Thursday, 24 June 2010


David Lane - Qui est Blanc ?

David Lane - Qui est Blanc ?

berbere.pngCeux d'entre vous qui, depuis des années ou des décennies, ont soit observé soit participé à la résistance au meurtre de la race blanche, savent que des provocateurs ont attaqué la pureté raciale de dirigeants officiels, pour discréditer leurs motivations.

A mon avis, une des raisons pour lesquelles cela a profité à l'ennemi est une mentalité venant d'une religion étrangère. Un principe de base du judéo-christianisme, et une des raisons de son attrait fatal, est qu'il permet à des hommes inférieurs de réclamer un statut supérieur sans faire l'effort correspondant. Un judéo-chrétien avec un QI de 90 et un passé lamentable peut être baptisé, répéter quelques mots rituels et aussitôt proclamer avoir un statut divin, supérieur à celui d'un homme un million de fois supérieur à lui par l'intelligence et le caractère.

Le syndrome du «blond aux yeux bleus» est typique de cette mentalité. Et je dis cela après mûre réflexion, car j'ai une apparence nordique, grand, mince, blond aux yeux bleus. Cependant je peux seulement conjecturer sur la pureté de mon ascendance. Mon père vendait ma mère à ses copains et à des étrangers pour trouver l'argent pour boire au bistrot, donc seuls les dieux savent tout.

Voilà ce que je sais. J'ai l'apparence d'un Blanc. Je combats pour les Blancs. Je reconnais les réussites de la race blanche. Je veux préserver notre espèce. Je suis horrifié que la beauté de la femme aryenne blanche puisse bientôt disparaître de la Terre pour toujours. Je souffre pour chaque enfant blanc tourmenté dans le cauchemar multiracial de l'Amérique.

Je vois la beauté dans une princesse celtique aux cheveux bruns ou roux et aux yeux verts. Je vois la beauté dans la sculpturale déesse nordique aux yeux bleus et aux cheveux d'or. Je vois la beauté dans la fille irlandaise avec des taches de rousseur. Je vois l'héroïsme chez Robert Jay Mathews et Richard Scutari avec leurs cheveux sombres et leurs yeux verts ou bruns, aussi bien que chez Frank DeSilva, un frère à la peau claire et au nom franco-portugais. Leur noblesse est bien plus grande que celle de 99% de ces «parfaits Nordiques», pourrais-je dire.

Pour ceux qui se vantent de leur «pureté», vous avez deux parents, quatre grand-parents, huit arrière-grand-parents, et ainsi de suite. Retournez à peu près 500 ans en arrière et vous avez un millier d'ancêtres. Quelques générations de plus, et quiconque a foulé le sol de l'Europe est votre ancêtre, y compris les Huns, les Mongols et les Maures. Il n'y a pas d'Aryens purs à 100% comme il y a 10 000 ans. Mais nous existons encore en tant qu'entité biologique distincte et unique. Les cultures et les civilisations que nous avons créées sont au-delà de toute comparaison. La beauté de nos femmes - blondes, brunes, rousses, aux yeux verts, bleus, bruns - est désirée par tous les hommes et enviée par toutes les femmes du monde.

Nous n'allons pas commencer à discuter pour savoir si le patrimoine génétique collectif blanc qui reste est aryen à 95% ou à 97%. Cela serait sûrement une tragédie si les différentes variétés dans notre race perdent leurs traits et leur beauté distinctifs. Et quand nous aurons assuré l'existence de notre peuple et un avenir pour tous nos enfants, nous pourrons prendre des mesures pour préserver cette diversité.

Mais pour l'instant, nous allons accepter les faits et les circonstances telles qu'elles existent. Nous allons travailler ensemble pour la cause sacrée et nous ne tolérerons pas les provocateurs, les divisions et les dissensions. Si quelqu'un a l'apparence d'un Blanc, s'il agit comme un Blanc, s'il combat pour les Blancs, alors tant que ses actions ne prouvent pas le contraire, il fait partie de notre Peuple.

Par contre, quels que soient leur pedigree ou leur apparence, ceux qui s'opposent à notre cause, la critiquent, l'entravent ou ne la soutiennent pas, ne sont pas nos amis.

David Lane - 88 Préceptes
David Lane sur Balder Ex-Libris - PDF


Who Controls the Republican Party?

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Who Controls the Republican Party?
by Jeff Davis
The Republican Party pretends to be for lower taxes, and most White people think they support gun ownership and the general interests of White people, but nothing could be further from the truth. Republican politicians are whores for big business and the Israeli lobby.
It is possible to influence politicians a little bit on certain issues, by calling them up everyday and screaming at them when an important issue comes up. And that’s exactly what we’ll have to do to block Obama’s Amnesty scheme –assuming we have a chance. Amnesty was shot down in 2007, but the Democrats have a large majority in Congress now, and Amnesty might get rammed through against our will just like health care.
One of the things which is vitally necessary to understand the upcoming Obama-choreographed “debate” on so-called “immigration reform” is the fact that the power structure wants these illegal aliens here. The two party system has stacked the deck against us. If anyone has any doubts, just take a look at all the federal judges, who keep ruling in favor of illegal aliens. (more…)


‘Defamation’ – The Film Zionist Jews are Trying to Crush

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If you thought the amount of Zionist mind control directed at Gentiles was over the top, you might check out the amount of programming directed at Jews, by Zionist Jews, as documented in this video by Yoav Shamir. A film which goes a long way toward helping one better understand this crazy upsidedown Zionist world that we find ourselves living in today — admin:
‘Defamation’ – Astonishing New Film On Anti-Semitism Reviewed

By Gilad Atzmon
I urge every person on this planet to watch Yoav Shamir’s ‘Defamation’ documentary about anti Semitism.
The film is an astonishing exposure of the morbid conditions that entangle contemporary Jewish secular identity. It explores and ridicules the current notion of anti Semitism and the lobbies that are engaged in disseminating such a fear. It also exposes those Jewish ethnic campaigners who, for some reason, insist on shaping their identity around the phantasmic idea of being ‘racially’ chased, defamed or hated.
Being an Israeli, Yoav Shamir, the man behind the film, has managed to infiltrate into Abe Foxman’s ADL. He even managed to join
Foxman’s ‘international mission’. Shamir also followed an Israeli high school expedition to Auschwitz. He provides us with some intimate footage of Israeli youth being indoctrinated into collective anxiety and total neurosis just before they join the IDF.
The general image we are left with is no less than grotesque. The film elaborates on the aggressive vulgar orchestrated amplification of fear amongst Israelis and Zionist Jews. “We are raised to believe that we are hated” says an Israeli high school girl on her way to a concentration camp. (more…)


Dr. Kevin MacDonald takes a look at the recent defamation of Henry Ford in the Jerusalem Post

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Defaming America’s past: Henry Ford and the Eugenics Movement

By Dr. Kevin MacDonald
One result of the triumph of the culture of critique is that Americans must endure constant defamations against the pre-1965 culture of America. A good example is the defamation of Henry Ford — an icon when I was growing up but now known mainly as an anti-Semite from America’s dark past.
A recent rather egregious example of Henry Ford defamation is an article by Edwin Black promoting his book Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust. Black claims that:
“To purvey this new brand of Jew hatred [i.e., "political anti-Semitism"] to the world, Ford purchased a failed newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, which serialized the Protocols for 91 weeks. His company then published the series as a book, The International Jew. Using the techniques of mass production, Ford was able to escalate the Protocols from a negligible, randomly circulated irritant to a national sensation of 500,000 copies. Devoting the national sales force and the assets of the Ford Motor Company to the task made Henry Ford the first to organize political anti-Semitism in America. Indeed, he was the hero of anti-Semites the world over.”
The problem with this is that The International Jew is far more than a serialization of the Protocols. Indeed, it is not a serialization of the Protocols at all. Rather, it is a series of journalistic articles (of uneven quality) on Jewish issues written by two of Ford’s employees, Ernest Liebold and Billy Cameron. Liebold was a college-educated bank president before he became Ford’s personal secretary and alter-ego. Cameron was a journalist who subscribed to an early version of the Christian identity movement that believed the Anglo-Saxons were descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel.
Black’s zeal to discredit Ford even leads him to claim that TIJ was then distributed in Germany where Hitler read it at least two years before writing Mein Kampf. The proof of this is that Hitler refers to the Protocols in Mein Kampf.
The logic seems to be that Hitler never would have heard of the Protocols except for the nefarious work of Henry Ford who was responsible for distributing it in Germany. No Henry Ford, no Holocaust.
This is ridiculous. The Protocols had been circulating in Germany since around 1918 — before TIJ was written. Hitler certainly didn’t need Henry Ford to be aware of the Protocols — nor were the Protocols the source of Hitler’s anti-Jewish attitudes. And, as I noted, TIJ is much more than the Protocols.
If this is the sort of scholarship that typifies Black’s book, one can only be amazed that it found a publisher at all. Yet the book’s website has blurbs praising the research behind the book. According to Michael Hirsch of Newsweek, Black performed “exhaustive research.” Adrienne Miller of Esquire writes: “Edwin Black is a dangerous man. He tells us things we don’t want to hear, like: ‘The scientific rationales that drove killer doctors at Auschwitz were first concocted on Long Island.’” (more…)


Global Zionist Propaganda Outlet Faces Bankruptcy!

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The late Israel Asper, founder of Canwest Global CorpCanWest’s Albatross on the Balance Sheet
By Derek DeCloet

In the final analysis, it was always going to end up this way – with Leonard Asper scrounging for a few desperate dollars and learning that on Bay Street, friends and money are hardest to find when you really need them.
CanWest Global, the largest owner of television, newspapers and radio in Canada, has reached the wall. Maybe, somehow, it can stay out of bankruptcy protection. Maybe, somehow, the Asper family can keep a grip on their once-great, but now tattered, company. The former might still be possible, but with each passing week, the latter gets more improbable. As the CEO and the controlling shareholder, Mr. Asper will get the most blame. But he had plenty of help.
Every addict has his enablers; debt addicts do, too. CanWest, staring up at a $4-billion pile of bonds and bank loans, is in a financial bind because it never fixed its balance sheet after the high-priced deal in 2000 for most of Conrad Black’s Canadian newspapers. And it never fixed the balance sheet because of an awful combination of poor timing, rotten luck, blundering and bad advice. Among his failings as chief executive officer, Mr. Asper’s greatest might be that he put too much faith in investment bankers. Just like a lot of other people, come to think of it, before the bubble burst.
If the beginning of the decline can be traced back to that expensive dive into the newspaper business, Mr. Asper can hardly be faulted for that decision. The deal was his father’s, and the son, then 36, was still a green CEO-in-training. Besides, the Aspers were hardly the only ones to go for pricey deals. Quebecor backed an acquisition for Vidéotron. BCE paid $2.3-billion for CTV and billions more for Teleglobe. Each of those deals looked bad a year or two later.
The difference was that those companies set to fixing their debt problems with alacrity as the markets improved. BCE dumped its Yellow Pages (and was roasted for it, but looks smart today). Quebecor did a series of refinancings and lopped $3-billion off its debt load in four years.
CanWest never attacked debt with the same urgency. Instead, it sold minor assets for minor money and tried some too-cute attempts at financial engineering. Mr. Asper dithered on whether to cash in on the income trust mania, then did so in the fall of 2005 just when the feds were considering a new tax on trusts. The deal raised $550-million, but the political uncertainty cost CanWest hundreds of millions more.
But that was nothing compared with the missteps that occurred later.(…Full Article)


daviddukecom-audio-animation.gif Dr. William Pierce Comments On CanWest’s Dictatorial Media Monopoly [mp3] [text]


Proof that the organized Jewish community opposes free speech

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Proof that the organized Jewish community opposes free speech
Dr. Kevin MacDonald

It is something of an axiom of Jewish life that “Is it good for the Jews?” remains the litmus test of Jewish communal activity – in other words, interest over principles. A good example is free speech. There can be little doubt that the organized Jewish community sees free speech as a problem because it may be used to criticize the behavior of Jewish organizations and especially Israel.
In Canada the response of the organized Jewish community to recent demonstrations against Israel was to attempt to invoke Canada’s restrictions on free speech in order to silence their critics. The Canadian Jewish Congress complained that protests against Israel’s incursion into Gaza contained images that were “uncivil, un-Canadian, that demonize Jews and Israelis.” They are asking the police to investigate the matter for referral to the Canadian Human Rights Commission which is in charge of enforcing laws that infringe on free speech. Although the organized Jewish community in Canada has strongly supported the thought crime legislation (see below), Bernie Farber, the head of the CJC, stated “we are firm supporters and believers in the need to be able to demonstrate passionately in free and democratic societies.”
Because of the First Amendment, we are still a ways from the situation in Canada here in the US. Nevertheless, the ADL has been in the forefront of promoting hate-crime legislation in America, and there can be little doubt that they see the First Amendment as a barrier to their interests in suppressing thoughts and speech critical of Israel and other Jewish interests. (more…)


Mark Glenn speculates the Zionists are fomenting war again -this time between India and Pakistan

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Phone Call Hoax from India to Pakistan–Yet Another Mossad Operation?

By Mark Glenn
At the height of the 60-hour siege in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai last month a phone call was placed to Pakistan’s President, Asif Ali Zardari. The caller, claiming to be the Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee, threatened war against Pakistan in retaliation for the terrorist attacks that killed almost 200 persons in Mumbai.
As a result of the phone call, Pakistan scrambled fighter jets–fully armed–and sent them screaming towards the Indian border. The Pakistani Prime Minister was contacted and ordered to report in the middle of the night. The Foreign Minister was shuffled onto a plane and flown to Islamabad. Pakistan was put on a war footing and all the major players needed for fighting a war were assembled in quick order. Preparations were made to divert thousands of troops from the western border with Afghanistan where Pakistan is currently assisting NATO forces in fighting terrorists.
In sum, for 24 hours the two nuclear powers were a hair’s trigger away from war. The United States–having very close (and increasingly closer) ties to India was contacted by Zardari who informed the State Department about the increasingly dangerous situation. Sec. of State Condoleeza Rice contacted her Indian counterpart who informed her that no such call had been made.
For her part, Pakistan maintains that indeed the call originated from a recognized phone number within the Indian government’s Foreign Ministry, and while some protocols were not followed in terms of verification that it had all the earmarking of being “the real deal”.
Some will no doubt simply shrug this off as a prank call made by someone from within the Indian government angry at the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. However, there are other more troubling explanations that must be considered as well, one of which is that the call was a deliberate attempt on the part of certain unseen players in the whole scenario who want to see a war started between the two nations, and as it turns out, surprise, surprise, the most likely culprit for such an act happens to be Israel. (more…)


“Behavior resulting from the Talmud is the real cause of Anti-Semitism”

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Assimilated Jews Must Address “Dark Side” of Judaism
By Henry Makow

Stephen Bloom represents the love of fairness and justice typical of many liberal American Jews. A journalism professor at the University of Iowa, he saw the opening of a Kosher meatpacking plant in Postville Iowa in 1987 as an opportunity to learn about his religion and study the Jewish-gentile dynamic in microcosm. He discovered more about Judaism and the causes of anti-Semitism than perhaps he wanted to know.
This is from his “Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America” published in 2000:
“Initially I had gone to Postville to learn from the Hasidim, to share with them a sense of identity and belonging. Instead, what the Postville Hasidim ultimately offered me was a glimpse of the dark side of my own faith, a look at Jewish extremists whose behavior not only made the Postville locals wince, but made me wince, too.
I didn’t want to partake in Hasidim’s vision that called on Jews to unite against the goyim and assimilation. The world, even in Iowa, was too bountiful to base my likes and dislikes solely on religion. The word Hasid …literally means “the pious one,” but the Postville Hasidim..were anything but pious. You couldn’t become casual friends with them…They required total submission to their schema of right and wrong, Jew vs. Christian — or you were the enemy. (291)
The influx of hundreds of Orthodox Jewish families into a tiny Christian farming community in the Northeastern corner of Iowa was rocky from the start. Yes the Jews had a seemingly wholesome family life and a pretense of piety. But it soon became apparent they wanted nothing to do with their Christian neighbors. They were there to make money and the non-Jews, (goyim) whether Postville merchants or immigrant workers, were barely different from the cattle on their assembly lines.
The meatpacking plant, Agriprocessors, filed for bankruptcy this month after the owner Sholom Rubashkin was arrested for bank fraud in regard to a $35 million loan. This after the State of Iowa levied $10 million in fines for 9000 violations involving illegal wage deductions and child labor. Then in June, the company was accused of helping illegal aliens forge documents. Four hundred hapless laborers from Guatemala to Palau were arrested and jailed. (more…)


Why the White race is going to be toast – unless consensus is changed

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Letter of Termination to the White Race
By Edmund Connelly
If an insightful document is found to be a forgery, does that totally negate its value as an analytical tool or source of useful information? In the case of history’s most infamous forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the argument is that the document is worthless—or worse. No matter how accurate or useful the information contained therein might be, The Protocols is consistently dismissed as not only a fraud, but as an anti-Semitic fraud at that.
This week I happened across a much shorter example in the form of a brief letter written to whites of the world. Called “Letter of Termination to the White Race,” it was almost certainly not composed by the envious non-white who claims to have penned it.
The letter tersely describes why the white race is toast. The 92% of the world’s population who are not white and have not succeeded in building successful civilizations are now demographically swamping every last white homeland. And they are being led by an “out group” that has been using our own “media and government, academia, and law enforcement organizations” to “terminate” us.
Perhaps the most perverse aspect of this dispossession is this pernicious passage:
By carefully controlling and managing the schools, universities, media, and press, this “out group” has managed to convince the great bulk of your racial kinsmen that not only is resistance futile, but that it is immoral, barbaric, depraved, and unworthy of a “thinking” individual. By promoting the stereotype of a “racist redneck resistance”, they have made the idea of a struggle for White Identity a veritable sin in the minds of nearly every White person. In short: they have convinced European-derived peoples that a prolonged suicide is preferable to the unmitigated evil of “racism”.
The author most certainly gets it right when he says that “you Whites have become a neutered, egoless herd of cattle, easily manipulated and posing no threat to the Out Group.” (more…)


William Dudley Pelley: Bolshevik Revolution correspondent, Zionologist, author and founder of The Silver Legion analyzes the Jewish role in instigating WWI (1938 booklet)

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william-dudley-pelley-1.jpg “…By the end of the First World War, Pelley’s prestige was such that his publisher commissioned him as a foreign correspondent on assignment in Eastern Europe. With a generous expense account and the diplomatic rank of “consular courier” conferred upon him by the United States government, he shipped out for Russia in early 1918. To him, his assignment was a fun adventure, a well-paid lark and a chance to vacation overseas. It turned out to be something far more. Until his fateful voyage, Pelley was a happy-go-lucky, up-and-coming author, with no real convictions of his own. As he remembered years later, the experience transformed him “from a nondescript writer to a grim crusader.”
For two years, he covered 8,000 miles by train and horse-back through Siberia, into the Ukraine, across the steppes of Central Russia, into the Far East and through Asia to Japan. Through all these extensive travels, he was a personal witness to the communist revolution. He saw peasant woman crucified to barndoors and a schoolroom in which the teacher and all the students had been bludgeoned to death, their brains splattered against the blackboard. There where whole villages depopulated by murder, with corpses swinging from every lamppost and choking the nearby streams. These victims where rarely military personnel, nor politically involved in any way. They were common people, mostly farmers and factory workers. Such horrific sights, encountered wherever the Reds passed, almost unhinged his mind. But they were so commonplace, he gradually grew enured to the sea of blood through which he traveled daily.
He learned first-hand that communism was not an ideology, it was simply the organization of the worst criminal elements led by Jews to destroy society. This was no speculation. Virtually all the commissars he knew (some of whom he interviewed) where Jewish, while the majority of their activists where common murderers and perverts “liberated” from prison. They were motivated by hatred, power and revenge, nothing else. All their slogans about “Equality” and “Peace” where transparent rues to dupe thoughtless liberals among the Russian people, their victims. Drunk with success, the Jews boasted openly of their plans for world conquest by fomenting the same kind of divisiveness in other countries. They told Pelley that Russia was just a stepping stone, a base for international subversion. Even their phony “communism” was utterly dispensable, just like their own followers, who they never hesitated to massacre on the slightest whim. Their long-range goal was one-world government, in which the masses became willing slaves, fueling an international economy with their genius and labor, while the Jewish people dominated all important positions of power. “After Russia,” one greasy commissar smirked at Pelley, ‘then Europe and later, America!’…” — Exerpt from William Dudley Pelley Father of American Racial Mysticism

Dupes Of Judah – A Challenge To The American Legion
Shall we go to War this time to save Germany’s Jews or Sassoon’s Yellow River Dope Trade?
By William Dudley Pelley

Chapter I
I want to use a little straight-from-the-shoulder language to the men of the American Legion!
I want to talk to them about the inside facts concerning a certain War that twenty years ago made it possible for them to be present Legion members. It’s as plain as the nose on anybody’s face that something like a million American lads went overseas in 1917 to fight a war, about the causes of which they knew next to nothing. (more…)


Dr. Kevin MacDonald Praises & Criticizes Walt and Mearsheimer’s Work

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kevin-macdonald-on-walt-and-mearsheimer.jpg The Israel Lobby:
A Case Study in Jewish Influence
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007

Reviewed by Kevin MacDonald
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is a courageous, ground breaking effort. The authors are experts in the field of foreign policy, and they provide exhaustive detail on a wide range of topics. Because of my interest in Jewish issues generally, I was reasonably familiar with many of the issues discussed. But I learned a great deal from this book. And even when the themes were familiar, they were backed up with an extraordinary depth of relevant information.
Each chapter is a treasure trove of information. The first chapter, on the United States as the “Great Benefactor” of Israel, shows that Israel is in a class by itself in terms of receiving aid, not only in how much it receives but in how it receives it and in the lack of accountability for how it is spent. For example, Israel is the only country to receive all of its aid at the beginning of the fiscal year, so that it is able to earn extra interest ($660 million as of 2004) even as the U.S. government must pay interest on the money it provides Israel ($50 million–$60 million per year). Lax enforcement of U.S. tax law results in Jewish donations to the settler movement being tax deductible, and, since there is no accountability for how U.S. aid is spent, it can be used to support policies like the settler movement that the government officially opposes. Mearsheimer and Walt emphasize the “increasingly unconditional nature” of U.S. military aid (p. 37) despite the fact that Israel has often taken actions that the U.S. government opposes (refusing to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, annexing conquered land, building settlements in conquered territories, selling U.S. technology to China, spying on the United States, and using U.S. weapons like cluster bombs in ways that violate U.S. law). Since Eisenhower, the United States has used only larger carrots, not sticks, to try to influence Israeli behavior, often with little or nothing to show for it. Even when Israeli actions contravene explicit American policies, there is at best a temporary interruption of U.S. aid.
The second chapter shows that Israel has been a far less reliable ally and strategic asset than its defenders claim. During the Cold War—the supposed height of a confluence of interest between the United States and Israel, “although Israeli military might did help check Soviet client states like Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, America’s commitment to Israel played a significant role in pushing those states into Moscow’s arms in the first place” (p. 52). Moreover, Israel was never a credible force that could be used to thwart Soviet military power in the region. Even during the Cold War, U.S. support for Israel had its liabilities: fanning anti-U.S. sentiment throughout the Arab world, endangering U.S. energy supplies (e.g., the Arab oil embargo following the 1973 war), and preventing possible solutions to the Israeli–Arab conflict because of its entanglement in Cold War politics. (more…)


The Jewish Extremist Control Over Canadian News & Information

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Fullfilling the protocols of Zion was the late Israel Asper, 
founder of Canwest Global CorpCanWest: A Case Study In Zionist Media Control
daviddukecom-audio-animation.gif Dr. William Pierce Comments [mp3] [text]
In 2002 Dr. Pierce reported on an unusual display of chutzpah, unusual in that the late Israel Asper who owned some 60% of Canada’s media outlets at the time had actually issued a written (vs. verbal) directive instructing his newspapers that they must not print anything critical of Israel or of Zionist policies. Some Canadian reporters rebelled and there was a small protest, unfortunately most Canadians didn’t care to turn off their ball games long enough to contemplate the negative ramifications that a Zionist media monopoly poses to their lives. A nation’s media is its nervous system, if you ever wondered what the heck happend to Canada or America over the past few decades we have assembled a number of historic reports on this scandal that document just how shockingly bad the problem of Zionist media contol has been in the past and still is today, also check out Dr. Pierce’s excellent report on this story at the above links — admin:
Canadian Media Giant Censures Editorials Deemed Critical of Israel,
Arizona Daily Star, December 29, 2001
“Canadian newspaper readers are being warned not to expect a balanced opinion from their dailies after executive orders from the country’s largest media corporation were given to run a select number of national editorials and homogenize remaining editorials across the country so as not to, among other things, reflect negatively on Israel’s occupation of Arab land. Recently, media giant CanWest Global Communications Corp., owned by Israel (Izzy) Asper and family, announced that beginning Dec. 12 one, but eventually three, editorials a week would be written at corporate headquarters in Winnipeg and imposed on 14 dailies, which include the Vancouver Sun and Province, the Calgary Herald and the Montreal Gazette. CanWest also owns 50 percent of the nationally distributed National Post, which will be subject to the new directives as well. Furthermore, in addition to the imposed editorials themselves, all locally produced editorial column pieces will be forced to conform to reflect the viewpoints of the CanWest Global corporation. CanWest last year became Canada’s dominant newspaper chain when it purchased Southam News Inc. from Conrad Black’s holding company, Hollinger Inc., for a reported $3.2 billion Can. ($2 billion) The deal transferred ownership of the 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across the country.”
Canadian Publisher Raises Hackles,
Washington Post, January 27, 2002
“Late last year, columnist Stephen Kimber says, the editing of his writing became more and more inexplicable. It wasn’t so much dropped commas or the introduction of errors. Sometimes he would open the newspaper, the Halifax Daily News, and find that his opinions had been removed. ‘I put up with that for a while, then I began to censor myself,’ said Kimber. ‘I would remember, ‘No, I’m not supposed to write about that.’ Kimber had been writing his column without such concerns for 15 years. But things changed, he said, after CanWest Global Communications took over his newspaper and 135 others last summer. (more…)


Israel Shamir Exposes the Zionist Censors Infesting Wikipedia!

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camera-israel-wikipedia-final.jpgWiki, the Chaos Controlled
By Israel Shamir
In the art of surveillance, there is a cunning ploy, familiar to the readers of Le Carre: the target is followed by a clumsy gumshoe; he discovers he is being tailed, easily shakes the tail off and goes on, feeling secure and unobserved. Unbeknownst to him, there are other detectives who stick to him like glue and follow him to his perdition. Professionally it is called a “double tail”.
Apparently, some of us were duped by such a ruse in the peculiar affair of a Zionist plot to infiltrate Wikipedia. This powerful online encyclopaedia is ostensibly free and open: everyone can be an editor, add or edit any entry. Editors remain anonymous; their true identity is hidden behind a nickname. This rule has a serious drawback: using this anonymity, a dedicated group may infiltrate the system by stealth, distort reality and create a false picture of the world in the eyes of billions. Apparently this script has been recently enacted.
Conspiracy? Yes. Jewish conspiracy? You bet! The damning email exchange was intercepted and published, revealing a radical Zionist plot to bend “Wiki.” A moderate leftist (some would call it ‘tame’) US-based pro-Palestinian site EI revealed that the radical-extremist Zionist organisation CAMERA called for “volunteers who can work as ‘editors’ to ensure” that Israel-related articles on Wikipedia agree with their right-wing-Zionist agenda. This effort was to be kept secret from the media and the public. Stealth and misrepresentation were presented as the keys to success. A CAMERA official advised the volunteers to sign up as editors for Wikipedia and afterwards to avoid editing Israel-related material for a while, in order to “avoid the appearance of being one-topic editors”. The orchestrated effort was to appear as if it were the work of unaffiliated individuals, and for this reason the editors were to avoid picking a user name that marked them as pro-Israel, or that let people know their real name. The emails taught Zionist apprentices how to act in the interests of Israel while using neutral language. The emphasis was on the long run side of the operation: “This is a marathon not a sprint”, a Zionist instructor nicknamed ‘Zeq’ taught his apprentices in the email exchange. (more…)


More from the campaign against Professor Kevin MacDonald

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kevin-macdonald-jewish-journal-cover-resize.jpgBelow is a predictably slanted profile on Kevin MacDonald published by The Jewish Journal, we thought it would be interesting to feature it side by side with a video clip of Dr. MacDonald explaining his research, in his own words. Is what Dr. MacDonald saying anti-Semitic as this article suggests, or simply a reasonably factual presentation on Jewish group evolutionary strategy and influence over Western Civilization? We post the links and leave the reader to decide — admin
The Professor the Anti-Semites Love
Kevin MacDonald, Cal State Long Beach, and the downside of academic freedom
By Brad A. Greenberg
Kevin MacDonald had just completed the first in a series of books that would come to define him. Awaiting feedback from his publisher 15 years ago, MacDonald sent his manuscript to a colleague in the psychology department at California State University Long Beach (CSULB). The feedback was not encouraging.
“What troubles me most is that your criticism of Jews may be taken seriously by groups and individuals who both fear and hate Jews,” Martin Fiebert wrote in a 12-point reply. “Your manuscript, unintentionally perhaps, reinforces the stereotype that all Jews, be they assimilated or not, are clannish, deceptive, and exploitive. I’m sure you would be dismayed to find that your book has a treasured place in the bookcases of neo-Nazis along with ‘Mein Kampf’ and the ‘Protocols of Zion.’”
How prophetic Fiebert’s insight turned out to be.
MacDonald, 64, has been deemed America’s “foremost anti-Semitic thinker” by civil rights experts. A tenured psychology professor who lent his expertise to Holocaust denier David Irving, MacDonald has suggested restricting college enrollment and increasing taxes for Jews to mediate what he perceives as inequities with non-Jewish whites.(…Full Article)

Jewish Influence Changing U.S. Immigration Policy

Part I:
Part II:

[Video clips courtesy Byron Jost’s excellent immigration documentary A Line In The Sand.]


Absolut Vodka & Time-Warner Promote Mexican Invasion – European Americans United Responds

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Tags: Absolut Vodka, Time Warner, Reconquista AdAbsolut Gall: We Respond
That sound you hear are millions of laughing Mexicans. Absolut Vodka needs to hear from you. An EAU response follows.
Note: European Americans United is not affiliated with my organization, EURO, European-American Unity and Rights Organization, but this is a good article and we cooperate with all pro-White organizations that abide by the Protocols adopted in New Orleans at the EURO Conference there.
Taking the Reconquista concept all the way to the end, Absolut Vodka launched an ad campaign (left) that appears on billboards and at least one magazine that features a map of the western U.S. and Mexico with nearly the entire west coast appearing as a part of Mexico. This ad appears in Quien Magazine, which is owned by Time Warner and also appears on billboards in Mexico. Quien claims a “total audience” of 513,000 readers in Mexico and the southwestern U.S.
The map covers what used to be Mexico’s claimed borders before our 1846 war with them from which the U.S. took possession of California, Texas, New Mexico, etc. But, the ad shows those states as part of Mexico with the “Estados Unidos De America” situated to the north and east of the “Absolut World” Mexico.
In a day when immigration issues are incendiary between our two countries, Time Warner accepting ads that stirs Mexico’s sentiments to “take back” parts of the U.S. (as the term Reconquista means) as their own territory is quite extraordinary.
One would think that such a hot button issue would have raised a few eyebrows with Time Warner? Even worse, this ad never raised a fuss with anyone even as ads for other products were pulled because of “offending” people.
Last year, a Snickers ad was pulled from airing on TV when gay activist groups complained that the ad, which showed two men eating a snickers and accidentally locking lips, was “offensive” to gays. A GoDaddy ad was pulled in 2005 for sexual content. A pro-life ad was even pulled in Ontario this year because the pro-life message was somehow “offensive.”
Yet, an ad showing the west coast reconquered by Mexico doesn’t raise a peep?
EAU Responds
In no uncertain terms we are writing to inform you that we utterly condemn the outrageous ad released by your company, which depicts the United States giving away its sovereign lands to Mexico. We are at the very brink of losing our nation to the Third World in terms of demographic population shifts and the spineless cowards in Washington who are allowing it to happen.
This ad insults not only our forebears who fought and bled to build this country but also contributes to the wholesale marginalization of future generations of European Americans. (more…)


“Even though the Jews only make up 2.9 per cent of the country’s population, an astounding 56 per cent of Clinton’s appointees were Jews”

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Tags: Bob Finch, Zionism, Jewish Supremacism, Tom Hayden, Paul 
Findley, Marlon Brando, William Cash, Wesley ClarkSigns of Resistance to Jewish Supremacism
By Bob Finch
Since the second world war, Jewish elites in America and other western, over- industrialized, countries have mushroomed in economic and political power until today they compose either a significant part of these countries’ ruling elite or, as is the case in America, its dominant part. These elites promote Jewish supremacism. This ideology consists of the following components:
* Uncritical support for the Jews-only state in Palestine;
* Uncritical support for Jewish expansionism both inside, and outside, Palestine;
* The continual extension of the definition of antisemitism;
* The vilification, and persecution, of critics of the Jewish apartheid state as antisemites;
* The vilification, and persecution, of critics of Jewish interests as antisemites;
* The hyping of islamophobia, the racial hatred of all Moslems; and,
* The manipulation of America and other western countries into fighting more wars in the middle east in order to boost the military dominance of the Jews-only state in the region i.e. Jewish race wars boosting Jewish supremacism.
Jewish elites around the world, but especially in America, are promoting what they call ‘world war four’ against islamo-fascists. Jewish racists lump all Moslems together as if they form one cohesive enemy called islamo-fascists not merely Baathists but al Qaeda, and Shiite Iran and Hezbollah.[1] They believe Moslems pose “a threat equal to or greater than World War II and the Cold War.” (Jim Lobe ‘Et Tu, Cal’ July 06, 2007).
It is remarkable that Jewish supremacists are pressuring and manipulating western countries into fighting racist wars on behalf of the Jews-only state. Even more remarkable is that it is not in the west’s interests to fight such wars as the examples of Afghanistan and Iraq demonstrate all too clearly. What is even more remarkable is that western political leaders seem willing to fight such wars for the benefit of the Jews-only state no matter what it costs western countries in lives, treasure, and reputation. But what is most remarkable of all is that these political leaders have become blatant quislings to the Jewish cause who are willing to fight such racist wars no matter what public opposition there is to these wars. The west’s invasion of Iraq has been a huge benefit to the Jews-only state but a catastrophe for America and the west. An attack/invasion of Iran is likely to make this contrast even more stark. Never have so many dupes been willing to lay down their lives, their livelihoods, and their countries, for so few and for such dishonourable objectives. (more…)

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