Sunday 12 April 2015



Jacky ! je t'ai dit qu'on faisait 2 représentations jeudi soir ! Idem pour vendredi et samedi ! Regarde ça.. on dirait un chat qui chie dans sa caisse.

 S.O.S Espèces en voie de disparition bonjour ! 
 Alain Soral : Judaïsme, talmudisme et sionisme
Published on 1 Oct 2013

Alain Soral, le plus grand penseur de France et de toute la francophonie, et ce n'est ni un compliment ni une flatterie! Attali dit que le "peuple juif a inventé le monothéisme"?  LE SALE MENTEUR! 
Toi, Français?  Pas possible!  T’es pas lié éternellement à Israël? 
NOOON!   Alors, toi pas Français! 
MERDE, ALORS! Qui suis-je?  
T’es anti-Sémite! 
Tous les Musulmans et les Arabes sont des anti-Semites! 
Nous, le tout petit peuple d’Israël, d’Europe, de France, d’Australie, du Canada, de la Nouvelle-Zélande, de la Russie, de l’Amérique latine, d’Afrique du Sud, du Maroc, de Tunisie, de l’Inde, de Turquie, des États-Unis, et des planètes avoisinantes! 
MERDE, ça en fait du monde!  Et, combien sont-ils, ce tout petit peuple?   
Quelques six millions en Israël, six autres millions aux États-Unis et quelques touts petits millions dans le reste du monde!  
En bref, moins de 20 millions en tout! VOUS AVEZ RAISON!  Qu’est-ce 20 millions sur 7 milliards?   
Avec la seule différence que nous possédons tout et contrôlons absolument tout! 
La loi du plus fort, des moins cons, et surtout du Peuple élu de Dieu Lui-Même - LUCIFER!
Faîtes, faites, et vite car le monde entier fait la queue pour ce grand honneur et privilège! 
Attendez, j’ai oublié votre trou du cul!   
"Y a-t-il quelqu’une ou quelqu’un qui pourrait confirmer ou infirmer que Dreyfus n’était pas Juif, pas circoncis, mais un assimilé qui consommait le porc, et n’aimait pas les Juifs pratiquants?" 
Ces analphabètes de Terriennes et de Terriens! 
« … Hashem, Il a un enfant adoré; c’est AM ISRAËL !  Sans Shoah, il n’y avait plus d’AM ISRAËL ! » 
La Shoah est un détail comparée à l’infini promis par Hashem ?  
Il faut le dire à Jean-Marie Lepen !   
« Même les gens le plus loin de la Torah, quand ils voient un film sur la Shoah, ils disent ils sont Juifs.  Ça les sensibilise !  Ça les identifie à ce peuple !  Les bienfaits de la Shoah, c’est inimaginable, in…imaginable ! 
Ministre français de l’Intérieur Manuel Valls (un Catalan, naturalisé français depuis 1982 !) dont la femme est juive : 
“Je suis lié de manière éternelle à la communauté juive, et à Israël!  Quand même ! » 
Dans la bouche d’un Français « laïque », c’est blasphémer contre la République française, mais, cela, les Juifs racistes, ces coqs et « petits freluquets tremblotants », tribalistes, fascistes, nettoyeurs ethniques, et les Sionistes en ont parfaitement le droit ! 
Barack Husain Obama (Barry Soetero), faux Président des États-Unis d’Amérique, dont la ‘femme’ Michelle (ou le mari homosexuel Michael !) est juive, tient exactement les mêmes propos à l’égard d’Eretz Israël, nettoyeur ethnique nettement pire que l’apartheid sud africain ne le fut ! 
 Et, les autres leaders politiques occidentaux qui ne cessent de courber l’échine et se prosterner devant les Lobbies juifs, tiennent exactement le même langage, désirant rester en vie ou continuer à gouverner au nom d’Israël et pour Israël ! 

+FRÉMAUX SOORMALLY :Merci du partage ,camarade!Il mouille beaucoup  au moins sa chemise en prenant des risques quand la majorité s'en moque du devenir de la France!Je sais ce que  ça en coûte(spirituellement,physiquement,etc) de se battre pour des causes honorables et justes même si on ne partage pas tout? En outre, moi-même, je me bats sur d'autres terrains compliqués (international) pour mon projet "Les Trains De La Paix Afro-Eurasiatique..Paix avec vous!

+GHEBALOU Hacène Mon ami Je me suis battu depuis l’âge scolaire, et, le système mis en place par les colonisateurs britanniques a complètement détruit toute ma famille.  Donc, je n’ai même pas réussi à mettre de l’ordre chez moi !  L’Afrique et l’Asie ce sont là des concepts impérialistes et nationalistes, tout comme l’Europe d’ailleurs.  Bref, les survivants de la colonisation génocidaire vivent toujours en esclavage et il est pratiquement impossible de leur faire changer de statut.  C’est souvent du chacun pour soi. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage, quant au succès rien, absolument rien ne peut être accompli au niveau collectif à moins d’une RÉVOLUTION !  Rien n’est possible autrement !
Amitiés Basheer


Salim Laibi - La Mecque infiltrée par les satanistes  

Published on 11 Aug 2014


911 False Flag - American Traitors & Mossad - Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O'Keefe

Ken O'Keefe
Published on 20 Dec 2014
This is the updated version (as of December 2014) of my 911 production originally broadcast on The Peoples Voice in January 2014. It has additional footage and commentary, improved graphics and is a direct response to David Cameron's ridiculous speech at the UN General Assembly in 2014.

 Michael Hoffman - Judaism Discovered 
Published on 28 Dec 2014
Michael A. Hoffman II with Jeff Rense on Hoffman's banned book Judaism Discovered, January 5th and 14th, 2009.

 TESSON, NON, merdeux, ce sont des Juifs et les Sionistes, des laïques, des homosexuels, des avorteurs, les pornographes, les putes (médias, presse, gouvernement, etc.), les usuriers, la Synagogue de Satan, le Crif, la Licra, le UEJF, la LDJ, le TSAHAL, Israël, et les Francs-maçons!   


 La France est devenue le pays de la dictature des Juifs talmudistes et sionistes, d'Israël, et de la dictature judéo, pédo, et homo laïque et usurière!

 La bande à Charlie!












Muhammad Al-Massari






Veterans Today

 Part I and Part II of “Evil with a nice Face”

Monsters among us – Evil with a nice face (Part III) (Updated)

It is time for all Americans to become informed of the soulless Monsters of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia that walk among us. And it is time to stop them cold eradicate their anti-human Satanic Agenda for America and the World.


by  Preston James, Editor

We now know for certain that the Chieftains and Kingpins of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, are the Top American Policy-makers and the covert rulers of America until we fully expose them and then stop them cold.

These soulless sociopathic monsters cannot maintain power without complete abject secrecy of their incredibly evil, inhuman acts against nature and mankind or without their massive private Fiat Counterfeiting machine disguised as a Bank.

And with the advent of the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg press, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and its Chieftains, Kingpins, Cutouts and Assets as well as its foreign based espionage inside America, as well as its efforts to create endemic corruption and death at every level in America, are being exposed more and more every day.

It’s only a matter of time and the whole World we be turning against the Rothschild KM and its main action agent doing espionage in America, Israel, the nation that attacked America with nukes on 9-11-01 in the biggest Gladio-style False-flag attack in history.
The World is already turning against Israel and divesting from Israel over their tyranny, blockading, genocide and massive land theft against Palestinians which most now view as Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians 80%  of whom have ancient Hebrew blood while 97.5% of those Judaics living in Israel have NO ancient Hebrew Blood.

The American Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM)  was used to provide a coverup keeping Americans from knowing Israel attacked America with nukes and manipulated and mind-kontrolled most Americans into believing that this attack was done by radical Islamics from Afghanistan and Iraq, which was a complete lie.

Part I and Part II of “Evil with a nice Face” described those Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Chieftains, Kingpins, Cutouts and Assets who operate as soulless, functional sociopaths with a nice outside public persona according to the Janus Principle.

The Janus Principle explains how a certain class of super-elite deviants, known as top Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM)Kingpins, are illegitimately able occupy high positions in society and basically run the World and spread their corruption to the large hierarchy of Assets subordinate to their control and policy-making.

They are able to do this by displaying a seemingly caring exterior presentation which fools the public, but all the while have an unimaginable evil inwardly hidden private self which motivates them to create some of the World’s greatest abuses of humanity and some of the most savage mass-crimes imaginable.

Part of the problem is that the American Public has been conditioned to expect their government officials and elected politicians to be benevolent parent figures, while in actuality these officials are Judas Goats deceptively leading them to the World’s slaughter house.

Since these corrupt, evil KM Chieftains and kingpins certainly work hard to present a positive public persona of being a caring parent figure, this tends to easily keep their incredibly evil “death cult” practices secret.

We now know for certain that they practice unimaginable evil and rationalize it in various sophisticated ways, some due to evil death cult religious beliefs and some based on pure sociopathy suggesting that either they have lost their soul or never had one in the first place.

This strange paradox of a “nice” socially preferred outward appearance accompanied by an unimaginably evil secret inner self capable of the most savage anti-social sociopathic acts possible, has allowed monsters in high positions of society to live and walk among us without the public ever having any idea at all.

And of course the major Mass Media’s job is to investigate corruption and keep the public informed, to be the public watchdog. But this is not possible because the Major Mass Media has been consolidated into six entities which are controlled by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
This of course leaves us with a Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which is actually a KM owned and controlled illegal monopoly best described as an illegal News Cartel dedicated to publishing and broadcasting KM dictated Big Government Lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda.

The Rothschild KM owned Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is actually RICO crime and more.
And this News Cartel is actually high level RICO crime as well as foreign based espionage by Israel and the KM, its controller, against all Americans and America. This of course is all designed to keep the real truth covered up and the public believing their incredibly evil leaders are caring parent figures when just the opposite is true.

And all without the public being aware of their secret but ultimate evil characterized by actions designed to destroy society and anti-human homicidal behaviors that cause massive starvation, war, pestilence and mass painful human death.

These top KM monsters have had the ongoing inter-generational ability to fool everyone around them, while they secretly participate in unimaginable evil group acts, secret human sacrifice rituals, sinister plans to destroy every society on Earth.

They are now attempting to activate an age old Babylonian Talmudic plan to destroy all societies, create hell on Earth, and mass-murder 90% of all humans whom they secretly refer to as Goyim.
And we can assume from the current state of affairs in the World, that these monsters known as  Rothschild KM Chieftains and Kingpins have been making serious progress toward their age old plan.

We now know for sure that the Rothschild KM Chieftains and Kingpins have been empowered by their use of Fiat Counterfeit money which they manufacture, distribute and lend to a captive populace at pernicious usury to in order to produce debt-slavery.

In this way they have been able to quickly amass the World’s largest fortunes out of nothing but thin air. It is then quite easy to “buy and then own” government officials who want do their bidding to receive key professional positions and high USG appointments with great salaries and lavish benefits.
And of course all this is provided at taxpayer expense and off-the-backs of the beat down American taxpayer and the men and women of America who labor very hard every day to support these soulless super-privileged one that the KM has anointed with easy money, folks who really do not work very hard at all.

KM Cutouts appear to lose their souls if they ever had one at all.

Senator Robert Menendez, accused of corruption and a preference for young underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic where he likes to “party.” Is this man a monster walking among us? Probably not but he appears to have taken their money for his campaign, works for them and has sold out to them, and drinks their KM World Zionist Kool-aide. Obviously he an Israeli-firster and a Traitor to America who is far more concerned what Bibi Netanyahu and AIPAC Directors think of his behavior than any American voter. He has sold America out like most other US Senators and US Representatives too. Is he going to be fully exposed for his corruption and driven out of the Senate? Couldn’t happen soon enough.

Some appear to be born with no soul, some lose it along the way, and some purposely give it up for money, status and power or special privileges and secret pleasures that only the super-rich, super-elites are able to acquire and enjoy.
It is pretty obvious that KM Chieftains and Kingpins just plain show no evidence that they have any operational conscience or soul at all, nor have they been proved to actually be human at all based on heir anti-human behavior and blood lust which is contrary to everything most humans believe in.
A small percentage of humans appear to be born with either a quite limited conscience or none at all, while others lose it because of parental neglect, poor nutrition, abuse or head injuries, illnesses and sometimes because of certain addictions.
Others appear to lose their very souls by selling out for money, power and status and suppressing their consciences so long they seem to just die.
What is the age old plan of these Two-Faced Rothschild KM Chieftains and Kingpins who rule the World by the great power provided by their  indecent, inhuman money manufacturing and distribution system, now mis-characterized as Central Banks?

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) Agenda for the World.
The Rothschild KM Plan to destroy the whole World is an age old plan that dates all the back to ancient Babylonia and is actually still based on Baal Worship of which ritual child sacrifice and various blood rituals against young male children such as multiple cuts in order to bleed them out is a required secret practice.

In ancient Babylonia these Luciferian/Satanic Cult practices were initially public but over time became practiced in private in secret rituals. Eventually these secret practices became centered in Khazaria and took the form of a secret death cult now called Babylonian Talmudism, Baal Worship or Moloch Worship or Kabbalism.

As society developed with technological advances, industrialization, mass production and differentiation of vocations and classes, this death cult and its evil intentions for the World as well as its pedophile network and ritual child sacrifices, had to be made completely hidden in order to survive.

After the advent of Christianity and Islam, such practices would no longer be publicly allowed and the small sociopathic group that continued these Death-Cult human sacrifice rituals and practices did so in abject secrecy and do so even today.

Why do these demented incredibly self-centered sociopathic individuals seem so obsessed with practicing these illegal rituals which involve pedophilia, torture, and ritualistic murder of children and infants, in some cases vivisection and cannibalism of their ritual sacrifice victims?
The answer lies in their own claims to others who have been initiated but left the cult and have reported on it to some researchers. They claim that they receive great power from their god Lucifer for such practices, also receive their own spirit guide and are rewarded with incredible riches, power and prestige.

They also claim that they have had to submit to a specific blood contract with Lucifer which transfers control over their soul to him. This forms the basic commitment and belief of the KM principals best described as Chieftains and Kingpins. It does not however explain the abject loyalty of subordinates who run their USG, their private Rothschild related Central banks and do all their dirty work.


The answer to this is best explained as the Golden Rule: “He who has the Gold, Rules!” These Khazarian Mafia Chieftains and Kingpins serve as the top of the hierarchy of control and set the main Policies of the USG. But they have accumulated so much money and power that thousands are fawning all over them begging for a chance to serve them in order to receive some of their vast riches, power, position and prestige.

Obviously we now know for certain that the Federal Reserve System is the biggest financial fraud in history and the main reason America has gone bad and become a war machine which inflicts death and destruction on much of the World on behalf of the Rothschild KM at the expense of American freedom and personal assets and fruits of Americans’ labor.

Yes, it is these KM Chieftains and Kingpins who have accumulated control over most of the riches, property, professions, top USG positions as well as numerous lucrative private think-tanks and and non-profit Foundations to which they can reward those who serve them without any questions or hesitance.

In America these KM Chieftains and Cutouts, also known as Top Policy-makers tend to pass out their favors to Judaics who suffer from their same group paranoid delusion, that is the Mind-kontrol Kool-aide these Babylonian Talmudists have dispensed for years and always have found very willing drinkers who want the favors the KM can provide. Those Judaics who have sold out to this Babylonian Talmudism which is actually based on a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority accompanied by a deep seated irrational fear of eradication as a race.

This delusional paranoid group disorder is also described as Malignant Judaic Tribalism and promotes a very aggressive first strike against delusional enemies. These delusional enemies include Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, and most Islamics, as well as Christians and most non-Judaic Americans they view as Goyim to be asset stripped, tyrannized, sued a cattle and then disposed of and mass-murdered.

Now occasionally we hear the protest which denies any evil KM Agenda and demands proof that the Rothschild KM and their main action-agents the Likudists have an Evil Agenda for America and the World.

Okay we have proof. Here it is.
Never forget the transcript of the clandestine recording of Netanyahu at Fink’s Bar in Jerusalem in 1990 which was witnessed and certified by several Intel. During this meeting at Finks Netanyahu boldly expressed his willingness to attack America in an upcoming major staged terror attack to blame on Muslims and suck America into fighting another war for Israel:
If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
It is important to understand that when Bibi Netanyahu and fellow top Likudist and Rothschild Khazarian Mafioso refer to “god”, they are not referring the same God most of us think of. He is referring to the secret evil bloodthirsty god of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which is Baal, commonly known as Lucifer, Satan or Moloch or the Great Owl of Bohemian Grove.

Insiders have reported that these Khazarian Mafioso believe that Baal demands constant human sacrifice through various means and if his negative energy needs are not meet through extreme human suffering and death, he withdraws support, power, money and status from his top KM Chieftains, Kingpins and Top Policy-makers.

We know for sure that very the top Khazarian Mafia (KM) Chieftains and Kingpins who control American Political policy are known to be ardent Baal Worshipers who do regular ritual child sacrifice and pedophilia. What they do is best referred to is Luciferian, Satanic or Sabbattean Kabbalism.

The Rothschild KM creates of key “trigger words” for deflecting any criticism of Rothschild KM Chieftains who have assumed the identities of Judaics, and who use Judaism as a false-cover from which to operate their massive worldwide Organized crime Syndicate from.
This paranoid delusion is based on the irrational projection that has been fed to them by the Rothschild KM that the Whole World is trying to wipe out their race, that is all Judaics.We know now for certain that the Fiery Sacrifice involving the Nazi Work Camps was set up by the Rothschild KM Chieftains in the City of London to make war profits for their corporate associates who ran these slave labor Work Camps.

And also to create and set the paranoid group racial delusion, a deep seated persecution complex which could easily be used to deflect any criticism of the Rothschild KM Chieftains who would impersonate Judaics. This deflection could be actuated by cited the trigger words,”Anti-Semite” or “Holocaust” both of which can be shown to be conceptually false.

But as with all functional paranoids, what they often accuse others of planning to do to them is really what they desire to do to others. This paranoid mass delusion of these Babylonian Talmudists tends to create a first strike perspective, thereby motivating them to stage preemptive attacks first on other groups they view as their enemies.


When you have infiltrated a nation, hijacked it monetary production and distribution system, it is easy to create all the money you could ever need and control all of the top positions in society. Once you have obtained control over these top positions in society you can pass them out to your cronies who show that they share your same religious orientation, in this case best described as no religion but actually a form of Kabbalism (aka Cabalism) and secret Babylonian Talmudism, one of the most anti-society, anti-human philosophies, a known secret death cult that has ever been conceived and enacted.

Then you can buy up and consolidate all the Major Mass Media into your own Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) and illegal News Cartel which allows you to mind-kontrol the American public to believe anything you want them to if enough years pass. No one in the Congress, the Administration of the Judiciary is concerned or attempts to stop this News Monopoly because they have all been bought off, corrupted, human compromised or ignored by the rest who are corrupt and owned by the KM.

Because this Babylonian Talmudism which is actually covert Luciferianism or Satanism, is so clearly and notably anti-society and anti-human, it is easy to gain compliance from subordinates to do numerous acts which clearly are anti-social, that is, practices that work to undermine and destroy society.

It is also easy to gain compliance of subordinates to engage in numerous clearly anti-human acts on their behalf, that is, works to destroy human life in mass such as illegal wars, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

These anti-social mass acts are always accompanied by severe human suffering which is either just ignored or justified by viewing victims as animals or vermin rather than human beings. But it does appear that this mass painful death and human suffering is exactly what the Rothschild KM Chieftains and Kingpins want to appease their god Baal aka Lucifer or Satan in order to be anointed with extreme power, money and status. At least that is what some close to these folks or who have been inside their inner circles and left have reported to confidants.

With subordinates like this in charge who also have no operational consciences because they have either been willing to push them aside, or perhaps never had them to begin with because they have Khazarian genetic roots which some suspect results in a certain percentage of very crafty but soulless, anti-society, anti-human predators and parasites.

In order for Americans, that is, “We The People” to defeat these incredibly evil Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Chieftains, they must be completely dis-empowered. This can be done by decapitating them from their elastic unending counterfeit money supply. This means arresting them for RICO, massive financial fraud and espionage against America and Americans and then fully prosecute them, convicting them and delivering final judgment with prejudice.

And this means nationalizing their illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System by moving it into the US Department of Treasury, and clawing back all of their illegally obtained profits all the way back to their first Federal Reserve System Bank in 1914.

No longer should Americans be unlawfully required to pay pernicious usury to a Rothschild KM foreign espionage front for using what should be their own money. Most of the so-called “National Debt” is phony and must be immediately cancelled with a “Jubilee” for all existing home mortgages and pernicious credit card usury related debt.

Those that lost their homes due to the MERS fraud and Rothschild manipulated “Mortgage Bubble” and the associated recession, must be fully compensated with seized Rothschild KM Bankster assets.
And we must push hard to make the Internet’s Alternative News so popular that the CMMM will become marginalized and debt-ridden. Then we must push hard to bring pressure to bear to break up this illegal News Cartel along with the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System which are both actually part of a large RICO crime Syndicate the Rothschild KM and serve as foreign-based clear-cut espionage  fronts inside America that must be fully prosecuted and broken up like AIPAC and other Israeli espionage fronts inside America.

Our survival as a nation depends on this, so do your very best to spread these truth nuggets and destroy the abject secrecy the Rothschild KM requires to exist and do their dirty anti-social, anti-human evil.

dd395-House (site)
image0102 (2)gordonduff-for-us-president


Preston James, Ph.D

Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.

N.B.  ( I did not post the Gary Moore video clips - BAFS)

Sent by Muhammad Al-Massari

Let Yemenis Determine Their Future.*

Saudis Face Defeat in Yemen and Instability at Home

“The interventions of US imperialism, with the direct collaboration of the Saudi monarchy, have plunged the entire Middle East into chaos and bloodshed—from the destruction of Iraq, to the transformation of Libya into a militia-ravaged “failed state,” to the ongoing carnage inflicted upon Syria … This predatory imperialist offensive threatens to ignite a region-wide conflagration, even as Washington deliberately ratchets up military tensions with both Russia and China. The threat of these separate conflicts coalescing into a third world war grows by the day.”
– Bill Van Auken, Obama’s criminal war against Yemen, World Socialist web Site
“Will the reactionary rulers of Saudi Arabia manage to break the legitimate hopes and enthusiastic dreams burning in the hearts of thousands of young people of the Arabian Peninsula? Never!”
– Gamal Abd al-Nasser, President of Egypt 1956 to 1970
In its ongoing effort to prevent the rise of “any popularly supported government in the region”, the US has joined Saudi Arabia’s savage war of annihilation against Yemen’s northern tribal rebels, the Houthis. The Pentagon has expedited the delivery of bombs, ammunition and guidance systems to assist the Saudi-led campaign and is providing logistical support to maximize the impact of its bombing raids. The US has also set up a “joint fusion center”, provided “aerial re-fueling platforms” and “advanced US-made weaponry” with the explicit intention of suppressing a militant group that overthrew the US-backed puppet government in the capital of Sanaa in the fall of 2014. The level of coordination between the makeshift Arab coalition (The Gulf Cooperation Council or GCC) and the US suggests that Washington is not only fully aware that food depots, water facilities, refugee camps and critical civilian infrastructure are being deliberately targeted and destroyed, but that the White House has given the green light to actions that will inevitably lead to widespread famine and social collapse. Here’s a little background from an article in The National:
“Yemen Economic Corporation, one of Yemen’s largest food storage centres, was destroyed by three coalition missile strikes in Hodeidah last Tuesday, according to the Houthi-controlled defence ministry. The corporation had enough food for the entire country. The government’s military food storage centre in Hodeidah was also targeted and destroyed on Tuesday, according to the defence ministry.
Also in Hodeidah, country’s second largest dairy plant was hit by five Saudi missiles on Wednesday, killing at least 29 people, mostly employees, and injuring dozens of others.” (Yemeni civilians struggle to get by amid conflict, The National)
This is from Channel News Asia:
DUBAI: Warships from the Saudi-led coalition have blocked a vessel carrying more than 47,000 tonnes of wheat from entering a Yemeni port, demanding United Nations guarantees that the cargo would not go to military personnel, shipping sources said on Thursday.” (Saudi-led coalition bars wheat ship from entering Yemen port – sources, Channel News Asia)
This is from WSWS:
“Airstrikes as well as fighting on the ground has knocked out electrical infrastructure, cutting off power in many urban areas and stopping the operation of crucial pumps that supply Yemen’s cities with drinking water. “We’re worried that this system will break down shortly; Aden is a dry, hot place, and without water people will really suffer,” UNICEF representative Harneis told reporters…
The no-fly zone and blockade enforced by Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners has effectively blocked the delivery of medical aid and supplies for the last two weeks, exacerbating the developing crisis.” World Socialist Web Site
Live reports on the ground confirm that food depots have been bombed across the country; ” in Asr (west) hit as well as Urdhi complex (center) & Noqum (east).
This is how America fights its wars, by precipitating massive humanitarian crises that help it to achieve its political objectives. If that isn’t terrorism, then what is?
Here’s more from the Washington Post:
“As tons of desperately needed medical supplies await clearance to be flown into Yemen, aid workers warned Tuesday of an unfolding humanitarian crisis, saying at least 560 people, including dozens of children, have been killed, mostly in a Saudi-led air campaign and battles between Shiite rebels and forces loyal to the embattled president. More than 1,700 people have been wounded and another 100,000 have fled their homes as fighting intensified over the past three weeks, the World Health Organization said.” (560 dead amid fears of humanitarian collapse in Yemen, Washington Post)
The Saudis launched this latest aggression invoking the thinnest of pretexts, that it wanted to “restore the legitimate government” and protect the “Yemeni constitution and elections.” As CNN’s Ali Alahmed sardonically quipped:
“The need to protect constitutions and elections is a rather strange message from the representative of an absolute monarchy … The kingdom’s real motives seem clear if one looks at Saudi monarchy’s history of not allowing regional competition of any kind, while consistently combating efforts to build democratic governments that empower the people…
The Saudi goal is simple: Prevent the rise of any popularly supported government in the region that seeks self-determination. And the excuse of “resisting Iran’s influence,” meanwhile, appears to be nothing but sectarian bluster.” (What Saudi Arabia wants in Yemen, CNN)
While we agree with Alahmed’s basic thesis, we think the rule applies more to the United States than Saudi Arabia. After all, it’s the US that has gone from one country to the next, toppling governments, installing puppets, and spreading anarchy wherever it goes. Whatever role the Saudis might have played in Washington’s grand plan to redraw the map of the Middle East and project US tentacles into Eurasia, it is quite small by comparison. It’s the US that refuses to allow an independent government to emerge in a region that it’s committed to control. And it’s the US that is facilitating the attacks on innocent Yemenis by providing the bombs, weaponry and logistical support to the reactionary Saudi leadership. Check this out from Gregory Johnson at Buzzfeed:
“A consensus appears to be building in Riyadh, Cairo, and Islamabad toward inserting ground troops into the conflict in Yemen. One Egyptian military official told BuzzFeed News the decision had already been made. “Ground forces will enter the war,” the official said on condition of anonymity in order to discuss classified military operations.
The timing of such a move, which would be a significant escalation in the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen, is still being discussed. But the Egyptian military source said it could happen as soon as “two or three days.” (Ground Forces Seen Joining Bloody War In Yemen, Buzzfeed)
So after two weeks of nonstop bombing, the coalition is now planning to intensify the conflict by putting boots on the ground. But that will only prolong the hostilities and plunge the country deeper into crisis. It will also increase the risk of Houthi retaliation, which appears to already be taking place. According to Al Arabiya English, fighting broke out in the Southern Saudi city of Narjan on April 11. (#BREAKING Asiri: Houthi militias are amassing close to the Saudi-Yemeni border… #BREAKING: Asiri: clashes reported near the Saudi city of Najran)
While no one expects the Houthis to invade their northern neighbor, there are some analysts who think the monarchy has taken on more than it can chew and will eventually suffer blowback from its incursion. One such critic is Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Lebanese paramilitary organization Hezbollah. In a recent interview, Nasrallah suggested that the Houthis have the means to curtail vital energy supplies, strike a blow against Saudi Arabia, and send financial markets tumbling at the same time. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:
“There is now a demand on the Yemeni leaders… who have not taken the decision to close (the strategic Strait) of Bab al-Mandeb, which they could do at any time. (It is only 20 kilometres-large, they are quite capable of it.) And they could also hit targets inside Saudi Arabia with missiles, or even enter the interior of Saudi Arabia, although they have not yet made this decision, so far … There is currently a Yemeni popular demand: “Let us go to Saudi Arabia.” Leadership thus far has not taken such a decision. I wanted to indicate this.”…
Nasrallah again: “I am absolutely certain that Saudi Arabia will undergo a major defeat. And its defeat will impact its internal situation, the royal family … and the entire region.” (“Hassan Nasrallah: The war in Yemen announces the end of the House of Saud”, The Vineyard of the Saker)
So the Houthis could close the Bab Al Mandeb straits and prevent millions of barrels of oil from getting to market? That changes the calculus entirely. How would that effect Washington’s plan to crash Russia’s economy with plunging oil prices? How would it impact global stock markets which are already jittery over the Fed’s projected rate hikes? What effect would it have on al Nusra, ISIS and other Al Qaeda-linked groups that would then seek to launch similar attacks against critical energy infrastructure as the best way to achieve their aims?
There are things the Houthis can do to discourage Saudi aggression. They can take matters into their own hands and strike where it hurts most. Washington is so convinced of its own invincibility, that no one has even thought of this. Without the slightest hesitation, the Obama troupe has embroiled a key ally in bloody conflagration that could backfire and seriously undermine US interests in the region. Saudi Arabia is the cornerstone of US power in the Middle East, but it is also its Achilles heel. By supporting the attack on the Houthis instead of seeking a political solution, Washington has strengthened Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) which poses the greatest single threat to the monarchy. As Nasrallah notes: “they (the US and SA) protect Al Qaeda and Daesh in Yemen, and more, they drop them weapons by air. This is an achievement? This goes against the interests of Saudi Arabia.”
Indeed, it does. Al Qaeda has much greater ability to infiltrate Saudi Arabia and either launch terrorist attacks or foment popular revolution. The Houthis present no such security threat, they’re only interest is to maintain their own sovereignty, borders, and independent foreign policy. A 2003 article in the Atlantic by CIA Bureau Chief Robert Baer titled “The Fall of the House of Saud” provides a window into Riyadh’s vulnerabilities and draws the ominous conclusion that the kingdom’s days are numbered. Here’s a clip from the article:
“Saudi oil is controlled by an increasingly bankrupt, criminal, dysfunctional, and out-of-touch royal family that is hated by the people it rules and by the nations that surround its kingdom…
Signs of impending disaster are everywhere, but the House of Saud has chosen to pray that the moment of reckoning will not come soon—and the United States has chosen to look away. So nothing changes: the royal family continues to exhaust the Saudi treasury, buying more and more arms and funneling more and more “charity” money to the jihadists, all in a desperate and self-destructive effort to protect itself.
The most vulnerable point and the most spectacular target in the Saudi oil system is the Abqaiq complex—the world’s largest oil-processing facility, which sits about twenty-four miles inland from the northern end of the Gulf of Bahrain. All petroleum originating in the south is pumped to Abqaiq for processing. For the first two months after a moderate to severe attack on Abqaiq, production there would slow from an average of 6.8 million barrels a day to one million barrels, a loss equivalent to one third of America’s daily consumption of crude oil. For seven months following the attack, daily production would remain as much as four million barrels below normal—a reduction roughly equal to what all of the opec partners were able to effect during their 1973 embargo…
I served for twenty-one years with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations in the Middle East, and during all my years there I accepted on faith my government’s easy assumption that the money the House of Saud was dumping into weaponry and national security meant that the family’s armed forces and bodyguards could keep its members—and their oil—safe … I no longer believe this …  sometime soon, one way or another, the House of Saud is coming down.” (The Fall of the House of Saud, Robert Baer, The Atlantic)
Neither the United States nor Saudi Arabia have any right to interfere in Yemen’s internal affairs or to install their own political puppets to head the government. That is the right of the Yemeni people. And while the current process of regime change might be messy and violent, the Houthi rebels better represent the interests of the indigenous population than anyone in Riyadh or Washington. The Saudi-US war is merely aimed at controlling the outcome so Yemen remains within the imperial grip. As Nasrallah says, “The real goal of the war is to retain control and domination of Yemen (but) the Yemeni people will not put up with this aggression and humiliation. They will fight to defend their dignity, their existence, their families, and their territory. And they will be victorious.”
MIKE WHITNEY lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at .

* Only the superpowers and massmurdering warmongers can determine their future!

Dedicated to
Washington D.C. Imâm Muhammad al-‘Asi, Adalberto Erazo Jr. and Kathleen Bates.

Juifs, chrétiens, musulmans : comment aller vers la réconciliation nationale ?

Conférence d’Alain Soral, Jacob Cohen et AbdelFattah Rahhaoui à Marseille – Dimanche 26 avril 2015

Note de la rédaction

Le 23 avril 2015 à 17h00
Contrairement aux rumeurs circulant sur les réseaux sociaux, la conférence est bien évidemment maintenue : venez nombreux !
Sommes nous promis au choc des civilisations, avec son cortège de guerres, ou trouverons-nous le souffle salutaire de la réconciliation ?
C’est à cette impérieuse question que répondront, chacun de leur point de vue, les trois conférenciers qui sont invités le 26 avril prochain par E&R Marseille : Alain Soral, président de Réconciliation nationale, Jacob Cohen, écrivain et militant antisioniste, AbdelFattah Rahhaoui, imam et prédicateur, directeur du groupe scolaire Al Badr de Toulouse.

La demande de réservation se fait obligatoirement via le formulaire d’inscription :
Le lieu de conférence sera indiqué par courriel 24 heures avant l’horaire indiqué.
Début de la conférence : 13h00
Entrée : 10 € à payer sur place.

Les organisateurs se réservent le droit d’entrée. Tenue et comportement appropriés exigés.

Mise à jour du 23 avril 2015 à 17h00

À en croire ce message laissé sur Facebook, l’arracheur de dents Salim Laïbi essaie de saboter la conférence... Dans l’intérêt de qui ?

Communiqué d’AbdelFattah Rahhaoui

AbdelFattah Rahhaoui placé en garde à vue
1er avril 2015

Je tenais par ce communiqué et d’autres interventions à venir, à dénoncer farouchement une certaine intimidation émanant de quelques responsables du système de ce pays qui est la France, qui s’estime être « un État de droit ».
Depuis l’affaire Charlie Hebdo, le système politique et juridique se met en marche afin de me faire taire, car apparemment mes propos dérangent (même s’ils n’ont pas un caractère d’illicéité dans notre société) quand je condamne des attitudes et des faits, afin que les droits des citoyens musulmans soient respectés.
En fait, en quelques jours, la police s’est déplacée à mon domicile à trois reprises pour me convoquer sous couvert d’affaires juridiques qui restent réelles, sans oublier l’acte islamophobe que notre établissement [1] a subi, la suppression des vidéos par YouTube après réclamation de France TV, et surtout celle sur Charlie Hebdo qui a motivé apparemment cette demande. Je ne cite pas toutes les affaires dans ce communiqué, mais cela ne saurait tarder très prochainement dans une vidéo.
Le lundi 30 mars 2015 à 9h30, j’ai été convoqué par le SRPJ pour une audition policière, une fois arrivé sur place, j’ai été placé en garde à vue dans les locaux du Commissariat de l’embouchure à Toulouse.
Le lendemain, j’ai été menotté comme un criminel pour être emmené auprès d’un juge d’instruction.
Leur motif : je suis poursuivi pour avoir outragé des inspecteurs du travail et pour travail dissimulé au sein de notre établissement musulman, alors que j’ai démonté ceci par des preuves puisque c’est une instruction à charge et à décharge.
Tant le dossier de la procédure est vide d’après les propos de mon avocat, je n’ai même pas été renvoyé devant le tribunal, chose que je n’ai cessé de demander afin de divulguer cette affaire au grand jour devant du public et dénoncer en la même occasion cette mascarade auprès des médias.
Pour se couvrir de son indigence procédurale, le Parquet a ouvert une information devant un juge d’instruction.
Le procureur n’a même pas requis un contrôle judiciaire et je suis reparti en homme libre à 16h environ le mardi 31 mars 2015.
Ma déclaration auprès du juge d’instruction est que cette affaire revêt plus un aspect politique que judiciaire, afin de m’intimider, comme me l’a stipulé mon avocat, suite à mes différents propos et interventions.
Je ne pourrai accepter cette intimidation judiciaire à de seules fins politiques, et je ne cesserai aucunement mon combat contre cette injustice, qui aujourd’hui est observée par une très large population mais qui reste silencieuse par peur.
Une interview sera réalisée très prochainement par Égalité & Réconciliation afin de mieux informer notre communauté et l’opinion publique sur ces différentes affaires en cours, et en la même occasion dénoncer des attitudes d’intimidation faites à l’encontre de beaucoup parmi les citoyens français de confession musulmane. En fin de compte, et ceci reste mon intime conviction : « Le citoyen musulman en France aujourd’hui a pris la place du juif d’hier. »


[1] Des pieds de porc ont été jetés devant le groupe scolaire Al-Badr le 2 mars dernier :
Voir aussi, sur E&R :
E&R | 9 avril |19

L’imam AbdelFattah Rahhaoui à nouveau en garde à vue

Communiqué du 9 avril 2015 de l’imam AbdelFattah Rahhaoui Assalamou alaykoum wa RahmatuLlah wa barakatuh, Chères sœurs, chers frères, L’invraisemblable actualité m’oblige à nouveau à venir (...)

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