GOD IS DEAD, HUMANS ARE BAD, and "My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy" - ANDREA LONG CHU!

NY Times (Opinion):
My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy,
And it shouldn’t have to.
And it shouldn’t have to.

Getting a new vagina installed,
eh? That's great.
(palm to face, shaking head, sighing) ---
The Slimes' never-ending
effort to normalize the abnormal reaches an all-time low with this
guest editorial --
and that's really saying something. A time-traveler
from even just 10 years ago would probably mistake this for a satirical
comedy intended to spoof "trans-genderism" -- but
it's real.
Just the madness contained in the opening paragraph alone is all
you need to see:
Thursday, I will get a vagina. The procedure will
last around six hours, and I will be in recovery for at least three
Until the day I die, my body will regard the
vagina as a wound; as a
it will require regular, painful attention to
maintain. This is what I want, but there is no guarantee it will make me
In fact, I don’t expect it to. That shouldn’t
disqualify me from getting it."
Lets' have a look at what "Ms." Long is about
to do to the body that God gave him.

& 2. The testicles are removed, and the
sliced skin of the penis
is inverted as a flap preserving blood and nerve
supplies, to form a "vagina." A "clitoris"
fully supplied with nerve endings can be formed
from part of the penis.
// 3. I know, grandma. I know.
This is normal? Seriously? This is frickin' normal? Well, "Ms."
Long -- in refuting what real doctors and everyday common sense tell us,
sure seems to think so. More madness:
conservatives call this crazy. A popular right-wing
narrative holds that gender dysphoria is a
clinical delusion; hence, feeding that delusion with hormones and
surgeries constitutes
a violation of medical ethics."
You see
-- it's not the not the cross-dressing, hormone-injecting,
breast-implanting, penis-mutilating lunatics
who are crazy. No sir. It's us "right-wingers." So reporteth
the "paper of record" -- which in so doing, is
deliberately spreading the insanity. And what are we to make of these
"doctors" who perform such genital abominations on
these wretched souls? Would they give a man rabies and distemper
shots if he "self-identified" as a dog? Why not? As
the Pinko Pope of Poofterdom once controversially quipped about
sodomites, "Who am I to judge?"

Should a doctor be permitted to give shots to a man
who thinks himself a dog?
// 2. At least the former First Tranny kept
her junk intact.
It's all well and good to enjoy a hearty laugh at these freaks and to shake our heads in dismay
over the growing "tolerance" ™
of this demoniacally deviant derangement. But it's
very important that we go one step further by naming the culprits and
the motive behind this mass madness currently sweeping through the culture and the schools. And that is what differentiates
TomatoBubble.com from so many other half-truther sites.
driving economic, "educational," and cultural
force behind the LGBT steam-roller is that of the
usual suspects, and for the usual motive; namely, Jewish-Marxist
working 24/7 to confuse, confound, stupefy, alienate, demoralize, degrade, destabilize and soften-up "the masses"
™ in preparation for the final and easy gathering up of the rotted fruits of
fallen humanity by The New World Order crime syndicate.
But don't just take our word for it. Hear it from Homo-Obongo's
former Vice President, known sex pervert / pedo monster, and loyal Globalist operative, Joe Biden -- addressing
a group of self-chosenite Demonrats in 2013:

Biden: Jewish Leaders Helped Gay Marriage Succeed
May 22, 2013
"Jewish leaders in the media are in large part responsible for American acceptance of gay marriage,
Vice President Biden said Tuesday night.
believe what affects the movements
in America, what affects our attitudes in America
are as much the culture and the arts as anything else,” he said
at a Democratic National Committee reception
for Jewish American Heritage Month. He cited social media and the sitcom
"Will and Grace," giving Jews a large part of the
credit for both.
bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s
in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders
in the industry," he said. "The influence is
immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to
the good. ”
In 2017, the same Joe Biden referred to "transgender
equality" ™
as being the "civil rights issue of our time." And have no doubt,
boys and girls-- the very same greasy bunch that
agent Biden had openly thanked for making "same-sex-marriage" possible
is also the gang of ghouls who have since
accelerated the drive to normalize genital-mutilation. In short,
"thanks, Jews!"
(as always)

groper and filthy pedo-creep
Joe Biden openly thanked the Jews of the media and
Hollywood for changing public attitudes about sexual insanity.
1: I read in the New York Times today about a transgender
is getting a new vagina next week.
Americanus 2: Well ... It is his, or rather,
her right to do so.

You humanss are frickin' ssick, Boobuss! There iss no depth of depravity that you won't ssink to!
Hard to argue wuth the crazed kitty on that one.... who, by the way, is
surprisingly well after having been diagnosed with
terminal cancer back in June. Very underweight, but not suffering and
of life left in her.
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In a piece published in the first year of
The Anti-New York Times, way back in August if 2013, your intrepid reporter here laid out a clear and convincing
case that the United States was engaged in a dirty war against Brazil.
I closed that investigative expose (Sugar
had not been hired yet) with this sentence:
wish Brazil all the best in the face of the coming Globalist-CIA-Mossad-Snowden onslaught."
By combining with the since-departed (poisoned?) Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, and
also with Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, to kill the Globalist's dream of establishing
the FTAA (Free Trade Area
of the Americas); then-Brazilian President Lula DaSilva and his hand-picked successor, Dilma
Rousseff, became enemies of the Globalists.
Adding insult to injury, the South American giant then joined
Vladimir Putin's trade bloc, BRIC (now BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China,
South Africa). Though Brazil had a left-wing government in those days, they were independent-minded leftists who were
not obeying the dictates of the Council on Foreign Relations crowd. Relations between the U.S. and Brazil
deteriorated to an all-time low. Indeed, many Brazilians were offended
when President Dilma Rousseff was treated coldly during her 2012 visit to
the White House. Obongo didn't even give her the customary State Dinner! (here)

& 2. Big Brazil (along with Venezuela
and Argentina) killed the FTAA - a
cherished Globalist project that was intended to grow into the Western
version of the European Union. // Dilma of Brazil
and Chavez of Venezuela, were neo-Marxists. However, their watered-down
brand of communism was independent in nature, and
not Globalistic.
Dilma Rousseff's
involvement with Putin's BRICS trade bloc
has incurred the wrath of the Globalists. During a White House visit,
she was deliberately disrespected by
Puppet-Boy Obongo. This did not go unnoticed in Brazil.
been of two minds is assessing
Brazil's push-back against the CFR Mafia and its
scheme to impose the skeletal structure of a regional government upon
America. On the one hand, the manner in which the
commie-pinkos of Brazil's "Workers Party"(rolling eyes)
-- and other assorted Latin American lefties -- stood firm in the face of the New World Order pressure was
heroic. And yet, former presidents Rouseff and Lula (both later charged with corruption -- Rouseff impeached and Lula
convicted) were still pinkos and crooks. The good news now is that Brazil's new President, Jair Bolsonaro, is, like his predecessors, a Brazilian nationalist. However, unlike them, he is a fiery right-wing nationalist and moral / cultural traditionalist
who has been dubbed by friend and foe alike as, "The Trump of Latin America."
Good news from the article:
"The United States and Brazil have been uneasy allies during the best of times.
Brazilian voters may have put an end to that dynamic
by electing as their next president Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right lawmaker who is unabashedly
pro-American and strikingly similar to President Trump in temperament, tactics and style.
might be on the verge of a golden era of relations,'
said Fernando Cutz, a former senior White House
official who worked on Latin America policy in the Obama and Trump
'Trump and Bolsonaro will really hit it off. Their
personalities are almost identical and their policy views are very
Nice! The Slimes article goes on to whine
about Bolsonaro's pick for the important position of Foreign Minister,
Ernesto Araújo -- another ballsy firebrand who correctly states
that "Climate Change" ™
is a "Marxist plot."

President Elect Bolsanaro -- an ex-soldier and
staunch anti-homosexual -- has promised to purge Brazil of Marxism and
the spread of homosexual propaganda via its UNESCO
programs. /// 2. Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo calls "Climate
Change" a "Marxist hoax." // 3. Brazil's silent
majority has had it with Marxism.
Anon has been telling us for the past year
now that the "awakening" would be global. Lo and behold, populist
governments, in the face of intense Globalist
opposition, have since risen to power in major states like Italy and
Globalist leaders such as Maricon (not a typo) of France, The Frumpy Frau of Germany,
Mamma May of Britain are all
teetering. Even the once untouchable Pinko Pope of Poofterdom has been
so rattled
by disclosure of sodomite scandals that he is now
rumored to be contemplating resignation. With much of eastern Europe
Russia and China already going nationalist, this
trend may soon reach the tipping-point where the mad idea of The
New World Order itself may soon go the way of the defunct FTAA.
Of course, in the long run, as the great Joe McCarthy
warned, and as we have stated many times before,
unless and until the UNESCO brain-washing of our school children is
and the brain-washers removed, the Globalists will
eventually win the long game. For that reason, we find this whiny little
gem from the Globo-Marxist Nation Magazine to be particularly delightful in regard to Brazil:
Education is in the Crosshairs in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
The president-elect seeks to ban from the classroom political opinions, debates, and any issues that could be construed as leftist.
By November 12, 2018
1: I read in the New York Times today that this new Brazilian
President-Elect is a pro-Trump right wing extremist.
2: South America
along and tragic history of fascism. So many
innocent liberals and intellectuals suffered persecution under past

The military governments of Ssouth America sshoulda
killed those frickin' Latin Lefties back when they had the chance!
Agreed. When it comes to opposing Marxists, it's either them or us.