Monday, 26 July 2010



Al-Quran Surah 58. Al-Mujadila, Ayah 22

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لَا تَجِدُ قَوْمًا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ يُوَادُّونَ مَنْ حَادَّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَلَوْ كَانُوا آبَاءَهُمْ أَوْ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ أَوْ إِخْوَانَهُمْ أَوْ عَشِيرَتَهُمْ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ كَتَبَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الْإِيمَانَ وَأَيَّدَهُمْ بِرُوحٍ مِنْهُ ۖ وَيُدْخِلُهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا ۚ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوا عَنْهُ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ حِزْبُ اللَّهِ ۚ أَلَا إِنَّ حِزْبَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

Asad Translation : Thou canst not find people who [truly] believe in God and the Last Day and [at the same time] love anyone who contends against God and His Apostle - even though they be their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or [others of] their kindred. 29  [As for the true believers,] it is they in whose hearts He has inscribed faith, and whom He has strengthened with inspiration from Himself, 30  and whom [in time] He will admit into gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide. Well-pleased is God with them, and well-pleased are they with Him. They are God's partisans: oh, verily, it is they, the partisans of God, who shall attain to a happy state!
Malik Translation : You will never find any people who believe in Allah and the last Day on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and His Rasool, even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their relatives. It is they in whose hearts Allah has inscribed faith and has strengthened them with a spirit of His own. He will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever. Allah will be well pleased with them, and they will be well pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. Beware! Surely it is the party of Allah that will be successful.
Pickthall Translation : Thou wilt not find folk who believe in Allah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger: even though they be their fathers or, their sons or their brethren or their clan. As for such, He hath written faith upon their hearts and hath strengthened them with a Spirit from Him, and He will bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him. They are Allah's party. Lo! is it not Allah's party who are the successful?
Yusuf Ali Translation : Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day loving those who resist Allah and His Apostle even though they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. For such He has written Faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow to dwell therein (for ever). Allah will be well pleased with them and they with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of Allah that will achieve Felicity.  5363   5364   5365   5366   5367 
Transliteration : La tajidu qawman yuminoona biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri yuwaddoona man hadda Allaha warasoolahu walaw kanoo abaahum aw abnaahum aw ikhwanahum aw AAasheeratahum olaika kataba fee quloobihimu aleemana waayyadahum biroohin minhu wayudkhiluhum jannatin tajree min tahtiha alanharu khalideena feeha radiya Allahu AAanhum waradoo AAanhu olaika hizbu Allahi ala inna hizba Allahi humu almuflihoona

Libéré, Liyakat Polin : « Mo fine quitte prison zordi avec l’honneur »

"Honneur", mon oeil!

Le Directeur des Poursuites Publiques, comme il est d'usage en occident, fait chanter des suspects pour clore le dossier, à la demande du gouvernement et selon leurs critères.
Muhammad Cehl Fakeemeeah est innocent!  Donc, Le gouvernement  sioniste et sa Gestapo et le Judiciaire ont tout manigancé.  
"L'Escadron de la mort" fut inventé par les putes des médias sionistes, et je l'ai toujours su!
"Grâce présidentielle", quelle connerie! 

Liyakat Polin, l'un des Robins des Bois de l'Île Maurice!

Ma Française de "mari", ayant de nouveau décidé de nous emmerder, notre fils et moi, décida de fuir l'Île Maurice en 1990 suite à des persécutions policières, à la corruption au plus haut niveau de la néo-colonie, à la dictature du trafiquant de drogue Aneerood Jugnauth, l'athée hindouiste notoire, et faux Militant Socialiste, de son bras droit alcoolique (en pots-de-vin, etc.!) Bhinod Bacha, qu'on disait trafiquer dans l'immobilier, certains parlaient de propriété sucrière, ou de Marbella, en Espagne, y compris espérant nous soutirer 400,000 roupies à travers son acolyte Nemchand, et de son agent mercenaire hindouiste de Montagne-Blanche, et de ses acolytes athées (renégats) militants Communistes et Anarchistes, SIR Paul Raymond Béranger, et autres.  Paul, le seul qui n'a jamais été le Tchamtcha (Chamcha) des francs-maçons royalistes, mais qui avait trahi la révolution populaire en se joignant, contrairement à sa propre idéologie, à la Banque Mondiale et au Fond Monétaire International gouvernés par la Mafia juive et autre!  Paul me doit la vie, mais il prétend ne pas le savoir ni le comprendre!  C'est bien moi qui l'avait sauvé d'une mort certaine quand Gaëtan Duval. alors Seigneur Maire de Port-Louis, avait donné l'ordre à Bébé et ses tapeurs, devant moi et son chauffeur alcoolique Haroun Wareshally, de le tuer quand Paul, ensanglanté, avait fait irruption dans l'enceinte de la Mairie apparemment pour s'expliquer devant Gaëtan concernant les violences physiques perpétrées sur sa personne alors qu'il se trouvait au Champs de Mars!     

Mais, venons en au fait!  Qui sont ces fameux Robins des Bois des îles dont personne n'a jamais entendu parler?  C'est une trop vieille histoire, et je ne sais vraiment par où commencer, et je n'ai même pas envie d'en parler car c'est jeter des perles devant les pourceaux, comme le dit si bien certaines écritures anciennes.  Si les Créoles (blancs européens) avaient appelé l'Île Maurice "Île des Chiens", comment aurions-nous appelé les habitants de cette Île?  Cabotiens?  Chienois? Caninois? Dingos?  Les Mauriciens n'ont même pas une langue nationale académique, tellement qu'ils sont incultes ou polycultes, pour la bonne raison qu'ils n'ont pas d'académie, et empruntent pratiquement tout de l'étranger tellement qu'ils ont honte de leurs véritables racines!

Cependant, vu l'incultisme de leurs dirigeants politiques et religieux, ils ont, par pure paresse, adopté une lingua vulgaris, empruntant ici et là des vocables étrangers qu'ils s'amusent à massacrer systématiquement.  Quand on est drogués et imbécilisés, crétinisés, zombifiés, à ce point, on ne fait plus attention à la réalité ou au respect de la langue!  Ils profanent et blasphèment à outrance!  C'est leur nouvelle religion et leur modus operandi, et ils se croient vraiment intelligents!  Vous n'avez qu'à écouter parler le plus grand de leur premiers ministres, Aneerood Jugnauth, qui a le culot de se faire passer pour Hindouiste!  C'est à vomir!  Il ne parle aucune langue correctement et proprement!  Il patoise, comme la plupart des Mauriciens d'origines asiatiques ou africaines, dans un parler infect indigne de tout être civilisé, européanisé, hindouisé, islamisé ou christianisé!  

Il y a toujours eu des personnalités de toutes les religions qui ont contribué à alléger les souffrances des plus démunis, y compris l'église catholique romaine en tant qu'institution.  Mais, suite à la fausse indépendance de l'île de la tutelle britannique, la misère s'est répandue dans toute l'île ainsi que le recours à la sorcellerie, soit pour se défendre contre la pratique occulte de certains ou pour s'enrichir au dépens de la population, les drogues, alcools, tabacs, cannabis (gandia), opium, jeux de hasard, consumérisme, prostitution, tourisme, le "planning familial", l'avortement, la pornographie, la contraception, la politique politicienne, le marxisme, le socialisme, le communisme, et l'anarchisme militantistes, et autres, venant faire de l'île un autre paradis démoniaque servant les intérêts des corporations monopolistes de l'occident!

Au milieu de ce chaos, apparait quelques illuminés comme le Musulman Muhammad Suhail Fakeemeeah, le gangster Lyakat Polin et sa bande de fripouilles armées, d'origines musulmanes, qui se voulaient réhabiliter les drogués, aider les pauvres, à leur façon!  Le premier à travers des centres de désintoxication, des sermons religieux, et le second à travers des braquages sous prétexte ou pour but de venir en aide aux plus démunis.  C'est ainsi, qu'un matin, très tôt, le 26 octobre 1996, Lyakat Polin se trouva ainsi avec sa bande faisant route pour un hold-up à l'Hôtel La Pirogue, selon ses propres dires!  Une voiture de colleurs d'affiches pour le parti politique travailliste leur refusant le passage déclencha une fusillade où trois colleurs d'affiches trouvèrent la mort.

Les Robin des Bois de l'île, se trouvant à huit, et tuant instinctivement trois colleurs d'affiches travaillistes, firent le délice des médias, des politiciens véreux, et de leur Police qui n'avait rien à envier de la bande armée et meurtrière car la Police et l'État sont les plus grands criminels et trafiquants de drogues de l'île, tout comme en France, en Angleterre, et aux États-Unis d'Amérique!  Les médias inventèrent l'Escadron de la Mort, qu'ils répétèrent ad nauseam, à l'instar de leurs maîtres esclavagistes, pour terroriser la population!  L'État ne tarda pas à trouver un bouc émissaire pour renchérir, un Adolf Hitler mauricien, et faire plaisir à leur invitée de marque, une raciste génocidaire et terroriste juive, Madeleine Albright, en lui offrant sur un plateu la tête du leader de Hizbullah de l'île, un certain Muhammad Suhail Fakeemeeah qu'ils s'amusèrent à appeler Cehl Meeah!

Raffick GOOLFEE (MMM) connait LE COUPABLE???
26 novembre 2001 _ Suhail Fakeemeeah arrêté, accusé d'avoir commandité le triple assassinat exécuté par 8 personnes, y compris Lyakat Polin (condamné à 21 ans? Relâché après 15 ans?) - détenu 22 heures par jour à la Bastille, pendant 7 ans et demi!  Polin confesse que ce n'était pas prémédité car "il partait pour prendre "Islam Pakistanais" dans le but de "faire un hold-up à La Pirogue"!  Parmi les 8, cinq sont morts assassinés par la Police, deux achetés par la Police, et un a quitté le pays!
6 novembre 2003 Hitler Suhail Fakeemeeah lavé de tout blâme???

Muslims in Mauritius face persecution

By Siraj Wahab, Arab News Staff

JEDDAH, 25 JulyKnown to Arab traders in the 5th century, visited by 
the Portuguese and then colonized and plundered by the Dutch, 
Mauritius has had a checkered history. In 1710, the French and a 
century later the British, settled the island on a more permanent basis.
 In 1968, Mauritius became an independent state within the British 
Commonwealth and in 1992, a Republic.

The island is famous for its great natural beauty, unbroken virgin 
coral reefs and lush vegetation. It has become a popular holiday 
destination for European and American tourists and is developing a 
healthy offshore banking industry.

The social demography reflects the ebb and flow of the cultures that 
have flowed through the island over the centuries. About 50 percent 
is Hindu and 17 percent Muslim, the balance consisting of a mix of 
Christian, Buddhist and other faiths. Constitutionally, there is no 
discrimination on the grounds of religion, it being a secular state. 
But appearances can be deceptive. The glossy images of Mauritius 
belie the anger seething in the Muslim community at the treatment 
of Cehl Muhammad Meeah, a local Muslim leader and political 

A recent report by Osama Daneshyar, British-based barrister 
working with the Islamic Human Rights Commission, highlights the
 systematic abuse of human rights in general and the torture and 
brutality meted out to Cehl Meeah in particular.

The leading figure in what appears to be a personal, almost messianic
 campaign of victimization is Chief Inspector Radhoa, who says 
he “doesn’t need evidence and all that bull shit.” Torture, sensory
 deprivation and isolation from family and lawyers to extract 
confessions “continues in violation of the constitution and has, 
according to Chief Inspector Radhoa, been encouraged and accepted
 by the government,” says Osama Daneshyar in his report. Indeed, 
“since the allegations of torture and brutality have been leveled 
against him, he has been decorated by the prime minister and 
promoted to the rank of chief inspector.”

Cehl Meeah was born in Mauritius in 1958. He began to teach the 
Qur’an to groups of children in the local mosque when he was 15.
 At 21, he won a scholarship to Umm Ul Qura University in Makkah
 where he studied Islamic jurisprudence and returned to Mauritius 
in 1991.

Here he entered political life, working with the Hezbollah Party 
(not connected save by name, with the Lebanese Hezbollah). 
 Simultaneously, he inaugurated a primary school and over 50 
Islamic centers around the island where Arabic and Qur’anic studies
 are taught.

He initiated free drug-detoxification programs in
response to the open trafficking of drugs on the 
streets, notably in the Muslim areas — Plaine 
Verte — and openly in front of the police who 
take no action. Careful groundwork in the community saw 
Cehl Meeah and one other member of the party elected as councilors
 in the municipal elections of 1996. Also in 1996, three horrific 
killings took place. The victims were members of minor political 
parties opposing the Hindu-dominated government. One of the 
self-confessed perpetrators, Toorab Bissessur 
and Hateem Oozeer, according to published 
press interviews and reports, was paid nearly 
SR40,000 by Deputy Prime Minister Paul 
Berenger soon afterward.

In early December 2001, Cehl Meeah was arrested and charged with
 the three murders in 1996 after he had offered to help the police 
with the investigation when asked to do so. Toorab Bissessur and 
 Hateem Oozeer submitted the allegations to the police. They are
 both former members of Hezbollah and are strongly suspected of
 infiltration to destabilize it. Ironically they are graduates of the
 detoxification programs. Both were members of the majority 
Hindu party led by Paul Berenger.

It was when Chief Inspector Radhoa arrived that the catalogue of
 abuse opened. To prevent him from seeing his lawyer, he was taken
 out of the back door of the police station and to CID headquarters. 
True to the style, Chief Inspector Radhoa began his way of extracting

It started with several hours of beatings, resulting in four broken
 ribs, dislocated shoulder and a face reduced to pulp. That was 
just for a start. Metal objects were inserted under his fingernails, 
and a baton into his anus. His private parts were burned with 
cigarettes, soles of his feet bludgeoned. This left him in a 
comatose state, with his lawyer and family unaware of his 

When eventually he was found in hospital, his doctor and lawyer 
were prevented from visiting until many of the injuries had 
subsided to some degree. Even so, independent medical evidence 
confirmed them. But still Chief Inspector Radhoa failed to get his
 confession. He explains that the injuries were caused during “a 
confrontation between Mr. Meeah and Mr. Bissessur, and when the 
latter attempted to attack Mr. Meeah he (the inspector) immediately
 jumped in to prevent it.” When Cehl Meeah goes to trial, the 
government-controlled press has so publicized the case that, in the
 words of Jaques Panglose of Counsel — a legal organization on the
 island — “there is not a single person in Mauritius who does not 
believe as a result of the press that Mr. Meeah is guilty and that even
 if the jury was made up of 12 Muslims, they would convict him 
before having to listen to the evidence.” Why has this dreadful train
 of events come about? The answer lies in the threat to the 
establishment offered by what seems to them to be an organized 
Muslim political party. Paul Berenger was supported by almost 
90 percent of the Muslim community when he started the MMM
 (Mauritian Militant Movement), in the early 1970s, despite its 
being overwhelmingly Hindu. That party’s abysmal record of lack
 of support for the Muslim community over the years led to a deep
 dissatisfaction in the community.

When Cehl Meeah began Hezbollah in the early 1990s and 
demonstrated his good intention by the community programs he 
started, the MMM suffered an immediate 34 percent decline in 
Muslim voters. Paul Berenger saw the writing on the wall.

Polls indicate that in the next elections, that percentage will be nearer
 64 percent. This will relegate the MMM into a minority position, 
 forcing at best a coalition and a consequent release of the 
stranglehold the MMM has on the political and law enforcement
 establishments on Mauritius.

The personal annihilation of Cehl Meeah’s credibility and thus 
Hezbollah seems to be a desperate attempt by the entrenched
 government to hold on to power. Like the national symbol of 
Mauritius, the Dodo, that hope is doomed to extinction.



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