Syria they tell us they are targeted I am puzzled
1 hr · Like · 1
Bedros Hajian For example I was accused on March 21st by 6 different people that I am spreading rumors about Kessab little they knew I had direct contact with Kessab via Viber phone, just because we can't give our sources they think we are making up stories as we go along
1 hr · Like · 1
Ghyslaine Roc "claimed Sharia Law on Armenians lands". Come on, Bedros, Muslims cannot even claim "Sharia Law" on Muslim lands! There is no Sharia Law even in OCCUPIED Arabia! Here, in the UK, it is the Secret Services that hire Black and White Britishers to pretend converting to Islam and then to claim "Sharia Law" over the entire UK ! This is childish propaganda that you need to get away from as quickly as possible! Armenians are 'targeted'; Christians are 'targeted'; Muslims are targeted; Atheists are 'targeted'; Arabs are 'targeted'; because this is the Empire's Master Plan to divide and rule. Accusing my neighbour is useless when the real culprits (UN, US, EU and ISRAEL!) are not blamed for the murders in the first place.
2 secs · Like
Bedros Hajian
ReplyDelete22 April 2014
Anyone can translate this? Those disgusting creatures have claimed Sharia Law on Armenians lands, the whole world is watching while our self appointed leaders here in USA playing genocide resolution games!!! sick and tired...