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Mark Weber speaks on Hitler's Place in History 

 Published on 20 Mar 2012

Mark Weber, who is the director of the "Institute for Historical Review", says in his address.., "Is an Objective View of Hitler Even Possible?".

The fact that OUTRIGHT lies about Hitler and the Third Reich Germany are widespread and UNCHALLENGED in today's America (as it is also.., in most of the World) !!

The portrayal of Hitler and his regime is GROTESQUELY unbalanced.., not only in the "mass media".., but even in the supposedly.., "authoritative history books" and reference works about that era of history.

Mr. Weber has written extensively on twentieth-century European history.., and is a court-recognized expert on Germany's wartime policy known as the "The Final Solution"...

As always.., after watching.., do your best to "pass it on".....

"Truth Does Not Fear Investigation"


"He who Wins the War.., also Writes the History"

NY Times Oct 30th 1935
NY Times Oct 30th 1935


By 1936, the future British Prime Minister of Britain, the warmongering Winston Churchill, had repeatedly upset the people of Germany by libeling and slandering their beloved leader, Adolf Hitler.
 But a former British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, held a very different view of Hitler; whom he referred to as "the George Washington of Germany".


I Talked To Hitler

By The Right Honourable DAVID LLOYD GEORGE
The Daily Express -London
November 17, 1936
I have just returned from a visit to Germany. In so short time one can only form impressions or at least check impressions which years of distant observation through the telescope of the Press and constant inquiry from those who have seen things at a closer range had already made on one's mind.
    I have now seen the famous German Leader and also something of the great change he has effected. Whatever one may think of his methods - and they are certainly not those of a parliamentary country - there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvellous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook.

He rightly claimed at Nuremberg that in four years his movement has made a new Germany. It is not the Germany of the first decade that followed the war - broken, dejected, and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence, and of a renewed sense of determination to lead its own life without interference from any influence outside its own frontiers.

There is for the first time since the war a general sense of security. The people are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirit throughout the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere and Englishmen I met during my trip and who knew Germany well were very impressed with the change.

One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic, dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, a resolute will and a dauntless heart. He is not merely in name but in fact the national Leader. He has made them safe against potential enemies by whom they were surrounded. He is also securing them against that constant dread of starvation, which is one of the poignant memories of the last years of the War and the first years of the Peace.

Over 700,000 died of sheer hunger in those dark years. You can still see the effect in the physique of those who were born into that bleak world. The fact that Hitler has rescued his country from the fear of a repetition of that period of despair, penury and humiliation has given him unchallenged authority in modern Germany.

As to his popularity, especially among the youth of Germany, there can be no manner of doubt. The old trust him; the young idolise him. It is not the admiration accorded to a popular Leader. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country from utter despondency and degradation.

    It is true that public criticism of the Government is forbidden in every form. That does not mean that criticism is absent. I have heard the speeches of prominent Nazi orators freely condemned. But not a word of criticism or of disapproval have I heard of Hitler. He is as immune from criticism as a king in a monarchical country. He is something more. He is the George Washington of Germany - the man who won for his country independence from all her oppressors.

To those who have not actually seen and sensed the way Hitler reigns over the heart and mind of Germany this description may appear extravagant. All the same, it is the bare truth. This great people will work better, sacrifice more, and, if necessary, fight with greater resolution because Hitler asks them to do so. Those who do not comprehend this central fact cannot judge the present possibilities of modern Germany.

On the other hand, those who imagine that Germany has swung back to its old Imperialist temper cannot have any understanding of the character of the change. The idea of a Germany intimidating Europe with a threat that its irresistible army might march across frontiers forms no part of the new vision.

What Hitler said at Nuremberg is true. The Germans will resist to the death every invader at their own country, but they have no longer the desire themselves to invade any other land.  (*Tomato Bubble Note: Actually, Germany had no desire to invade other lands during World War I either; a war which had also been forced upon her).  The leaders of modern Germany know too well that Europe is too formidable a proposition to be overrun and trampled down by any single nation, however powerful may be its armaments. They have learned that lesson in the war.

Hitler fought in the ranks throughout the war, and knows from personal experience what war means. He also knows too well that the odds are even heavier today against an aggressor than they were at that time. What was then Austria would now be in the main hostile to the ideals of 1914.

The Germans are under no illusions about Italy. They also are aware that the Russian Army is in every respect far more efficient than it was in 1914. The establishment of a German hegemony in Europe which was the aim and dream of the old pre-war militarism, is not even on the horizon of Nazism.

The Daily Express (London)
September 17, 1936

The LIES that have been told to you about Hitler and World War II will shock you! Read 'The Bad War' (pdf or book) and see.

 Only when you fully understand the MONSTROUS LIES told about Adolf Hitler and World War II, can you fully understand the current drive for World War III!

By contributer & guest, Mike King
Destined To Be A Classic!

Many readers have asked if Hitler visits Oprah is also available in physical book format. Yes it is!
Physical copy ordering instructions at bottom of page.
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With Guest Appearances and Fiery Debate Between Historians "Franz X"  and Doris Kearns Goodwin
It's the interview of the century. The Fuehrer himself visits the Queen of daytime talk, Oprah Winfrey. What will Oprah ask him? How will Hitler respond? How will the audience respond? Can he win over the hostile crowd with his charm and intellect? Or will he be mercilessly booed off the stage?
Packed with 150 pages of solid information, 200 powerful images, fast paced dialogue, and lots of emotion,laughter, and twists, Mike King's Hitler visits Oprah is destined for Internet Classic status. You won't want to miss it!
Whether you are a beginner, or an advanced student, you will want to keep Hitler visits Oprah as a powerful educational resource to share with friends or family who want to be entertained. It's perfect for "sheeple" and young students too. 
Hitler visits Oprah comes in web page, pdf, & paperback copy formats (scroll down). Have a look at the free preview below, and order today.

(Preview Below)
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
- Dresden James


The following "interview", though obviously a fictitional event, accurately portrays what the ghost of Adolf Hitler would say in his defense. His "answers" to Oprah's questions are mostly based upon an extensive and careful reading of his writings and speeches from 1921-1945, as well as those of his inner circle.
One is at liberty to reflexively dismiss the veracity or accuracy of Hitler's answers, if one so chooses. However, what cannot be disputed, is that Hitler's responses to Oprah's questions truly represent what he would say if such an interview were possible. Indeed, some of Hitler's answers are direct quotes taken from his own speeches and writings.
In regard to Oprah's reaction, admittedly some "artistic license" was taken there. But as for the accuracy of all quotes, facts, and events presented in this work, all of them can be easily verified by way of a simple Google Internet search.  Don't let the whimsical setting of "Hitler visits Oprah" distract you too much, for this is utterly serious and scholarly history. Enjoy the show.
(Oprah walks out to loud applause, hugging and high-fiving her audience members as she walks towards the stage.)

Oprah: Thank you! Thank you!
Today, we have a special surprise guest that is going to shock America.
It was the year 1945 when, surrounded by the advancing Red Army, he and Eva Braun, his new bride of just hours, took their lives in a Berlin bunker. He had risen up from obscurity after World War I, and built a movement that shaped the historical events of his day. At the pinnacle of his power, his armies once dominated Europe from the Atlantic to gates of Moscow, and from North Africa to Scandinavia. Along the way he murdered 6 million Jews and terrorized an entire continent.
Today, we bring you a world exclusive interview with the man we all know as a monster, but whose German people knew as  ‘The Fuehrer’.
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Adolf Hitlerrrrr! 

(Hitler walks out, ‘Seig Heil’ saluting and waving to the stunned crowd of mostly hysterical females. The audience gasps in horror as Hitler removes his hat and kisses Oprah’s hand.  They then begin to boo and hiss loudly.
Shoes and water bottles are thrown at Hitler. Shouts of “murderer”, “Nazi bastard”, “anti-Semite” and “Kill him again” ring forth from the angry mob. Oprah’s security guards restrain a few of the more passionate audience members from rushing the stage.)

Oprah: (motioning towards the crowd) Settle down people. Settle down. I don’t like him either but he is our guest. (turning towards Hitler) I’m sorry for the rude reception but you knew it was coming.
Hitler: It’s quite all right. Forgive them Frau Winfrey, for they know not what they do.
Oprah: (motioning towards her chairs with her hand) Let’s have a seat shall we?
Hitler: Danke
(Oprah again motions with her hand for the audience to settle down. After a minute or two, the agitated mob regains its composure. Oprah begins her interview of Hitler.)

Oprah: Well, not exactly like the receptions you used to get at those Nuremberg rallies is it Mr. Hitler?
(The audience laughs and jeers.)
Hitler: (chuckling) No Frau Winfrey, not exactly. But given the fact that 70 years of malicious lies and mind-bending propaganda have been imposed upon your lovely audience, it’s to be expected. But I will make a prediction. By the time we are finished here today Frau Winfrey, they will have a very different opinion of me. Of that I am quite certain. And please, call me Adolf.
Oprah: Oh. Now I’m intrigued. And please, call me Oprah.
Hitler: OK Oprah.
Oprah: So Adolf. Tell me. How do you intend to change our minds about you?
Hitler: By answering all of your questions the only way I know how, by telling the absolute truth!
Oprah: The truth according to you?
Hitler: Not my version of the truth Oprah, but the eternal truth as witnessed by the All Mighty. Do not mistake me for one of your deceiving degenerate democratic politicians, whose sole object is power, self aggrandizement, and pleasing the mob. As you Americans now say, “that is not how I roll.” I have always said what I meant, and meant what I said. Go ahead Oprah. Try me, and let your studio and TV audiences determine if my words ring true or not.
You will arrive at your own verdict of course, but how can it be a just one without at least giving the accused a full and fair hearing? Justice demands that both sides of a case be heard. You have heard 70 years of accusations leveled against Germany. I ask but a fraction of that time to present our version of events, something which your history books have never done.
Oprah: Fair enough. Let’s jump right into this and hear what you have to say. But before we get started on politics and history, I need to clear the air about something. I have to tell you Adolf, that I, as an African-American woman, was deeply offended and disgusted over that movie reel of you storming out of the stadium after Jesse Owens won his Gold Medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. How dare you! I don’t care how much you hate Black folk. You showed no class whatsoever by disrespectfully snubbing a guest to your country like that.
(The audience cheers loudly for Oprah.)
Oprah: We have a newspaper headline from that time. (motions towards screen) 

Hitler: My dear Oprah. First of all, I do not hate other races. My motto is: respect all peoples, but love your own.
Oprah: But you do favor Aryans, correct?
Hitler: Of course I do. Who else is going to look after our interests and safety? Mr. Obama? (Hitler laughs) Is there a problem with naturally identifying with one's own people? After all, in June of 2013, you yourself donated $12 million dollars to the National Museum of African American History, did you not?
Oprah: Well, yeah, but...
Hitler: But nothing! You could have given that money to a European museum, or to poor White children. Instead, you showed preference to your own people. You see Oprah, a natural love and loyalty for one's own people does not equate to hatred of other races, anymore than love for one's own children equates to hatred of your next door neighbor's children.
Oprah: You have a point there, Adolf. I must confess.
Hitler: Now, as to the event in question, the Owens affair. Your propaganda press lied then, as they still do today. Those movie reel clips were spliced together by deceitful anti-German propagandists. Herr Owens winning the race, and my leaving the stadium, are two separate and unrelated events. I never snubbed the young man at all. Owens was cheered by the German crowds, interviewed on German radio, and befriended by our athletes.
Left: German crowds cheered the amazing feats of Jesse Owens.  Right: Owens and German Long Jump competitor, Luz Long, became friends and pen pals. They exchanged letters right up until Long died in World War II.

Hitler: Herr Owens himself has, on several occasions, confirmed that we waved to each other as he passed by me. Here, read Herr Owens’s own statements. 

(Hitler pulls out an index card from his briefcase and hands it to Oprah)

Oprah: “When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany.” 

Hitler: Here is another.
(Hands card to Oprah)

Oprah: "Hitler didn't snub me -it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram."  

Oh my Lord! This is news to me. So the Jesse Owens snub was a lie?
Hitler: Absolutely. But there’s more Oprah. Owens and I had a photograph taken together, while shaking hands. I found him to be a most gracious and polite young man.
Oprah: Wait a minute! You’re claiming you took a photo with Jesse Owens? I find that very hard to believe Adolf. Why didn’t Owens ever show this photo to anyone?
Hitler: Herr Owens was smart enough to know that if he destroyed the “snub” myth, it could have a negative effect upon his future opportunities. He carried the photo in his wallet, and finally showed it to German sports writers in the 1960’s. He asked the writers if they would publish it, but they could not. One of the writers, Siegfried Mischner, finally confirmed this in 2009. (here) I know not what became of Herr Owens's copy of the photo, but I still have mine. I anticipated that this matter would come up, so I brought it with me. Your people have all of my exhibits. Can we get the Owens photo up please?
(Hitler points to the big screen. The image of Owens and him appears.)

Oprah: Oh-My-God!
 *Below is a photo-shopped artistic rendering. Owens's photo was never seen in America and disappeared after his death.

(The audience gasps in disbelief and begins to stir.)
Hitler: One final point, Herr Owens is very prominently featured in Olympia, the official German documentary of the Games. So, as you can see my dear ladies, and gentlemen, your propaganda press has lied to you. And I can assure you, the ludicrous litany of lies extends far beyond the deliberate distortion regarding my conduct towards Herr Owens.

Oprah: I am so sorry I attacked you over this issue Adolf. I am at a total loss for words.

Hitler: No need to apologize my Chocolate sister. It is your government and your press that should apologize for lying to you and your audience.
Oprah: "Chocolate sister", Ha Ha Ha. That's funny. Don't even mention chocolate. That's one of my weaknesses.
Hitler: That is quite evident.
Oprah: Adolf!
Hitler: Just kidding my dear.

Oprah: You may have cleared your name on this Jesse Owens story Adolf, but you still have a whole lot of other things to answer for.

Hitler: Bring it on baby!

Oprah: OK. Let’s get started. Now you weren’t actually born in Germany. You were born in Austria in 1889. Tell us about your childhood and early years.

Hitler: At that time, Austria was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austrians are Germans. Any distinction between Austrians and Germans is artificial. Austrians, Bavarians, Prussians, Hessians - we were all German. My mother’s name was Klara. She was a saintly woman, totally devoted to her children. I had a younger sister named Paula, and two half siblings from my father's first marriage.

My father was a customs official named Alois. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but I wanted to become an artist. We often clashed over this. Father passed away in 1903. Though I honored and respected my father, I truly loved my mother. It was she who instilled in me the belief that I could accomplish anything if I believed in myself. I was devastated and inconsolable when she passed in 1907.

(Hitler pauses as he regains his composure.)

Oprah:  (putting her arm on Hitler’s shoulder) She sounds like a wonderful woman Adolf.  We have a picture of her, and a baby picture of you. (motioning toward the big screen) Klara Hitler and the Baby Fuehrer.

(Hitler wipes a tear from the corner of his eye.)

Klara Hitler / Adolf as a baby and as an adolescent

 "Outwardly, his love for his mother was his most striking feature. While he was not a "mother's boy" in the usual sense, I have never witnessed a closer attachment...In the practice of my profession it is natural that I should have witnessed many scenes such as this one, yet none of them left me with quite the same impression. In all my career I have never seen anyone so prostrate with grief as Adolf Hitler."
 Jewish Dr. Eduard Bloch - on Hitler's reaction to his mother's death. 
Oprah: So now, your just 18 years old, dirt poor, both of your parents are gone, and you have no connections. You originally wanted to become an artist, a painter. What happens now?

Hitler: I had moved to Vienna in 1905 and supported myself by selling my paintings and drawings. I was disappointed and confused when my application to the Vienna Academy of Art  was rejected. Whereas I was a classical artist, the Marxist inspired trend towards degenerate “modern art” was already growing. Perhaps that is why I was rejected.

Oprah: Well, I have to admit Adolf, having reviewed some of your work, I too cannot understand why you were rejected. It’s really quite good. Look at these images. They are beautiful. (motioning towards the screen)

(The audience gasps as the images flash by one at a time.)

Oprah: I had no idea you could paint like this! I’d buy these for sure. People! Let’s give it up for Hitler the fine artist.
(The audience applauds lightly.)

Hitler: (bowing) Danke. Danke.
Oprah: So. You were turned down from the Academy in 1908. Then what?
Hitler: I drifted. Alone and poor, I spent my time painting and devouring the great books of the library. I often read one book per day. My education is self taught.
Oprah: What did you study?
Hitler: Everything I could get my hands on; literature, philosophy, architecture, science, history, poetry. My appetite for knowledge was limitless, as was my aptitude for retaining information. More importantly, I also spent much of my time thinking, reflecting, and observing how the world around me works. Material poverty sharpened me and taught me great lessons.
Oprah: And then came The Great War.
Hitler: Yes. In 1914, a war that was forced upon Austria-Hungary and the German-Reich.
Oprah: Forced upon the Germany and Austria-Hungary? Explain.
Hitler: By 1914, the German Reich had become a great economic power. For reasons rooted in ignorance of economics, and also to petty envy, some in Britain and France wished to see Germany defeated, divided and controlled. Standing above and behind this Allied desire was the International Jewish Money Power, which also sought to bring the emerging German powerhouse, as well as the rest of Europe, under their Communist-Capitalist yoke of control.
Germany was bound to a mutual defense Treaty with Austria-Hungary, and also the Ottoman Turkish Empire. These three states were known as “The Central Powers”. On the other side, Britain, France, and Russia were also parties to a defense treaty, “The Entente”. One wrong move, and this powder keg of adversarial alliances could explode at any time.
Oprah: Right. I do remember learning about the competing alliances in history class. Except I never heard the part about the jealousy towards Germany and the Jewish angle.
Hitler: Remember Oprah. History is written by the winners.
Oprah: Good point. So, wasn’t there some assassination that kicked off the war?
Hitler: Yes. The Austrian Arch-Duke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were murdered by Serbian conspirators controlled by an unseen hand. The Jewish controlled Austrian Press then spewed forth relentless propaganda against the Balkan nation of Serbia. Serbia was falsely accused of controlling the Serbian minority within the Austria-Hungarian Empire. The great danger here was the fact that Russia was the protector of Serbia. Any war against Serbia would trigger a conflict between the Entente and the Central Powers.
The assassination triggered the war between the two alliances.

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20 Facts You Hardly Know About Hitler


Today we are going to present you 20 curious facts of the formidable leader of the Nazi party, about Adolf Hitler.
1. Hitler was announced dead to the world on May 1, 1945. Exactly 66 years later, Osama bin Laden was also announced dead.
Both death announcements are in American Eastern Standard Time.

Osama bin Laden (© AP file)

2. Hitler’s plan for Moscow was to kill all residents and replace it with a lake.
The territory around the artificial lake was to be cleared of all “foreigners” and settled by Germans only.
3. A German author wrote a novel in which Hitler wakes up in modern Berlin with no memories since 1945 and becomes a comedian.
The novel became one of the most high rated bestsellers in Germany but divided critics.

4. Hitler thought he was extremely sexually attractive to women, therefore he pretended to be single.
Two of numerous female lovers of Adolf Hitler are known to commit suicide.

5. WWII German general Erwin Rommel refused to comply with Hitler’s order to execute Jewish POWs.
Being against the politics, Erwin Rommel was serving for Hitler until he was promoted to Panzer Unit Commander.

6. We should never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was ‘legal’. – Martin Luther King.
Further it sounded like this: “…and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was ‘illegal’.”

7. Adolf Hitler wanted to be an architect, but failed the entrance exam at the architectural school in Vienna.
He liked to paint architecture in youth, such as public places, and he even sold many of his works. However he was not as successful at art as he wished to be. Some of his paintings were recovered after the war and sold at auction for tens of thousands of dollars. If only he was accepted by that school in Vienna!


8. Adolf Hitler admired Henry Ford to a point so much that he mentioned him in speeches, kept his pictures; gave him regular birthday presents.
Hitler used to say that Ford was his inspiration.

9. Adolf Hitler, from 1942 until his death in 1945, was addicted to crystal meth.
Nazi soldiers used to take methamphetamine too – to fight harder and longer. It has to be mentioned, it was not the only drug widely used by them.

10. The man who designed Saddam Hussein’s secret bunker was the grandson of the woman who designed Adolf Hitler’s.
It makes no sense why her grandson was asked to design the bunker for Hussein, he was simply good at this job.

11. The winners of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin received an oak tree as a gift from Hitler.
An oak sapling was presented to each of 130 winners of those Olympic Games.

12. Both Hitler and Stalin were once nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes.
Nomination of Hitler was supposed to be a joke – he was nominated in 1939 by a member of the Swedish parliament for … the peace prize.

13. Hitler was scared of the dentist, loved to eat sweets, had feminine handwriting and was suspected of being gay. He also loved cheerleading.
He kept canaries and let his dogs sleep by his side.

14. Adolf Hitler took 28 different drugs for his chronic flatulence cocaine and amphetamines included.
The dangerous cocktail of drugs was prescribed to the Nazi leader by his personal doctor himself.

15. Gandhi once wrote a letter to his “dear friend” urging him not to go to war. This friend was Hitler.
Unfortunately the letter was not allowed by the British government to be delivered.

16. In WWI, a British soldier named Henry Tandey saved the life of a wounded german soldier, who was later identified as Adolf Hitler.
Henry declined to shoot the future Nazi leader who was only 29 years old then.

17. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
Another one was lost by Hitler in the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

18. In 1938, Time Magazine chose Adolf Hitler for man of the year.
As for Stalin, he earned such honor twice.

19. Hitler plotted to kill William Churchill with exploding chocolate.
Explosive devices had to be coated with a thin layer of rich dark chocolate and wrapped into a beautiful gold and black packaging paper.


20. Hitler carefully collected Jewish artifacts and took photos of Jews to be preserved in what he called, “The Museum of an Extinct Race.”
The museum had to be opened in a Jewish quarter of Prague.


World Almanac, 1933 (page 419) - 15.3 million
World Almanac, 1938 (page 510) - 15.75 million
World Almanac, 1947 (page 748) - 15.7 million
World Almanac, 1949 (page 289) - 15.7





See American Jewish Year Book that offers proof of the 6,000,000 Jewish Holocaust Hoax!
Jewish population under German rule 1933-1941

Dedicated to
Washington D.C. Imâm Muhammad al-‘Asi, Adalberto Erazo Jr. and Kathleen Bates.

Happy Birthday, ya ‘Isa, ya Muhammad, Messengers of the One and Only God, and may peace and blessings be upon you all! 

The Battle of Armageddon is a fiction and only a symbol.  But, World War III is a reality and has been going on since the end of WWII, and is the longest war in modern history.  Some call it (or the one they are expecting) The IVth Reich of the Rich, of the Jews, Zionists and other Godless monsters.  The West, America and their Allies and Puppets, have been waging endless wars against Muslims and Islam and are drone murdering our babies and children and defenceless men, women and infants indiscriminately and in all legality.  It is therefore the Islamic and human obligation of all Muslims of the Universal Ummah of Muhammad to be in a permanent state of war.  In the current circumstances, the purification of the heart, total boycott and civil disobedience remain the most efficient weapons Muslims and non Muslims alike dispose of.  Diplomacy and membership in the UN dictatorship are out of question as this only perpetuates the wars and the massacres.  Despite of the fact that more and more non Muslims are joining in the efforts of Resistance, they all (mostly) lack the Islamic perspective of the whole matter and it is up to Muslims to clarify the misconceptions which often run counter current to resistance.  In trying to do so, I have encountered countless obstacles from all sides, ‘friend’ and foe, but the work of information has to be carried out no matter what.  While we almost always know our enemies, it is not the same with our ‘friends’.

In a French essay posted on the internet more than ten years ago (2002), Ghyslaine ROC, my other half (I can see Mark Glenn smiling!) tried to warn French pacifist and integrationist (assimilationist) Muslims of the many dangers facing them, but it was like “casting pearls before swine” – Six Million of them in France according to Mafia boss Charles Pasqua, and hundreds of millions worldwide!  Muslims never learned the lesson and keep paying a very heavy price.  I am here reproducing one major extract of that article with a few additional notes as readers get easily bored with too much serious stuff. 

The present effort is meant to bring to the notice of the lay readers, whether they like it or not, a forgotten piece of history in which I played a small but not insignificant role.  In Ghyslaine’s well researched piece (I helped her quite a bit though, as always!), she warned Muslims that they cannot vote for an anti-Islamic (Islamicide) government, no matter which one, either in a Muslim country or not, by abandoning Al-Jihaad, without being humiliated as Imâm Muhammad Al-‘Asi will point out in his talk of which I will reproduce the main statements here.  I expect many not to like this because it is an Islamic perspective of our modern predicament, but which has global implications. I am the Messenger of the truth to please God and not to please mortals. Those who have studied history and done their research honestly and earnestly know the “The Ugly Truth” (See also “Crescent and Cross”of Mark Glenn’s) whose hosts are well aware of my postures. I thank our great Brother Mark Glenn for providing at great costs and personal sacrifice a free platform for all genuine fighters for freedom and justice against the common enemy.  (Unfortunately, since December 2013, that freedom seems to have been severely impaired thanks to a leading minuscule team of like-minded self worshipping narcissist egomaniacs specialised in bullying, ad hominem attacks and insults that do not allow freedom to speak anymore unless we all think and speak alike.)     



2014 Ancient Hidden Technology of the Annunaki (Fallen Angels)


  1. In order to deliver us into the hands of usurious Jewish Bank Gangsters, the Rothschilds and others, the Catholic Church, the Tsar and the monarchy had to be decapitated/neutralised and the private Jewish Federal Reserve Banking System to be set up (illegally) in the Corporation of the united States of America in 1913.  Bolshevism had to be set up on the corpse of the decapitated Russian monarchy and of the now moribund Christianity and the Holocaust of millions of Christians and Muslims alike.  (Sadly, most Westerners if not all tend to remember only the Christian victims of Jewish and Zionist Bolshevism.) 
  2. In order to prevent the destruction of the Jewish Banking System and Jewish control over the West and its (neo) colonies and dominions, the Jews declared total war on Germany in 1933 followed by France and England who started World War II (Germany never started WWII!), soon to be joined by the Jewish controlled warmongering Corporation known now as the U.S.A. (a war planned in advance), and the vilification of German National Socialism and of its leader Herr Adolph Hitler, the greatest and most charismatic leader Europe has known in those days, and this has not stopped to this very day.
  3.  In order to again neutralise the new threat posed to the Jewish Banking System represented mainly by some Muslim countries, the Jews have this time unleashed the whole world against Islam and Muslims, and the demonisation of both Muslims and Islam has been non stop and is getting worse each day (with all kinds of labels) and the killings of millions of Muslims have already taken place in all legality with several Muslim countries bombed “to the Stone or Dark Ages”, their lands contaminated with WMDs, devastated, and the inhabitants terrorised and traumatised on a daily basis, attacked by drones, occupied, shot at and humiliated, and life made a literal hell on earth for them and their loved ones. Some call it WWIII or Armageddon or the End of Times.
  4. But, the ‘good’ news is that the chicken have at last come home to roost (Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) as the Jews have now officially turned their guns against their Judeo-Protestant and Judeo-Catholic Allies who still in their vast majority have not yet understood the Jewish Peril as we do not see them or their Churches offering any visible or meaningful resistance or condemnation of Jewish and Judeo-‘Christian’ mass murders!  The bulk of the Resistance is Islamic and comes mainly from Muslims who are paying a horrendous price for it, although their worst enemies come from within their own ranks, from apostates, collaborators, pacifists, integrationists and assimilationists.  But, those Europeans who want to see Muslims integrate into their Godless system can wait until hell freezes over because Islam integrates other healthy systems but never integrates into any systems ruled by demonic forces.  Jewish/Zionist controlled Germany made prostitutes of their entire woman population by legalising prostitution in 2002 and they call this Jewish filth civilisation! I am the first to recognise the grandeur of the West, but actually what we have today is an abomination!


I apologise for the statement of Islamic faith at the beginning as this is not addressed only to Believers, but to all decent human beings on this planet, living and deceased.  ALLAH, Al-Jihaad, or the West and its anti-Islamic butchers!  Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, may he rest in peace, had warned us : Da’wah or Destruction !  Da’wah is calling (inviting) humanity to Islam!  But, Jihaad is also the Armed Jihaad with top of the art technology in all spheres, or face total destruction!  It is also known as the Lesser Jihaad compared to the Greater Jihaad against the Nafs (Self).  Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction are haraam in Islam, but nothing prevents Muslims from using them as a deterrent because it is a question of survival and any human being has the right to protect his life, that of his loved ones, his property, way of life and heritage and ignore the West who is more interested in “saving the whales in the Pacific” than Muslim lives!

Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi ta’ala wa barakatuhu ! 


Fourteen hundred years after the perfection of Islam in Arabia, numerous Muslim intellectuals, in particular those specifically indoctrinated in the Western institutions, accept Islam only when it is separated from politics – the fools and traitors!

THE BERTRAND RUSSELL DICTIONARY OF MIND, MATTER & MORALS edited with an introduction by Lester E. Denonn, A Citadel Press Book, USA, First Carol Publishing Group Edition 1993, Copyright 1952, page 115.

“Islam, on the contrary, was from its very beginning a political religion.  Mahomet made himself a ruler of men, and the caliphs who succeeded him remained so until the conclusion of the Great War [1914-1918].  It is typical of the difference between Islam and Christianity that the caliph combined within himself both temporal and spiritual authority, which to a Mahometan are not distinct, whereas Christianity, by its non-political character, was led to create two rival politicians, namely, the Pope and the Emperor, of whom the former based his claims to temporal power upon the unimportance of secular rule.” (ESO 16-7)

Lord Bertrand Arthur William Russell (DIRTY BIRTY, THE MOST EVIL MAN OF THE XXTH CENTURY!) was born in 1872.  He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1952, although he was famous as a philosopher, a mathematician and an iconoclastic social reformer. He was also an atheist and a pacifist.  He wrote on international relations, war, ethics, politics, metaphysics, sociology, education, sexual relations, marriage, religion, theology, epistemology, traditional and modern logic, semantics, psychology, philosophy of history, history of philosophy, the sciences and, in particular, mathematics and physics.

 When he was over ninety years old, Lord Bertrand Russell founded the Committee of 100 in England, an influential militant group that campaigned, through civil disobedience, for nuclear disarmament and international morality.  He was married four times.  His grandfather was the famous English Prime Minister, Lord John Russell.  Lord Bertrand Russell died in 1970 a notorious controversial thinker.
A few days ago, I was pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed with joy while listening to the live Khutba (at St Paul Cathedral) on British Television, on the occasion of the funeral service of the Freemasonic queen mother of England (and other stolen lands) when the priest quoted Ecclesiastics 3 from the Holy Bible :

Ecclesiastes 3 - New International Version (NIV)

A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace

 And, I would add:


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the bi-sexual disciple of non-violence who lived with (bedded) a wealthy Jewish homosexual for some time and who paid him back quite substantially, did indeed preach non-violence, but he was also a disciple of violence that he preferred from flight or submission.
The Good Boatman », A Portrait of Gandhi by Pr Rajmohan Gandhi, Penguin Books, Inde, 1995, page 23]

But, the Muslims and Christians have still not learnt that they have to defend themselves by whatever means necessary when their Communities or the oppressed are attacked, exterminated, and how to do it without having to join anti-Islamic or anti-Christian political parties that pass laws in favour of usury, homosexuality, abortion, pornography, prostitution, drugs trade like alcohol, nicotine, soon cannabis, and that do not punish murder, theft, rape, fraud, war crimes (often incited or perpetrated by themselves)!

Christians see France legalise abortion, they keep quiet!  They see Germany legalise prostitution, they pretend they are blind!  They see Holland legalise drugs, they let it go unchallenged!  They see America murder 50 millions babies in all legality (abortion), they are still not moved!  They see the whole of Christendom turned into Sodom and Gomorrah, with brothels, drugs, gambling, vices of all kinds, Jewish pharmaceuticals and vaccines that kill, fluoride, aspartame, GM food unfit for human consumption, they still keep their mouth shut!  But, Muslims and genuine Christians and peace loving and moral Atheists and others cannot and will not keep quiet!  They will fight to the last man, woman and child!   

We cannot abandon Al-Jihaad without being humiliated!

Muhammad al-‘Asi was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, in 1951.

Here are a few extracts of a talk given by one of the major participants at an International Conference held in London in October 1997 by the Majlis al-Shûra fi Britanya (Muslim Parliament of Great Britain) - Washington Imâm Muhammad Al ‘Asi (USA), attended and partly filmed by my spiritual mentor B.A. Frémaux-Soormally.  However, the transcript in Arabic may not have been correctly transcribed phonetically as the reporter does not speak Arabic.  Imâm Al ‘Asi points his finger at Western Civilisation that he accuses of not being concerned by the plight of Muslims, and he is absolutely right.  Imâm Al-‘Asi is one of the best orators I have ever heard in my life-time.  I quote the Imâm (MP3 sound recording attached):

Washington Imâm Muhammad Al ‘Asi (USA):
NOW, THESE WORDS may come somewhat harsh to some feeble-minded individuals, but these are the words of the Qur’ân and these are the only response that we have to a system that is involved in a protracted haemorrhage of the Muslim world that we have been witnessing throughout all of these years, and the details you have listened to some of them: Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia. Those were not the beginning and those are not going to be the end.  Now, to begin the issue of how we respond to all of this Allah has made it very clear to us:  
Kutiba ‘alaykumul-qitaalu wa huwa kurhul-lakum,  
Wa ‘asa ‘añ-takrahuu shay-'añw-wa huwa khayrul-lakum,  
Wa 'asa ‘añ-tuhibbu shay'añw-wa huwa sharrul lakum. 
Wallaa hu ya'-lamu wa ‘añ-tum laa ta'-lamuun.  

Now, without going into the details of the implications, the linguistic implications of this Ayah, what we should understand in the dynamics of the world around us here is that Allah is telling us that fighting, this is combat engagement, fighting in the true sense of the word: YOU SHOOT AND YOU ARE SHOT AT!  This has been decided by ALLAH for us.  It is not my decision; it is not your decision.  It is not a decision of a particular ruler here or a particular governor there.
It is the decision that is made by ALLAH that corresponds and addresses our condition as Muslims in this world.
Kutiba ‘alaykumul-qitaal, and the word QITAAL here means ACTIVE COMBAT.”
 “They have the right for self-defence!”

It is definitely not the United Nations or the United States or any of these other organisations of what is called International Legality! A word that was repeated by Yasser Arafat until he finally surrendered everything he had and now he has become Mayor of a couple of Cities in the West Bank and Ghazza!

(Basheer laughing on tape!)

This is the example of those who want to proceed with this so-called International Legality until its bitter end.”

Kutiba ‘alaykumul-qitaal!  And, when these Ayat are repeated, they are repeated in this context:  Wa huwa kurhul-lakum!

Of course, you are averse to it.  You are not going to say this to any normal Muslim, and he is going to get high of having to go out to fight!  Wa huwa kurhul-lakum! Of course, you’re gonna hate to go out to fight!

But, what other alternative, what other course do you have?
Look at Alegria !  In the best tradition of Western democracy; these are for those Muslims who still think democratically; these Muslims went to the ballot box!  These Muslims wanted elections, and these Muslims voted for their representatives; what happened?  You have right now a three year answer still in process. 
What happened to these Muslims?   
What happened to the whole population of Algeria? 
It has been displaced from the political process!  It has even been displaced from its own homes and neighbourhoods and they are in the mountains fighting now.  WHY?
Because they wanted elections! 
They wanted the democratic process!  They wanted to recognition of the outside world!
They didn’t gain any of it! 
Kutiba ‘alaykumul-qitaal wa huwa kurhul-lakum!
  Of course, you don’t like to fight.  No one in his right mind likes to fight!  Put a group of people in this world like the Muslims; put them in the conditions that they are in such as the conditions they are in Algeria, in Bosnia, in Egypt, in Palestine, in Kashmir, in the Philippines, in North Africa, in Asia, in minority conditions around the Western world. Plunder their resources, steal them dry and you tell them:
NO, you have to be peaceful; you have to go through the United Nations ;  you have to gain recognition of the European States, the Americans, etc.
And, these people who have tread this course in the past few years, where are they now?  The examples are staring you in the eye!”

« What are we left with in the rest of the Muslim world? » 
And those brothers who still haven’t learnt and still want to pursue this democratic process, give us some sustaining examples of where it can work?  There is none!  That’s the hard fact of the matter!  So, we are left up to do something we don’t like to do, something that we hate doing:
Wa huwa kurhul-lakum! 

But, then ALLAH says:  
Wa ‘asa ‘añ-takrahuu shay-'añw-wa huwa khayrul-lakum, 
 Wa 'asa ‘añ-tuhibbu shay'añw-wa huwa sharrul lakum.  
Wallaa hu ya'-lam wa ‘añ-tum laa ta'-lamuun.

It may be that something that you hate and good will come out of it.  It may be that something that you like and something bad will come out of it. 
Then, ALLAH knows, but you don’t!

  You see, if we were to say these words and we did say these words years ago to these people who opted for the pacifist attitude, and there are still people among the Muslims who opt for this pacifist attitude!

We are not Quakers!

We are not pacifists to the degree that we are annihilating ourselves!

We are not pacifists in a world that has become a slaughterhouse for Muslims!

Or we are going to die fighting!”

« You can see how vulnerable we have become – almost everywhere
And, the Prophet, and those who were with him during his lifetime understood this very well!

It has not been, it will never occur that a people abandon Jihaad except that they will be humiliated!
Look at the world today!  Look around! 

Humiliation has engulfed those who are walking away from Al-Jihaad, whether it is an intellectual alienation from Al-Jihaad or whether it is a practical and physical displacement from Al-Jihaad!
Humiliation will engulf you until you recognise this is the only way out!

Forget that we are Muslims for a moment! 
We are only human beings! 

Who in their right mind, be he a Jew, or a Christian or the others who are moving that International Legality with their veto power and with their nuclear power, will they accept what is happening to us to happen to them? 
Then, ask them:
If you were put in our situation, what would you do? 

Would you sit down and be slaughtered?

Or would you stand up for your rights?
They’ll tell you:  We’ll stand up for our rights?
And, we are telling them : WE WILL STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS ALSO !

And, these are not words of rhetoric!  These are not words of a demagogue!
These are the words and the actions of the Mujahidiin who are giving up their blood and their lives as we speak here today! 
And, this is the opening chapter!  There is more of this to come! 
And, those faint hearted individuals, if you see that this is the trend of the future and you can’t tolerate it step out!

There is no time for these doubting Thomases!  There is no time for those vacillating personalities to be around!”
« But, because we are very upset, we are not going to abandon our responsibility! We are very upset!  We know that this is a direction of sweat, of tears, of blood, and this is only the beginning and it will continue until we become the Ummah that we are expected to be!

For those of you who understand the Ayah :


The real stuff is out there in the battle field!

Look at Egypt, look at Algeria, look at other parts of the Muslim world where we can’t even communicate!  A couple of individuals were supposed to be sitting with us on the panel delivering their ideas and the condition of the Muslims could not come! 
What happened to free speech?
And, if the trend continues like this, we will probably not be able to meet here on another occasion, and that’s something we have to expect because if they are nervous, we are in progress!

And they are pursuing a scorch-earth policy!
They see Algeria converting to Islam, BURN THE PLACE DOWN! 

Wa huwa kurhul-lakum,
Wa ‘asa ‘añ-takrahuu shay-'añw-
wa huwa khayrul-lakum,  
Wa 'asa ‘añ-tuhibbu shay'añw-
wa huwa sharrul lakum.  
Wallaa hu ya'-lamu 
wa ‘añ-tum laa ta'-lamuun
I think my time is up.

Jahangir Mohamed (moderator): “It is up, but I could not stop you in full flow.”


“I am as polite as to recognise that fact.  Thank you very much.  Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu!

Imâm Muhammad Al ‘Asi (USA)
Conference held by the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, October 1997. 

The above quoted verses: Holy Qur’ân Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 216

* I offered the above recording for free on demand, but out of the 1.8 billion so-called Muslims, not a single Muslim has ever asked for it and I never found it anywhere on the Internet?????)
While the Zionist Jews, at the head of the West, put the whole world to sleep with an alleged Six Million Jewish Holocaust supposedly killed by the Germans during World War II that they themselves had orchestrated, their usurious bankers of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and others, the World Bank, the Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the UNO, NATO and the armies of assassins financed by those murderous bankers are perpetrating real Holocausts (Shoahs) in the Muslim World and in other countries deliberately impoverished by their so-called Aid Development Programme (rather Aid Impoverishment Programme)!
The 56 Muslim countries are victims of Western dictates, oppression and tyranny, and the occupation of their lands, and in some cases, ‘secular and democratic embargoes’ are decimating entire populations like in Iraq!  The interest that those usurers steal from the poorest countries in the world sometimes exceeds 30% over the ‘loaned’ capital to their own paid puppets they have put at the head of the occupied countries to do their dirty neo-colonisation job in their place, and that never benefits the oppressed people who are forced to work as slaves until their death, being eternally indebted as the debt was not meant to be payable, but meant to be augmented with more borrowing each year in order to pay only the interest while the capital remains due for life, a fraud committed by the IMF and the World bank under US dictatorship!  These debts are artificial, criminal and impossible to be paid back!  The West practices a terrorist political ‘economy’ (savage Bolshevik capitalism) in all the poor countries of the planet under their direct control pushing the people to starvation or revolt sooner or later.
And, it is a shame to see Muslim countries being members of the United Nations Dictatorship, an organisation of International Terrorism directly responsible for the slaughter of entire Muslim and other populations. 

Their role or absence of a role, particularly in Palestine,  Bosnia, Algeria, Chechnya, Kashmir, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq shows clearly their inherent anti-Muslim racism, their total indifference to human suffering, and makes them accomplices, and in some cases, the very authors of planned and endless massacres of entire defenceless nations, whose right to self-defence is never recognised, and nor the right to free speech !
One blatant example : The United nations have not only allowed the Zionists to slaughter and expel an entire population, after stealing their lands, Muslim Palestine,  and humiliating them for more than half a century, but they have also allowed the criminal Indians (Bharatis) to invade and steal Muslim Kashmir, that they have with Western imperialist complicity
Occupied with more than 700,000 soldier-assassins;
Been found guilty of the massacre of 96,000 Kashmiris, men, women and children;
With 124,500 maimed;
115,000 innocent arrested, jailed, tortured Israeli,  French, or Serbian-style;
And the rape of 48,000 Muslims!

(Figures 2000)

Thousands of houses and Holy sites have been burnt down, and thousands of people have disappeared, and President Clinton, this Zionist master butcher, dares call the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters terrorists!

The Wars of Armageddon have already started and ongoing with mass slaughter of both Muslims (and Christians) in Palestine, the Balkans, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, Pakistan, Africa, Kashmir, India, Mali, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Syria and soon in Iran!  There has indeed been several Holocausts of Muslims orchestrated directly or indirectly by the Secular (laïque), anti-Muslim racist and Totalitarian Bolshevik West, and others are in the making!   The Muslim Ummah has only two choices:

Obey and submit to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and fight by all means necessary

OR continue to submit to the dictates of the Western usurious hegemonists, those manufacturers of holocausts with their Islamicidal and Deicidal institutions, and with the greatest human slaughterhouses, brothels, prisons and Concentration Camps ever known to humanity.

OR even, as the Ummah is doing currently, continue their heedlessness and wait for God to do the job in their place, and THAT, He will certainly never do!

BarâkAllâh Fîk
Ghyslaine ROC
Slightly edited on 26 February 2013

Circulated by B.A. Frémaux-Soormally
The entire article in French can be found at:
N.B. If anyone is interested in the essay, I’ll try my best to translate it into English. (BAFS)
 - Nobody was interested!
Today, it is the Muslims, to morrow it will be you!
While innocent Muslims are being systematically demonised and jailed for even practicing sports or practicing their religion freely, hundreds of thousands of young European Jews are being sent for training by the military to fight (kill) Palestinians and steal and squat their lands and homes. 

Yasmin Cass’ father Mohammed Hamid is one innocent Muslim victim among thousands – recently jailed possibly for life for no crime committed!  She invited me to meet with her at our friend’s place.

Quoting the Qu’ran = Hate Speech
Calling to Islam = Danger to the Public
Playing Paintball = Military Training
Giving Talks on Islam = Hate Speech and Solicitation to Murder
Mohammed Hamid is one of the many victims of Britain’s ‘war on terror’ languishing in prison. He was arrested, along with fourteen other men, in the wake of the 2005 London bombings and charged with ‘providing terrorist training’. 
On 26th February 2008 Hamid was found guilty of ‘providing terrorist training’ and ‘soliciting murder’ and sentenced to an ‘indeterminate sentence for public protection’ with a tariff (minimum term) of seven years, after which he will only be released if the Parole Board declares he is sufficiently low risk to be freed.

In a public statement Hamid’s daughter, Yasmin Cass, said:

“…My father Mohammed Hamid, a 54 year old father and dawah carrier, was sentenced in 2008 to an “IPP” (Imprisonment for Public Protection). He was singled out for his beliefs – which included challenging the government’s version of events regarding 7/7. He is a man who loves people and people love him right back. Our home has been torn apart by his absence and it is worse knowing he is an innocent man, ‘Imprisoned for Public Protection’, for the crimes of calling non-Muslims to Islam, playing paint-ball, and helping local communities…”

“Mohammed Hamid featured in a BBC documentary produced and directed by Phil Rees.  In the documentary Hamid was filmed paintballing with a group of friends.  In the prosecution of Mohammed Hamid the paintballing footage was adduced as  evidence of Hamid partaking in ‘terrorist training’. A copy of the video can be viewed on the Free Mohammed Hamid Media page.”

Write to Mohammed Hamid:
Muhammed Hamid A8114AG
HMP Long Lartinsouth
WR11 8TZ
Puppy Charlie, Kevin and Basheer 1 February 2013
Mural Street Art by Banksy

The Police Zionist Totalitarian Bolshevik British Dictatorship carries out systematic false flags that they blame on Muslims.  This provides them with a bogus reason to frame, arrest and jail thousands of young educated Muslims, to destroy their careers and break their family.  It is a military tactic to terrorise and keep British Muslims under permanent control with the help and collaboration of corrupt Muslim politicians, religious leaders, lawyers, magistrates, mayors, judges, Councillors, Members of Parliament, and other professionals who have sworn allegiance to the State.

Almost the entire world is at war against Arabs, Islam, and Muslims, and even the Arabic language, but most Muslims failed to see that because of a colonised and neo-colonised mentality and the decadence of the Ummah (Universal Muslim Nationhood).  The UN, UK, Israel, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, India, New Zealand, US, Europe, non Muslim Black Africa, Christendom and Judendom are all at war (both master and slave!) and have polluted our planet and turned it into a huge slaughterhouse, brothel, drug and gambling dens, “Sodom and Gomorrah”! 

Muslims are systematically being oppressed, ostracised, hounded and prevented from acquiring on top of their Eastern and Islamic cultures a purely European culture, the best that Europe has to offer to humankind, not the Judeo-Protestant or the Vatican II Catholic or Atheist Secularist trash.  Muslims are institutionally being regarded as inferiors and lowest than all the other “ethnic” groups, vilified 24 hours a day by all the media, television, cinema industry, and so on, and not allowed to improve themselves under an apartheid system of government.

Wednesday 26 February 2013


A truly grim report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Security Council of the Russian Federation (SCRF) warns that the Rodina (motherland) has entered into its “most dangerous time in history” as it prepares to defend itself against a rapidly collapsing American empire whose vassal European Union confederation is, likewise, on the brink of outright collapse too.Not just to this SCRF warning is the world trembling today either as Lord Jacob Rothschild, of the historically prominent, and global, Rothschild banking family, yesterday issued a similar warning by stating that the world is now mired in the most dangerous geopolitical situation since World War II.
SCRF Secretary-Director Nikolai Patrushev notes in this report that the Obama regime is now funding Russian political groups under the guise of promoting civil society, just as in the “colour revolutions” in the former Soviet Union and the Arab world that have plunged our present world into chaos, while at the same time they are using the sanctions imposed over the conflict in Ukraine as a “pretext” to inflict economic pain and stoke discontent among the populace.
Secretary-Director Patrushev further states, “It’s clear that the White House has been counting on a sharp deterioration in Russians’ standard of living and mass protests, but Russia can withstand the pressure, though, thanks to its resilience and decades of experience in combating color revolutions.”
Russian deputy defense minister Anatoly Antonov also notes in this report that NATO’s activities are now many times greater than Russia’s and states: “We’ve noticed that NATO member states are using the situation in southeastern Ukraine as a pretext to discard all diplomatic conventions, tricks and slogans and push forward, closer to the Russian border.”
To how strong the Obama regime is pushing the Federation towards war, this report says, is evidenced by this past week’s deployment to Ukraine by the Obama regime of US military troops and their sending into the Black Sea a fleet of NATO warships.
In response to these Obama regime war moves, this report notes, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich gravely warned the Americans and NATO that their actions now threaten Russia’s security.
Even more astounding, this report continues, the Obama regime stated yesterday its eventual intention” to send their ground troops into Syria and actually warned that an offensive by forces of the Syrian president against ISIS rebels and their supporters (called nonsensically by the Americans as “moderate rebels”) would open the door for an American strike on Syrian government troops.
In response to the Obama regimes warning to Syria that it US forces would begin attacks, this report says, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukashevich stated: “Against this background, statements from Washington that a possible offensive of Assad forces against the moderate Syrian opposition would open the door for a US attack against government forces are a matter of concern.”
This report, as context, notes that the Obama regime is “enraged” at President Putin’s upcoming visit to Iran where the “final plans” for the Iraq-Iranian-Syrian military defeat of ISIS are scheduled to be discussed.
Equally enraging the Obama regime, this report continues, was this past weeks joint Iraq-Iran military assault and encirclement on the ISIS held city of Tikrit that “took the US by surprise”, and who by the defeat of these terrorists would leave the Americans without an enemy to continue to frighten their own people with.
In response to these Obama regime aggressions, SCRF experts in this report say, President Putin has ordered an immediate deployment exercise of rocket and artillery troops and has authorized Russia’s newest Su-30 multirole fighter jets, together with Su-24 attack bombers, to conduct simulated strikes against NATO’s fleet in the Black Sea.
As to how the Obama regime plans to destroy Russia, this report gravely says, they were recently revealed when secret documents were leaked detailing how the CIA-linked American company FTI Consulting, and their US intelligence operative Frank Holder, are preparing to destroy the Venezuelan government…plans so shocking they actually tell the US opposition: “violence should also be encouraged and whenever possible lead to deaths and injuries.”
These “sadistic practices” by the US against any nation that challenges them, this report says, have been long known since the 1980’s when a CIA “psychological operations” manual prepared by a CIA contractor for the Nicaraguan Contra rebels noted the value of assassinating someone on your own side to create a “martyr” for the cause, and which the Obama regime “used to perfection” in Ukraine.
And for the “true cause” of the Obama regime attacking Russia, this report concludes, is the impending economic collapse of both the US and EU as China is now promoting its currency as the new global standard, which when this happens will cease allowing the West to print their way out of the economic quagmire they’ve created for themselves.
With the American people having been lulled to sleep by their mainstream media (which is their government’s main weapon against its own people) as to how dire the global situation has become, it is no wonder that none of them know of the catastrophic fall in the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), and which exactly mirrors the market crash of 2008. After all, the BDI always shows the grim future that is to come, stock markets only reflect human greed and madness.
March 5, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


Another BBC Journalist Under Fire: Bowen Slammed for Saying Netanyahu ‘Played Holocaust Card’ in Congress Speech

March 5, 2015 2:55 pm
BBC Correspondent Jeremy Bowen accused PM Netanyahu of "playing the Holocaust card" during his address to Congress. 
Yet another BBC correspondent has come under fire for offending Jewish sensitivities after he accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of using the Nazi Holocaust to elicit sympathy during his address to Congress on Tuesday.
Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s Middle East editor tweeted, “#NetanyahuSpeech He acknowledges [Holocaust survivor] Elie Wiesel in audience. Once again Netanyahu plays the holocaust card. don’t repeat mistakes of the past.”

In response, Alex Brummer, a well-known journalist himself and vice president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, condemned Bowen’s statement saying it was “beneath contempt,” the United Kingdom’s Daily Express reported. The UK-based campaign group, North West Friends of Israel, also slammed Bowen, saying on Twitter, “err-’Holocaust card’? The holocaust wasn’t a game, Jeremy. Maybe take a trip to Europe again to see how world treated Jews.”
Other critics labeled the veteran journalist a “slime bag” and calling his statement “deplorable,” the UK’s Daily Mail reported.
Defending himself, Bowen wrote on Twitter on Wednesday, “Suggestions I’m an anti-Semite, or a denier of the Holocaust, are untrue and offensive.”
Bowen’s articles have previously been criticized for running afoul of BBC guidelines, according to the Express. In 2009, an inquiry into one of his pieces for the BBC website found that a reference to “Zionism’s innate instinct to push out the frontier” breached guidelines. His coverage last year of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in the coastal enclave also had some asking if he was trying to persuade audiences that Hamas does not use human shields. Bowen was additionally accused of “clear bias” in 2013 for mourning  the death of Dr. Eyad Sarraj, a member of the anti-Israel Free Gaza Movement.

The controversy surrounding Bowen’s offending tweet comes just weeks after his BBC colleague, Tim Wilcox, was accused of antisemitism and faced calls for his resignation after he told a French woman that “Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.” His charge was made as he covered the mass rally in Paris following the deadly attacks on the headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and at the kosher Hyper Cacher supermarket. The woman, who was the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, told Wilcox she feared the resurgence of anti-Jewish persecution as seen in 1930s Europe.

La Seconde guerre mondiale organisée par les ploutocrates anglo-américains (I)

Valentin Katasonov
Valentin Katasonov
Par Valentin KATASONOV – Le 4 mai 2015 – Source strategic-culture
La guerre n’a pas été déclenchée par un Führer enragé qui se trouvait à diriger l’Allemagne à cette époque. La Seconde Guerre mondiale est l’œuvre d’une oligarchie mondiale, ou plus précisément des ploutocrates anglo-américains. 

Utilisant des instruments tels que la Réserve fédérale US et la Banque d’Angleterre, ils ont commencé à se préparer pour le prochain conflit d’ampleur mondiale immédiatement après la Première Guerre mondiale. Leur cible était l’URSS.

Les plans Dawes et Young, la création de la Banque des règlements internationaux (BRI), la suspension du paiement des réparations par l’Allemagne prévues par le Traité de Versailles et l’acquiescement des anciens alliés de la Russie à cette décision, les investissements étrangers massifs dans l’économie du Troisième Reich, la militarisation de l’économie allemande et les violations du Traité de Versailles sont autant de jalons sur le chemin conduisant à la guerre.
Derrière ce complot se tenaient des personnages-clefs : les Rockefeller, les Morgan, Lord Montagu Norman (gouverneur de la Banque d’Angleterre) et Hjalmar Schacht (président de la Reichsbank et ministre de l’Économie du gouvernement de Hitler). Le programme stratégique des Rockefeller et des Morgan était de subjuguer l’Europe économiquement, de saturer l’Allemagne d’investissements et de crédits étrangers, et de l’amener à délivrer un coup mortel à la Russie soviétique, afin que celle-ci revienne au capitalisme en tant que colonie.

Montagu Norman (1871-1950) a joué un rôle important d’intermédiaire dans le dialogue entre les milieux financiers américains et les chefs d’entreprise allemands. Hjalmar Schacht a organisé la reconstitution du secteur défense de l’économie allemande. L’opération menée par les ploutocrates était dissimulée par des politiciens tels que Franklin Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain et Winston Churchill. En Allemagne, ces projets étaient exécutés par Hitler et Hjalmar Schacht. Selon certains historiens, Hjalmar Schacht a joué un rôle plus important que Hitler. Seulement, il restait dans l’ombre.

À l’issue de la Première guerre mondiale, le Plan Dawes visait à compromettre la Triple Entente et à collecter les réparations de guerre auprès de l’Allemagne. Le Plan Dawes (proposé par le Comité Dawes, présidé par Charles G. Dawes) désignait une tentative faite en 1924 de résoudre le problème des réparations, qui avait miné la politique internationale après la Première guerre mondiale et le Traité de Versailles (la France, réticente, a perçu plus de 50 % du montant des réparations). Entre 1924 et 1929, l’Allemagne a reçu 2,5 milliards de dollars des États-Unis et 1,5 milliards de la Grande-Bretagne dans le cadre du Plan Dawes. Il s’agit de sommes considérables, qui correspondent à 1 trillion (mille milliards) de dollars d’aujourd’hui. Hjalmar Schacht a joué un rôle actif dans la mise en œuvre du Plan Dawes. En 1929, il a résumé les résultats en déclarant qu’en 5 ans, l’Allemagne avait reçu davantage de prêts étrangers que les États-Unis au cours des 40 années ayant précédé la Première guerre mondiale. En conséquence, en 1929, l’Allemagne était devenue la deuxième puissance industrielle mondiale, devant la Grande-Bretagne.

Dans les années 1930, l’Allemagne a continué de bénéficier d’investissements et de prêts. Rédigé en 1929 et adopté officiellement en 1930, le Plan Dawes désignait un programme visant à régler les dettes de guerre allemandes à l’issue de la Première guerre mondiale. Il a été présenté par le comité présidé (1929-30) par l’industriel américain Owen D. Young, fondateur et ex-premier président de Radio Corporation of America (RCA). À l’époque, Young siégeait également au conseil d’administration de la Fondation Rockefeller, et il avait en outre été l’un des représentants impliqués dans un dispositif de réaménagement des réparations de guerre, le Plan Dawes de 1924. Selon le plan, la Banque des Règlements Internationaux (BRI) a été créée en 1930 pour permettre à l’Allemagne de payer les réparations aux vainqueurs. En réalité, l’argent a pris une toute autre direction, à savoir qu’il est parti des États-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne pour arriver en Allemagne. Le capital de la majorité des sociétés allemandes ayant une importance stratégique était, intégralement ou partiellement, américain. Une partie était détenue par des investisseurs britanniques. Les secteurs du raffinage du pétrole et de la liquéfaction du charbon de l’économie allemande étaient dans les mains de Standard Oil (les Rockefeller). Le géant de l’industrie chimique Farbenindustrie AG est passé sous le contrôle du groupe Morgan. Quarante pourcent du réseau téléphonique et 30 % des actions de Focke Wulf étaient sous le contrôle de la société américaine ITT. La radio et les géants de l’industrie électrique AEG, Siemens et Osram sont passés sous le contrôle d’American General Electric. ITT et General Electric faisaient partie de l’empire de Morgan. Cent pourcent des actions Volkswagen appartenaient à l’Américain Ford. Au moment où Hitler a accédé au pouvoir, le capital financier US contrôlait quasiment tous les secteurs d’importance stratégique de l’industrie allemande : raffinage du pétrole, production de carburant de synthèse, chimie, construction automobile, aviation, ingénierie électrique, radio, ainsi qu’une grande partie de l’industrie de la construction mécanique (278 sociétés au total). Les grandes banques allemandes, telles que la Deutsche Bank, la Dresdner Bank, la Donat Bank et quelques autres, étaient sous contrôle US.

Le 30 janvier 1933, Hitler devenait chancelier d’Allemagne. Auparavant, sa candidature avait été étudiée à la loupe par les banquiers américains. Hjalmar Schacht s’est rendu aux États-Unis à l’automne 1930 pour parler de cette nomination avec des collègues américains. La désignation de Hitler a finalement été approuvée lors d’une réunion secrète de financiers aux États-Unis. Schacht a passé toute l’année 1932 à convaincre les banquiers allemands que Hitler était le meilleur candidat au poste. Il a atteint son objectif. À la mi-novembre 1932, 17 des plus grands banquiers et industriels allemands ont adressé une lettre au Président Hindenburg, dans laquelle ils exigeaient qu’il nomme Hitler chancelier. La dernière réunion de travail des financiers allemands avant l’élection s’est tenue le 4 janvier 1933 à Cologne, au domicile du banquier Kurt von Schröder. Ensuite, le parti national-socialiste est arrivé au pouvoir. Les relations financières et économiques de l’Allemagne avec les Anglo-saxons se sont alors resserrées d’un cran.

Hitler a immédiatement annoncé qu’il refusait de payer les réparations de guerre. Il a mis en doute la capacité de l’Angleterre et de la France à rembourser leurs propres dettes de la Première guerre mondiale aux États-Unis. Washington n’a émis aucune objection à l’annonce de Hitler. En mai 1933, Hjalmar Schacht s’est rendu une nouvelle fois aux États-Unis. Il y a rencontré le président Franklin Roosevelt et les grands banquiers en vue de demander une ligne de crédit de 1 milliard de dollars. En juin de la même année, Hjalmar Schacht s’est rendu à Londres pour s’entretenir avec Montagu Norman. Tout est passé comme une lettre à la poste. Les Britanniques ont consenti un prêt de 2 milliards de dollars. Ils n’ont soulevé aucune objection quant à la décision de l’Allemagne de suspendre le remboursement de sa dette.

Selon certains historiens, les Américains et les Britanniques étaient accommodants parce que, dès 1932, l’Union soviétique avait réalisé le plan quinquennal de développement économique en vue d’atteindre de nouveaux sommets en tant que puissance industrielle. Quelques milliers d’entreprises avaient vu le jour, en particulier dans l’industrie lourde. La dépendance de l’URSS à l’importation de produits industriels avait ainsi considérablement diminué. Les chances d’étrangler l’Union soviétique économiquement s’en trouvaient quasiment réduites à zéro. Il a alors été décidé de recourir à la guerre et de lancer la militarisation accélérée de l’Allemagne.
Pour celle-ci, l’obtention de crédits américains ne posait aucun problème. Hitler est arrivé au pouvoir dans son pays à peu près en même temps que Franklin Roosevelt aux États-Unis. Les banquiers qui ont soutenu Hitler en 1931 sont précisément ceux qui ont soutenu l’élection de Roosevelt. Une fois en poste, le nouveau président ne pouvait guère faire moins qu’accorder de généreux crédits à l’Allemagne. D’ailleurs, beaucoup on remarqué la grande similitude entre le New Deal de Roosevelt et la politique économique du Troisième Reich. Rien d’étonnant. Ce sont en effet les mêmes qui assuraient le sauvetage des deux gouvernements tout en les conseillant. Ils représentaient principalement les milieux financiers US.

Le New Deal de Roosevelt n’a pas tardé à capoter. En 1937, les États-Unis étaient embourbés dans la crise économique. En 1939, l’économie US tournait à 33 % de sa capacité industrielle (19 % au pires moments de la crise de 1929-1933).

Rexford G. Tugwell, un économiste du premier Brain Trust, équipe d’universitaires de l’Université de Columbia mise en place par Franklin Roosevelt et ayant contribué aux recommandations politiques qui ont conduit au New Deal de Roosevelt, écrivait qu’en 1939 le gouvernement avait échoué. La situation est restée figée jusqu’à l’invasion de la Pologne par Hitler. Seuls les puissants vents de la guerre pouvaient dissiper la brume. Quoi que Roosevelt puisse tenter, ses initiatives étaient condamnées à l’échec. (1) Seule une guerre mondiale pouvait sauver le capitalisme US. En 1939, les ploutocrates ont mis en œuvre tous les moyens à leur disposition pour faire pression sur Hitler et l’inciter à lancer une guerre à grande échelle à l’Est.

À Suivre…  deuxième partie

(1) P.Tugwell, The Democratic Roosevelt, A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York, 1957, p 477.
Traduit par Gilles Chertier, relu par jj pour le Saker Francophone.

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