Tuesday 11 June 2024



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 Palästinalied ~ German Teutonic Knight Song AKA Kreuzlied - Song of the Cross

Palästinalied ~ German anti-Muslim Crusader Song (female version) ~ German & English Lyrics

29.3K subscribers


Palästinalied is a German Teutonic knight song. 

Palästinalied (Palestine Song, also known as Kreuzlied "Song of the Cross"), was written by Walther von der Vogelweide, the most celebrated German mediaeval lyric poet. 

 Its subject matter is Palestine and the crusades. It is Walther's only song where not only the text but also the original tune was handed down to modern times. The full song consists of 13 strophes in Middle High German. Modern performers usually use only a few of these strophes. 

 Artist: Annwn 

Composer: Walther von der Vogelweide 

Lyricist: Walther von der Vogelweide 

No copright infringment intended. all rights reserved to Galileo Music Communication and all of their affiliates. ________ 


 ________ German: Nû alrêst lebe ich mir werde, sît mîn sündic ouge siht daz here lant und ouch die erde, der man sô vil êren giht. ez ist geschehen, des ich ie bat, ich bin komen an die stat, dâ got menischlîchen trat. Schoeniu lant, rîch unde hêre, swaz ich der noch hân gesehen, sô bist dûz ir aller êre. waz ist wunders hie geschehen! daz ein magt ein kint gebar, hêre über aller engel schar, was daz niht ein wunder gar? Dô er sich wolte übr uns erbarmen, hie leit er den grimmen tôt, er vil rîche übr uns vil armen, daz wir komen ûz der nôt. daz in dô des niht verdrôz, dâst ein wunder alze grôz, aller wunder übergnoz. Kristen, juden und die heiden jehent, daz diz ir erbe sî. got müez ez ze rehte scheiden durch die sîne namen drî. al diu welt, diu strîtet her: wir sîn an der rehten ger. reht ist, daz er uns gewer. Vrowe min, durch iuwer güete nu vernemet mine clage, daz ir durch iuwer hochgemüete nicht erzuernet, waz ich sage. Vil lihte daz ein tumber man misseredet, als er wol kann. daran solt ir iuch nicht keren an 


____________ ENGLISH: 

 For the very first I am alive to myself, since my sinful eye beholds the noble land, and also that earth to which so much honour is given. That has come to pass for which I have ever prayed: I have come to the place where God walked in human form. Such fair lands, rich and noble, as I have seen elsewhere, you are the honour of them all, what miracles have come to pass here! 

That a maid bore a child, lord over all the angelic host, was this not a perfect miracle? 

He took our sins on his shoulders, here he suffered grim death, he, most rich, on us, most poor, that we might escape from woe. That he was not vexed by this, this is a miracle all too great, beyond all other miracles. 

 Christians, Jews, and heathens (MUSLIMS) all say that this is their patrimony. God must decide this justly, by his three names. All the world is warring here; we are pursuing a just claim, so it is just that He grant it. 

My lady, by your goodness, now hear my complaint, that by your high-mindedness what I say may not anger you. Very easily will a foolish man speak wrongly, as he may well do; let this not perturb you.

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